Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 – 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Location: Poirier Library – NancyBennettRoom


Aida AlvesEffie Garcia

Stacy AshtonSilvana Harwood

Masumeh BakhshianLisa Kwan

Bruce BirdPat Mcblane

Cathy BurpeeHelga Ovington

Kay FraserKaren Tyrell

Bruce Hansen

Peggy Hendrickson

Sandra Hochstein

Gina Hortelano

Thor Larson

King Lum

Mike Oakley

John Perry

Carolyn Sherrell

Bill Summersgill

Suzanne Tempel

Sue Uremovich

Linda Western (acting chair)

Judy Jackson

Priority Topic

Transportation for Seniors - Services in the Tri-Cities

Introductions of Committee and Panel Members were made.

Linda thanked the members of the Panel for agreeing to speak to the Committee. She reminded everyone that Transportation is priority 3 on the list established April. Priority 2, has been deferred until we have gathered enough information on other priorities to properly assess services.

Panel Discussion:

Bruce Hansen, President of Wilson Centre for Seniors Advisory Board (volunteer)

John Perry, Translink Advisory Council (volunteer)

Mike Oakley, Owner/Operator, Home James

Bruce Bird, CARP

Linda created the following diagram to help illustrate that there are four types or categories of transportation that need to be discussed. She then turned the discussion over to the Panel.

Bruce Hansen spoke first:

  • Wilson Centre started thinking about the need for a transportation program three years ago
  • Discouraged by huge expenses, liability issues/insurance, and logistics it was determined this type of a project would be beyond their means and the idea is currently on the back burner
  • Bruce attended a Translink conference about three weeks ago in Burnaby where they discussed issues re transit for seniors and persons with a disability
  • It is clear that there is a lack of timely, accessible and affordable transportation
  • HandiDart is not timely – works best for regularly scheduled appointments
  • Taxi Savers is a good program and provides a larger extent of services; however, there is currently a limit of $100/mo./client
  • Good program but needs more dollars to expand
  • Bruce commented on the Better at Homes project supported by the Provincial Government
  • He feels this project is the Provincial Government offloading responsibilities to not-for-profits and volunteers
  • The program is significantly under funded; and with their priority areas of development, there is no money left to help with transportation issues
  • There are 60 locations for Better at Homes each receiving a budget of $100,000 per area. The Tri-Cities (3 cities and 2 villages) is considered one area!! So we only receive the $100,000 to cover FIVE communities!
  • The Provincial Government needs to be held accountable
  • Bruce indicated that ICBC has been interested in funding services for transportation of Seniors. Maybe there is a partnership opportunity with an organization like ICBC to do this.

John Perry is a volunteer on the Translink Advisory Board for Seniors

  • Translink has a 30 year plan for the NE sector of the Tri Cities
  • They have been trying to consult with the public with volunteers and advisory groups to discuss community impact
  • They have had 580 responses to their survey (we sent you the link to that earlier in June)
  • John suggested ‘Google’ing Translink Listens, where they have a on-line panel and it gives people an opportunity to have ongoing input
  • Translink should be having some open houses in the Tri Cities area; John will forward the information to us when received
  • The more seniors participate, the more likely they are to get attention from Translink and the government
  • There are many geographic challenges in the Tri Cities area
  • It is understood that there will likely be a referendum on how to increase funding for Translink through the public – this would also be an opportunity for people to participate and vote
  • People from out of the area voting for Lower Mainland issues is not necessarily a good indicator

Mike Oakley

  • Has owned and operated ‘Home James’ driving service for three years
  • There are 31,000 persons between the ages of 65-85 in the Tri Cities
  • 40% of people 65+ have some mobility issues
  • They have been receiving calls from other health care groups for transportation assistance
  • Obstacles in the Tri Cities
  • Seniors are not aware of the services
  • Cost is a huge barrier for many
  • Scheduling is a big issue – easier to deal with a private company than with HandiDart
  • The transition from driving to not driving is very difficult for most seniors
  • Language is often a barrier; there are 50-60 different languages in the Tri Cities area
  • Solutions
  • Seniors Services Society in New West has a fleet of volunteer drivers
  • Liability is huge
  • Need appropriate vehicles and need to be reliable
  • Need to have first aid training and the physical capacity to lift clients in and out of vehicles
  • Volunteers should be provided with gas money
  • Community minded business like VanCity, ICBC, Save On, Great Canadian Casinos, Thrifty’s could be approached for sponsorship of a transportation program
  • Assemble ambassadors to approach potential sponsors
  • Need to increase awareness of what options are available
  • Expanding the Taxi (fare) Saver program
  • Translink needs to educate seniors about the transit system
  • Age-Friendly Communities Program

Bruce Bird, CARP

  • They recently invited ICBC to attend a meeting and discuss safe driving for seniors (didn’t book a large enough venue!)
  • Need to spend some time ‘demystifying’ the re-exam
  • At 80, you are asked for a medical examination
  • DMV will decide if you can keep your license; usually you need to take a written and/or driving test (the written exam is done on the computer and can be very challenging for some seniors)

What’s next? – How do we do something?


