
Mr. A. Griffith (Chairman), Mr. R. Collins, Mr. W. Moran, Mr. W. Kirkby, Mr. M. Davies, Mrs. A. Maguire, Mr. L. Rees, Mr. R. Salvador, Mrs. S. Jones. P.C.S.O. Jones, Mr. M. Musgrave and Mr. M. Jones were present for part of the meeting.

1.  Apologies for Absence

01/15/01 Mr. D. Dudley. Mr. Rees apologised for missing a number of meetings recently and stated that he was no longer moving away from Trefnant and would remain on the Council. The Chairman stated that he was pleased to hear that Mr. Rees was staying on the Council.

2.  Presentation by Llannerch Water Treatment Works

01/15/02 No representative was present at the Council meeting.

3.  Discussion with Highways representatives

01/15/03 Mr. Mark Musgrave and Mr. Mike Jones were welcomed to the meeting. A number of issues were raised and discussed as follows: (H) = Highways (C) = Community Council

01/15/04 Pen Cae Ddu Crossroads (11/14/12)

(H) The accident database is provided to Highways by the police on a monthly basis. There have been 2 fatalities at the crossroads, November 2014 and in 1996.

In 2003 large signs were put in place and a stagger put on the Henllan side of the junction. After this accidents of the ‘non-stopping’ type reduced.

In 2011 the speed indicator sign was put in place. This activates at 56m.p.h. Since this has been in place the recent fatality was the only police reported accident at the site. Highways are not informed of accidents which don’t get reported to the police and can only use the data they receive.

A site investigation was carried out following the fatal accident to see if any Highways issues contributed to the cause but early indications are that the driver failed to see the cyclist.

A covert video survey was carried out at the site for 3 days and there wasn’t anything on it to show that drivers weren’t stopping at the signs.

Denbighshire only has a £50,000 annual budget for traffic safety. They can bid for additional funding from the Welsh Government on an all Wales basis. An annual search is carried out to rank sites in the County to establish a list of routes where a high number of accidents occur. A cost benefit analysis is drawn up for a scheme to improve the sites. (C)- Mr. Collins asked where Pen Cae Ddu crossroads ranked on the list. (H) - A ranking survey has not been carried out since the accident but the site was not on list last year. If it is not in the Denbighshire top 10 sites then it is unlikely to succeed against an all Wales list.

Suggested improvements at the site:

-  A Roundabout – (C) The Chairman stated that this has been suggested by the Community Council in the past but were told by Highways that the landowners would not agree but that this was not the case. (H) - A roundabout would not necessarily stop the type of accident which resulted in the fatality as they are not cyclist friendly. The site would not be safe for a full roundabout. This would cost in excess of £300k.

-  Traffic Lights – (H) This is a possibility but would cost in excess of £150k and County would need to bid for a Welsh Government grant. It would also have an annual revenue cost to the County.

(C) – The Chairman stated that a proper record needs to be kept of all accidents at the site. The road is declassified and cars do travel too fast. It is terrifying for people living on the road trying to exit their homes. There seems to be a reluctance to reduce the speed limits. Why? (H) – Highways have all Wales national guidelines which they have to operate under. Financial considerations have to be taken into account and work prioritised. (C) – What if the Community Council were willing to fund new speed signs? (H) – Speed limits need to suit the character of the road and so some drivers would ignore it. (C) – Go Safe speed cameras should act as a deterrent. (H) – When lower speed limits are introduced Go Safe have guidelines to adhere to. (C) – Mr. Rees asked what the cost of a permanent speed camera was. (H) – approx £60k but there are all Wales guidelines regarding the locating of such cameras. (C) – Mr Kirkby asked what the cost would be to reduce the speed limit. (H) – approx £10 for signage. All A and B roads have been reviewed and guidance will be applied to some unclassified roads in the County. It all comes down to funding. (C) – Mr. Davies asked if it would make a difference if the road was reclassified. (H) – The class of the road does not matter when the ranking list is done.

