Treasurer’s Report

Business Meeting

NAAL January 7, 2017

  1. You have before you the financial comparisons for FY16 and FY17. A few points about it
  2. We succeeded in our goal of having a surplus ($11,305.95) for the year to replenish our reserves continuing the trend from the previous year
  1. In the summer of 2017, at my request, Glenn Byer, a previous treasurer of NAAL, again did a review of the books. I am very grateful to him for his thorough job of looking at things and preparing a report for the AC at its August meeting. Overall he found that the books were accurate and in excellent shape.Among his specific recommendations were
  2. that we work hard to encourage new memberships
  3. that members encourage their own institutions to subscribe to Proceedings if they do not already
  4. that we continue to monitor all meeting costs especially AV expenses
  1. One area of focus for the AC this year has been increasing the number of sponsorships that we have. Don LaSalle was appointed as the Sponsorship Coordinator and we are pleased to announce that we have received $14,250 in sponsorship for this meeting. These sponsorships are a major help for us and we encourage all members to talk with Don about ways to help in these efforts.
  2. According to Canadian practices, we can file for a rebate on the taxes paid for hotel rooms at a 100% rate and for food and beverages at a 50% rate. So after the hotel bill has been settled in late January, I will be filing the appropriate forms. I did a trial run after our AC meeting in August and it was successful.
  3. Thank you to the membership for responding when we sent out the notice on hotel reservations. Hotel contracts for our meetings are heavily based on two factors: meeting a minimum number of nights of room reservations and meeting a minimum food and beverage number. We are not charged directly for the actual meeting spaces we use because of fulfilling the previous two factors. That’s why it is so important that people stay at the meeting hotel whenever possible.
  4. It has been a pleasure serving with the Academy Committee all of whom have helped me in this job! I am happy to answer any questions.