  • There should be more opportunities for people to learn; many individuals don’t even know how to use a bus
  • Need to hear from Translink ‘officially’ (address our Committee?)
  • Need to better educate the general public of the transit needs of seniors and persons with disabilities
  • Can we try to incorporate Taxi Savers to include private services
  • Talk to Senior Services Society (NWest) and see what they are doing
  • Perhaps place an ad for volunteer drivers in the local papers to explore the level of interest
  • Put more pressure of MP’s, MLA’s, ICBC, Translink, Hydro – ask what they can do
  • Paola is in the position as Better at Homes Coordinator with Share
  • Their team is very encouraged that it will make a difference
  • Volunteers are compensated $.50/km
  • Have had good success in finding volunteer drivers
  • Liability is not a big concern; ICBC does not consider ‘volunteer driving’ as ‘business’; need to have $2million personal liability (which is fairly standard)
  • Stacy pointed out that they are slowly starting to see some of the gaps closing
  • There is a ‘low wellness’ to ‘high wellness’ continuum for those needing assistance; biggest concern is with everyone in the middle
  • Better at Homes currently only does transportation to and from doctors appointments
  • It was suggested that there be ‘age friendly’ bus trips to teach people how to use the transit system
  • Start advocating for Better at Homes program to continue beyond three years, with increased funding
  • Collect success stories to reflect back on when advocating
  • Need to emphasize public value


Keep exploring more options.

Support the work others are doing.

Think and bring ideas to the next meeting.

Business Meeting

Review of Agenda

  • Linda made some minor adjustments to the agenda
  • Carolyn moved to pass; Massi seconded; motion carried.

Review of Minutes May 28, 2013

  • King moved to accept with no changes; Bruce B. seconded; motion carried

Business Arising from Last Meeting

Survey Monkey

  • Will be sending out to organizations, city and government representative of this Committee in the next couple of days.
  • Hope to have information compiled for August meeting

Seniors Guide

  • 12,000 copies will be distributed
  • Want to get the guides in to the hands of the homeless and low income persons
  • Anyone wanting copies contact Cathy Burpee
  • The Committee will distribute these at the Canada Day celebration at LaFargeLake; Linda to connect with Cathy to pick up the guides
  • Have been distributing to pharmacies, medical supply offices, churches, etc.

Canada Day Booth

  • CVC and the Tri Cities Seniors Planning Network will share a booth at Canada Day, LaFargeLake
  • Suggested to have some face painting as a draw
  • Massi offered to do a basket for a prize draw
  • Create an interactive board for transportation issue stories
  • Carolyn Sherrell, King Lum, Linda Western, Sandra Hochstein, Stacy Ashton and Peggy Hendrickson indicated they could volunteer in the booth. Linda to be in contact with everyone to coordinate times. If anyone else is interested, please contact Linda.

Better at Homes

  • Started on April 1, 2013
  • The focus is on seven or so different services
  • Tri Cities focus will be on housekeeping, grocery shopping and transportation
  • Share is the lead agency working with CVS
  • Better at Homes team includes: Paola as program coordinator, Thor as the community development worker and Gina supervises this along with other programs
  • Delivery of services – Paola is responsible for intake, volunteer coordination, systems and community outreach; Thor is responsible for connecting seniors and potential volunteers and establishing an advisory group
  • Thor made a motion to have someone from this Committee join the advisory group; King seconded
  • There will be an info session in three to four weeks
  • Advisory group will begin to develop a Terms of Reference
  • Linda asked if anyone wanted to volunteer for this committee
  • Carolyn Sherrell volunteered
  • Motion on have Carolyn Sherrell as our representative on the Better at Homes Advisory Committee was carried
  • Bruce Hansen expressed an interest in being involved; Thor will contact Bruce through CVSS

Next Steps for Housing

  • Massi had a recent experience in not being able to find any ‘emergency’ housing or support for an individual
  • Need more communication with housing providers
  • Shelter will be opening next year
  • Linda to talk with SSS re emergency housing program
  • Massi is willing to chair a sub-committee to discuss housing; Linda and Massi to discuss further

New Business

  • Linda discussed the New Horizons Grant
  • Deadline for application is July 5th
  • Has to be a new program for 2014
  • Need ‘new’ ideas
  • More information will be (has been) sent to Committee members
  • Some suggestions included:
  • Purchasing laptop/projector
  • Provide a series of workshops
  • Create a video with people stories/seniors’ points of view, which we can collect through the year (***this seemed to be the most popular option)
  • The grant is for programs that:
  • Promote volunteerism
  • Engage seniors in the community through mentoring of others
  • Expand awareness of elder abuse, including financial
  • Support the social participation and inclusion of seniors
  • (or the grant can provide) Capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors


  • Mike Oakley noted that the Healthy Aging Fair at Lougheed Mall was very successful; providing lots of information and entertainment
  • Hope to continue on an annual basis
  • (Aida) Invitation to be (has been) sent to everyone regarding the Senior Volunteer Service Award, July 15, EagleRidgeHospital
  • (Thor) A garden plot has been established in Port Moody; trying to connect with seniors who like to garden
  • (Sue U) The CVSS Garage Sale was a great success last weekend; about $4,500 was raised
  • (Gina) Seniors groups are meeting regularly at Poirier Community Centre, Friendship Manor and Mountain View Family Resource Centre (for more information, contact Gina at

Meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 16, 1 to 3 pm – Poirier Library, NancyBennettRoom.