Action: The Community Council requested a lower speed limit on the stretch of road which covers the Pen Cae Ddu crossroads. They also requested that Highways let them know what the cost would be for doing this and where the route fits into the next ranking list. Mr. Collins asked that Highways also look at the possibility of rumble strips at all junctions to the crossroads.

01/15/05 60m.p.h. speed limit (11/14/03)

(C) – The stretch of road between the 40m.p.h limit and the 30 m.p.h. sign in the village centre does not warrant a 60m.p.h. limit. (H) - This section of road was looked at as part of the County wide review of A and B roads. Highways were not averse to dropping the limit and would consider the Community Councils proposal. (C) – Mr. Moran stated that the limit should be 30 m.p.h. all the way from the Tweedmill to the village as crossing the road and exiting the Nant-y-Patrick/Clwydian Park Estates is very difficult. Mr. Kirkby agreed. A survey has also been recently carried out by Chris Ruane M.P. (H) – A 40 m.p.h. limit would fit better into the guidance. A recent speed survey showed an average speed of 37m.p.h. outside the estate. There is a new structure in Highways and the staff would like to work more closely with Community Councils.

Action: The Community Council requested the 60m.p.h. limit be changed to 40m.p.h.

01/15/06 Traffic Lights in village centre (11/14/06)

Peter Lea had contacted the Clerk in November and stated that the lights had been adjusted to allow a little more time from the Henllan direction. (C) - Members noted that the situation was still bad. (H) – Agreed to check that the lights had been adjusted.

01/15/07 Double Yellow lines on Henllan Road

(C) – Mr. Moran stated that the yellow lines should be extended by a couple of meters up both sides of the road as parked cars are causing problems with vehicles coming round the corner at the traffic lights. (H) – Will look into the matter.

01/15/08 AA box corner (11/14/25)

Mr. Davies asked that Highways copy him in to any correspondence received regarding complaints about crossing the road at this site.

01/15/09 Maes Gruffydd Hedge

(C) – The Community Council has received correspondence from Mr. A. Davies regarding the overgrown hedge at the entrance to Maes Gruffydd Estate. It is causing a blind spot on the road to the right and an accident has occurred. He informed Denbighshire C.C. 8 months ago but they only asked the owner to trim the hedge and this has not improved visibility. The hedge needs to be cut back to the original fence line. Denbighshire C.C. have said that they will review the hedge but it needs to be sorted quickly. He has started a petition.

(H) – Agreed to contact John Chapman and ask what the current position was regarding the hedge.

01/15/10 The Chairman thanked Mr. Musgrave and Mr. Jones for attending the Community Council meeting to discuss Highways concerns.

4.  Declarations of Interest


5.  Minutes of last meeting

01/15/11 Mr. Dudley had informed the Clerk that Minute 11/14/14 should have included his question to Mr. Davies about the disposal of unwanted green bins.

It was proposed by Mr. Moran and seconded by Mrs. Jones that with the above amendment the minutes of the last meeting held on 19th November 2014 be accepted as a correct record.

6.  Matters Arising

Some matters arising have been dealt with in Agenda item 3.

01/15/12 Bus Shelter Bench (11/14/02)

Further complaints have been received that the bus stop sign is blocking the view of buses approaching. Action: Clerk to remind Mr. Evans about moving the bench.

01/15/13 Overgrown Hedge (11/14/04)

The hedge has now been cut by Highways.

01/15/14 Pen Cae Ddu Crossroads (11/14/10)

The Clerk has received a letter from Henllan Community Council regarding their correspondence with Denbighshire C. C. following the fatal accident at Pen Cae Ddu crossroads. This matter has already been discussed (Min 01/15/04).

01/15/15 Green bin service (11/14/14)

Mr. Davies stated that there has been a very good take up of the payment service for collection of green bin waste. The County have decided not to collect unwanted green bins yet in case more people change their minds and take up the service once collection resumes in the Spring.

01/15/16 Newsletter donation (11/14/21)

A thank you letter has been received from the Village Hall Committee regarding the donation for 2 editions of the village newsletter.

