Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading – Informational Text
Reading – Literature / Category:
Key Ideas and Details
Anchor Standard:
Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences form it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
RI.4.1 & RL.4.1 – Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can connect details and examples from more than one text to make inferences.
/ I can use details and examples from what I have read to explain the text.
I can use details and examples from the text to infer what the author means but does not say word for word.
2.0 / I can identify important details and examples in a text.
I can connect my background knowledge to a text.
I can understand what the author means but does not write word for word.
1.0 / I can define:
§ detail
§ example
§ infer/inference
I can recognize, from a list, details from the text.
I can recognize, from a list, examples from the text to answer questions about what I have read.
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ detail
§ example
§ infer/inference
I cannot yet recognize, from a list, details from the text.
I cannot yet recognize, from a list, examples from the text to answer questions about what I have read.
ELA.RI.4.1 & RL.4.1 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading – Literature / Category:
Key Ideas and Details
Anchor Standard:
Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and idea.
RL.4.2 – Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can extend the theme to a real life situation.
I can compare and contrast themes from different texts.
/ I can use details to determine the theme of a story, drama, or poem.
I can summarize the text.
2.0 / I can select the theme of a story, drama, or poem, when given a list of possible themes.
I can retell a story, drama, or poem in my own words.
1.0 / I can define:
§ theme
§ summary
I can list details of a text.
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ theme
§ summary
I cannot yet list details of a text.
ELA.RL.4.2 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading – Literature / Category:
Key Ideas and Details
Anchor Standard:
Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
RL.4.3 – Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions). / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can compare and contrast specific details about character, setting, or events in more than one text.
/ I can use specific details from a text to describe a character, setting, or events in a story or drama.
2.0 / I can locate sections of a text where characters, setting, or events are described.
I can identify character, setting, or events in a story or drama.
1.0 / I can define:
§ character
§ setting
§ events
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ character
§ setting
§ events
ELA.RL.4.3 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading - Literature / Category:
Craft and Structure
Anchor Standard:
Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
RL.4.4 –Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean). / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can explain why the author chose to use a particular word to shape the meaning or tone of a text.
/ I can determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text using a variety of strategies (e.g., context clues, root words, affixes).
I can determine the meaning of words or phrases in a text that allude (refer) to characters found in mythology.
2.0 / I can identify the meaning of a word or phrase from a provided list.
I can recognize when words or phrases in a text allude (refer) to characters found in mythology.
1.0 / I can define:
§ mythology
§ allude
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ mythology
§ allude
ELA.RL.4.4 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading - Literature / Category:
Craft and Structure
Anchor Standard:
Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.
RL.4.5 – Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can analyze why an author chose a particular text structure to convey meaning.
I can describe how a text structure affects the interpretation of a text.
/ I can explain the major differences between poems, drama and prose.
I can refer to the structural elements of a poem or drama when explaining their differences.
2.0 / I can classify texts as a poem, drama, or prose.
I can recognize the structural elements of poems, drama and prose.
1.0 / I can define:
§ poem
§ drama
§ prose
§ structural element
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ poem
§ drama
§ prose
§ structural element
ELA.RL.4.5 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading - Literature / Category:
Craft and Structure
Anchor Standard:
Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
RL.4.6 – Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can alter a first person point of view and to a third person point of view or vice versa.
I can explain how the point of view of a story influences the meaning of the story.
/ I can compare the point of view (first and third person) in different stories.
I can contrast the point of view (first and third person) in different stories.
2.0 / I can compare or contrast the point of view from different stories.
I can identify the point of view of a story as first or third person.
1.0 / I can define:
§ first person
§ third person
§ point of view
§ compare
§ contrast
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ first person
§ third person
§ point of view
§ compare
§ contrast
ELA.RL.4.6 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading - Literature / Category:
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Anchor Standard:
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
RL.4.7 – Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can compare and contrast the text of a story or a drama with a visual or oral presentation of the same story.
I can analyze more than one visual or oral presentation of a text and determine which best represents the text.
/ I can make connections between a text of a story or a drama and a visual or oral presentation.
I can identify where a text gives specific descriptions and directions that a visual or oral presentation uses.
2.0 / I can recognize when a visual or oral presentation is based on a text.
1.0 / I can define:
§ visual presentation
§ oral presentation
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ visual presentation
§ oral presentation
ELA.RL.4.7 3.31.2015
Materials created by:
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
Traverse City, Michigan, 49684
Instructional Services Department, 231-922-6349
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading - Literature / Category:
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Anchor Standard:
Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
RL.4.9 – Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can develop a logical argument explaining why texts from different cultures approach the same theme, topic, or pattern of events differently.
/ I can compare how stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures treat the same theme, topic, or pattern of events.
I can contrast how stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures treat the same theme, topic, or pattern of events.
2.0 / I can identify similar themes, topics or patterns of events found in stories, myths and traditional literature from different cultures.
1.0 / I can define:
§ compare
§ contrast
§ theme
§ myth
§ traditional literature
§ culture
0.0 / I cannot yet define:
§ compare
§ contrast
§ theme
§ myth
§ traditional literature
§ culture
ELA Scale
Information for the Teacher
Grade Level:4 / Strand:
Reading Informational/Literature / Category:
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Anchor Standard:
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
RL.4.10 – By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band (Lexile 640-850) proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
RI.4.10 – By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band (Lexile 640-850) proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. / DOK:
Curriculum Name
Unit #: Type Name of Unit Here
This standard was easier to describe quantitatively but it also reflects the student’s ability to use information that he/she hears (e.g, music, radio, spoken etc.) and sees. It was difficult to include all of the aspects (oral and visual) of this standard at scores 2 and 1 on the scale. This would be captured in the assessments and activities that teachers use to assess. Specific example: M-STEP includes a listening comprehension section. The other listening scales do not reflect this skill.
SCORE / Student Friendly Scale
4.0 / I can read and comprehend literary and informational texts independently and proficiently at the high end or above of the 4-5 text complexity band.
/ I can use reading strategies (e.g., ask questions, make connections, take notes, make inferences, visualize, re-read) that will help me comprehend difficult texts.
I can read and comprehend complex literary and informational grade level texts independently and proficiently.
2.0 / I can use some of the reading strategies to help me understand what I am reading.
I can, with help, read and comprehend complex literary and informational grade level texts.
I can independently read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts below grade level.
1.0 / I am beginning to use some of the reading strategies to help me understand what I am reading.
With help, I can read and comprehend complex literary and informational below grade level texts proficiently.
I can define:
§ reading strategy
§ comprehension
0.0 / I cannot yet use reading strategies to help me understand what I am reading.
I cannot yet independently read complex literary and informational text.
I cannot yet define:
§ reading strategy
§ comprehension