Stage 5 In Theātrō
I can ….
translate 3rd person verbs in the singular and plural.
form and translate plural nouns in the nominative case.
read a story which has vocabulary and grammar from Stages 1-5.
answer questions about a story which has vocabulary and grammar from Stages 1-5.
describe a Roman theater.
describe a typical Roman comedy.
The theater at Pompeii
large theater / canvas awning / 5,000 / tokens / cushionscavea / farces / Manducus / Pappus / lyre
orchēstra / comedies / Plautus / trumpets / double pipes
scaena / pantomime / Terence / castanets / scaena frōns
The Theater at Pompeii
The Comedies of Plautus
Stage 5 – in theātrōLatin Word / English Meaning / Derivative
adest, adsunt
agricola, agricolam (m)
ambulat, ambulant
audit, audiunt
clāmor, clāmōrem (m)
contendit, contendunt
currit, currunt
fābula, fābulam (f)
fēmina, fēminam (f)
iuvenis, iuvenem (m/f)
meus, mea
multus, multa
multī, multae
optimus, optima
petit, petunt
plaudit, plaudunt
puella, puellam (f)
senex, senem (m)
spectat, spectant
stat, stant
turba, turbam (f)
urbs, urbem (f)
venit, veniunt
Nominative Plurals
1st declension 2nd declension 3rd declension
singular / plural / singular / plural / singular / pluralnominative: -a / -ae / -us / -ī / --- / -ēs
ancilla / ancillae / servus / servī / leō / leōnēs
slaved girl / slave girls / slave / slaves / lion / lions
A plural subject must have a plural verb.
3rd Person Plural
singular plural singular plural
1st person / -ō / ambulō – I walk2nd person
3rd person / -s
-t / -nt / ambulās – you walk ambulat – he, she, it walks / ambulant – they walk
singular plural
ancilla in hortō sedet. ancillae in hortō sedent.
amīcus Caecilium salūtat . amīcī Caecilium salūtant. mercātor ad forum ambulat. mercātōr ēs ad forum ambulant.