Eagles Mere Borough

May 5, 2014

Public Issues & Comments:

Minutes: previous monthly meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: written reports were sent with agendas.

Receipts: Prior Year 2013- RE $936.91, FT $163.60

To date:Apr Real Estate-$ 30440.15, Fire Tax-$4516.93

Realty Transfer Tax: March-Jenkins to Westphal-$784.00

Open Records Officer:No O.R. forms received.

Street Superintendent Report:

Zoning & Ordinance Officer report:Shawn Antram called to state he does not own the property adjacent to the sidewalks that he was asked to repair or replace. He was advised by the borough secretary to provide a copy of his deed and current survey map to verify this statement.

Lewis Ave- Trees to be removed by the property owners were checked and all were dead or needed to come down.

Laporte Ave-vehicle parked along the street is registered and inspected. Toys and lawn furniture were scattered about the yard, but no violations were observed. Complainant was notified via email of the outcome.

Sullivan Ave- abandoned vehicle was removed before the PSP could be contacted.

M. Casey notified that the variance granted last summer to allow a large shed on her property has expired and she will have to have it reinstated before completing the project.

Continued Business:

1. Emergency Planning:

  1. Hazardous Mitigation Plan- S.C. Emergency Serviceshasn’t completed anything to date as per Wendy Hastings last communication.
  2. Ad Hoc Committee- working on outline of emergency procedures for Council to follow need to schedule meeting.
  3. Swift Reach – further testing and scripting for the outgoing messages needs to be done.
  4. Museum:
  5. Valuation of the Museum’s artifacts. Need the list of what was appraised for the insurance provider and borough office files.(photo copies are okay).
  6. BookKeeping- Februaryand March entries were done by the new bookkeeper.
  1. New cleaning service- called a couple of possibilities, have one interested, waiting for insurance verification.
  1. W/C for the Fire Company Cost Sharing -letter was approved and sent to Shrewsbury Twp regarding sharing costs of W/C for the fire company. No reply to date, they haven’t had a meeting.
  1. 4th of July Parade applications- Have not received the insurance certification for Borough as yet.
  1. New outbuilding at Borough Garage- has been ordered.
  1. Bonnie Smith Blair- adding acreage to Marcia Smith Lot to comply with current zoning. Approved last month, new map received and DEP paperwork will be signed when received.
  1. 2013 Tax receipt shortage- suggest Finance Committee request Tax Collector books for review.

Pending Issues:

  1. Petition to mandate permits for vertical construction and drilling- on hold pending determination of Act 13.
  2. PEMA- Ordinance amendments to limit drilling- on hold for determination regarding Act 13.

New Business:

  1. Request quotes for spring cleanup June 20-22. NTSWA and L. Fitzgerald, ?.
  1. Chamber Choice renewal for electric rates is due by May 9,2014 to lock in the new rates. Current estimate is 8.21kwh, which is reasonable. The old rate was 7.4kwh
  1. Ms. Loftus noted from PSAB conference,EMHVI needs to request for w/c.

Mayor’s Report:


Infrastructure Committee:

  • Water drainage issues- J. Stauffer, S. Funk & F. Shoemaker on Allegheny Ave to be addressed before paving next year.
  • Leaf collection & Disposal resolution.
  • Sign replacement- new amendments from Pendot sent via email to J.M. & committee.
  • Allowing dumpsters for businesses.




Website:meeting to assess what has been completed to date-

Points of Interest

Election Petitions for Judge of Election, Minority and Majority Inspectors have been processed and all have been appointed. Courthouse to verify.

Code Inspections- document reduction request was answered they could dispose of the files from 2004-2008.

Survey filled out and returned to Pendot regarding their services to the borough.

Audit has been advertised.

Filed Unconventional Gas Well usage report to PUC- 4/8/14

Ms. Loftus brought back several handouts from the PSAB Conference. DEP Handbook, Sunshine Act Review, Unemployment Cost Management-Equifax, 2014 Legislative Update.Anyone wishing to review see the secretary

Workshops& Information -

PSAB legislative agenda

DCED Basic training for secretaries and administrators.