Tri Palm Women’s Golf Club

General Membership Meeting February6th, 2018

Wally Tecklenburg, President, called the February General Meeting to order (CTO) at 1:18pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lana Reavis.

The minutes of the previous meeting on December6th, 2017 were posted in the Caddy Shack and on the website. Corrections were given from Carol Howell regarding if people wanted to play from the red tees only. Patricia Haakonson moved that the minutes be adopted as corrected. MickyGoodman seconded the motion. Motion Carried (MSC)

Reports of Officers:

Lana Reavis, 1st Vice President: No Report

Jani Blackman, Treasurer:

  • Financial report for December 2017 was reported by Jani. Beginning Balance. #9722.37 Income: $799 Expenses: $1,309.37 Ending balance: $9206.61
  • Financial report for January 2018 was reported by Jani. Beginning Balance. 9206.61. Income: $0. Expenses: $254.00 Ending balance: $8952.61
  • Dar Birklandmoved the Treasurer’s Report be adopted as presented. Lori Anne Quechuckseconded. Motion seconded carried (MSC).

Helen Adair, Membership & Handicap / Greens

  • 117 Members. Helen announced 2 new membersfrom last month Laurie McRae and CorinneScheldrup.
  • It was suggested we post new membercontact information on the website.
  • Go to SCGA website. Gives lots of handy tips on the site.
  • Greens…. Juan is lacking in staff. Would like to see the course closed until 10 Am on one day a week. Suggested Monday morning. Discussion ensued... Some ladies were in favor of Tuesday 10AM start, but many others were not in favor. Vote, about 2/3s wanted it left alone, 1/3 change.

Guest, Juan Martinez- Golf Course Superintendent

  • Juan. 20 new trees, 25 downed trees. Sand trap problems. Don’t have correct equipment to make the sand trips ideal. So, doing the best they can. Rototill 5 to 6 bunkers every Thursday morning. He is trying to address the worst bunkers, making them better. Lake on No 8 on par 3 will fill in quite a bit of it. May make it into a tee box for No 7. No 15 fairway, will start bring in soil to fix the water pond. 13 and 3 will level 13 and 3. People are complaining about divots on tee box. Please Fill Divots…. Desert Areas, Trying to get weeds to not come thru. Using Chemicals at this point in time.
  • Can they work backwards thru the course when spraying? Ant bait for hole no 11. Will be taking care of tomorrow. Lakes weren’t done correctly with any liners. Hard to fix. Waste of water.

Suzanne Scott, Tournament Chair -.

  • Suzanne introduced Cathie McLaren as co-chair and asked the members to communicate via email. The contact email is This includes all things like late sign ups to play, cancellations, questions on pairing, results – anything to do with Tuesday play. Please do not phone or come to the door.
  • Congratulations to Gold players. Susanne had to move 11 players to off the gold tees. Their handicap was under 30.
  • Last Tuesday was different. Could choose which every. 25 combos, 24 red, 18 gold. Liked that format. If that stipulation, for next year, must play from those tees all season. Will vote next meeting.
  • Canceled Presidents cup due to rain. Last years, was a partner match play. About half don’t care about president’s cup. Most don’t care if it is single or pairs Presidents Cup.
  • Club Championship and Crooked Putter Tournament for 2018. Changed to Feb 27 and March 6.
  • Pin and Medal next week. No guests next week.

Linda Van Winkle - Hospitality Committee -

  • Feb 20th for next Fun Day Tournament. Sign up in Caddy Shack and make sure to check the columns for golf and the second for lunch. Cost is $15 dollars for lunch. Lunch is optional but we must have a head count a week ahead. Margarita Day.

Heather Marchildon, Rules–Heather passed out some rules information. Hazard stakes, red and yellow, are movable. If you are ON the OB line, you are not OB. If on the red or yellow line, you are in a hazard. OB stakes are not movable and is a 2 stroke penalty if you do move them.

Reports of Volunteers:

Karen Bennett, Sunshine – Not present

  • It was noted from the floor, Sylvia Arbor sick, Fran Macomber had knee replacement. BJ had surgery , Bernice Alger lost her son. Susan Johnson’s mother passed away. Judy Jensen passed away on Sunday.

Micki Goodman, Desert League – Nothing to report

  • The January tournament was canceled due to rain. Feb 13th and March 13th tournaments coming up. One in April at some time.

President’s Report - Wally Tecklenburg-

  • SCGA – refunding over $6000 to our club. We are paying the 2018 SCGA $36 dues out of the funds. The remaining rebate will be used to help in fees for 2019 for members in good standing.

Old Business:

  • No old business

New Business:

  • Cathie McLaren – is heading the Nomination Committee for the upcoming election. Darlene Birkland and Lori-Ann Quechuck have volunteered to assist Cathie to identify nominees to stand for open positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and rules. Wally adjourned the meeting at 2:17pm,

Respectfully submitted, Dar Wagner