Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children(TSCYC)
by John N. Briere, Ph.D.
Here is the first fully standardized broadband trauma measure for children as young as 3 years of age. In less than 20 minutes, the TSCYC evaluates acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events in children from 3 to 12.
Tested by clinicians and researchers throughout North America, the TSCYC is a 90-item caretaker report, with separate norms for males and females in three age groups: 3 to 4 years, 5 to 9 years, and 10 to 12 years. Using a 4-point scale, caretakers rate each symptom according to its observed frequency during the previous month. Unlike most other caretaker reports, the TSCYC includes validity scales (Response Level and Atypical Response), as well as norm-referenced data on the number of waking hours the caretaker actually spends with the child in an average week (ranging from 0 to 1 hour to more than 60 hours).
The TSCYC contains eight clinical scales:
Here is the first fully standardized broadband trauma measure for children as young as 3 years of age. In less than 20 minutes, the TSCYC evaluates acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events in children from 3 to 12.
Tested by clinicians and researchers throughout North America, the TSCYC is a 90-item caretaker report, with separate norms for males and females in three age groups: 3 to 4 years, 5 to 9 years, and 10 to 12 years. Using a 4-point scale, caretakers rate each symptom according to its observed frequency during the previous month. Unlike most other caretaker reports, the TSCYC includes validity scales (Response Level and Atypical Response), as well as norm-referenced data on the number of waking hours the caretaker actually spends with the child in an average week (ranging from 0 to 1 hour to more than 60 hours).
The TSCYC contains eight clinical scales:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger/Aggression
- Posttraumatic Stress--Intrusion
- Posttraumatic Stress--Avoidance
- Posttraumatic Stress--Arousal
- Dissociation
- Sexual Concerns
These scales provide a detailed evaluation of posttraumatic stress, as well as information on other symptoms found in many traumatized children. A summary score for PTSD is also included. A PTSD Diagnosis Worksheet helps the user evaluate DSM-IV-TR criteria for PTSD in younger children and provides a possible PTSD diagnosis in children 5 years of age and older.
Norms are based on a stratified national standardization sample of 750 children. Discriminant, predictive, and construct validity have been demonstrated for the TSCYC in multiple samples and studies.
KIT includes Manual; 25 Item Booklets; 25 Hand Scored Answer Sheets; 25 Profile Forms Ages 3-4 Years (Male/Female); 25 Profile Forms for Ages 5-9 Years (Male/Female); 25 Profile Forms for Ages 10-12 Years (Male/Female)