01/15/17 Police Report (11/14/08)

P.C.S.O. Jones stated that every point the Council had made during the earlier discussions with Highways was valid. The speed limits do need reducing.

There has been a theft from a van in Maes Gruffydd but he does not think that this is a wider Community problem. There has also been a fight in the village between neighbours.

There have been ongoing issues in The Square with the post office having super glue put in their lock.

He asked that the Community keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour from youths going to certain addresses at odd times and report it to him.

Mr. Davies stated that he had noticed a lot of cars had been going into the hedges on the Lower Denbigh Road. P.C.S.O. Jones stated that they had received a lot of calls about sheep and deer on that road.

Mr. Salavador asked why there was less ‘stop and search’. P.C.S.O. Jones stated that there are strict guidelines that the police have to adhere to and have to have a reasonably strong belief that someone is involved in criminality before stopping and searching them. Mr. Griffith stated that it was a good thing that crime was low in Trefnant at present.

P.C.S.O. Jones was thanked for attending the meeting.

7.  Correspondence received

01/15/18 Denbighshire C. C. has sent a letter regarding a request from a resident of Clwydian Park Crescent to change the official name of their street to Cilgwyn Parc Clwydian/Clwydian Park Crescent. They had consulted all residents on the street and received 19 responses, 10 in favour and 9 against. The letter asked whether the Community Council would be willing or not to meet the cost of £657 for re-signing and an administration fee of £40.

Mr. Davies stated that the County Council cannot force the Community Council to pay the cost.

Action: After some discussion it was decided that, due to the cost and the small number of Community residents that were in favour of the proposal, the Community Council were not prepared to fund the cost of a new sign.

01/15/19 All other correspondence was filed without further comment.

8.  Planning Matters

01/15/20 Appl. 30/2014/1351

Alterations to existing dwelling and attached buildings @ Greenfield Cottage, Trefnant.

This application had been received during the December recess and the Clerk had e mailed Members the details. Mr. A. Griffith had declared an interest in this application and did not take part in any correspondence regarding it. No observations were put forward for the Clerk to submit.

01/15/21 Appl. 30/2014/1438

Change of use and alterations to barn to form an office @ Ty Coch, Trefnant. Action: No observations made.

9.  Finance

01/15/22 Balances

Current a/c £1,919.25

Deposit a/c £ 695.53

01/15/23 Income

Precept instalment £1,556.00

01/15/24 Payments due

Clerks salary (Jan)100746 £202.48 Sect.112 LGA1972

Admin (Sep-Jan) 100747 £11.63 Sect.111 LGA 1972

Action: Payments approved.

01/15/25 2015-16Budget /2015-16 Precept

The limit for Section 137 payments for 2015-16 is £7.36 per elector (£4,909).

The Clerk had distributed a Draft Budget to Members prior to the meeting with a number of possible options regarding donations. It has already been decided earlier in the meeting not to fund the bilingual road sign.

It was agreed to include a donation of £100 to the Trefnant W. I. for their centenary celebrations.

The Village Hall Committee had requested an increase in the donation towards the grass cutting of the playing field. It was agreed to increase the donation to £300.

The Village Hall Committee are hoping to start work on Memorial Gardens soon and requested a donation. After some discussion it was agreed to put £350 into the budget to give as a donation to the project if it goes ahead.

Mr. Collins proposed that the Precept be kept the same as last year £4,668. This would lead to a total budget of £6,258. The contingency element would be increased to £1,043. The proposal was agreed by all present and the budget for 2015/16 was set at £6,258.

01/15/26 After taking into consideration the 2015/16 budget, the current balances and any expenditure expected before the financial year end it was proposed by Mr. Collins and agreed by all present that the 2015/16 Precept be set at £4,668.

10. Any Other Business

01/15/27 Mr. Salavador asked whether parenting classes were held in local schools. Mr. Davies agreed to take the matter up with the County Council as it was not a matter for the Community Council.

11. Date of next meeting

18th February 2015 at 7.30p.m. in Trefnant Bowling Club.

Meeting closed at 9.10p.m.