Transition Town Worthing

Steering Group (SG) Minutes



Steve Limbrey, Pauline Cory, Barbara Shaw,Gillian LimbreyJuliaCarrette,Katie Gander, Joy Moir

Minutes: Helen Donelan

Apologies:Rod Thick,Anne Weinhold,Jason Hannah


  1. Previous minutesand matters arising:
Steve welcomed Joy to the meeting
There are no minutes from last meeting as it was a discussion group
Matters arising:
Actions to carry forward:
  1. Standing items on events to be covered by insurance – Steve
Seed swap
Ongoing – Green spaces
Energy Shop is likely to come under Salvation Army Insurance
  1. Standing items on funding bids
Pauline has submitted a Green Spaces bid to Tescos for £8000. Up to 10% of which can be used for admin and time, the rest much be tangible goods. This can come with a £400 top up
Pauline has alsosubmitted a bid for £2500 to Brighton Energy Coop for Worthing Eco Open Houses, but is not yet due to hear.
Group agreed to submit a bid to Waitrose for Green Coin funds if the Tescos bid is unsuccessful. Alternatively it was agreed to consider approaching local firms to see if they could provide one.
The group agreed to consider putting in a bid for hiring storage. The current direct debit for storage is up to the end of March. Ed from St Pauls has offered storage at his house in Tower Road, and another two volunteers have offered their sheds. A broadcast message will be sent out to members to ask if people could lend a large shed or half a garage for six months (dry, secure and lockable)
Katie confirmed that TTW had not applied to the Adur Community Fund Grant for the history project. There is positive feedback on the project which can be used in future funding bids. Funding deadline is the end of the month and is up to £5000. Katie is planning on applying to several different places. The project includes 8 regular older volunteers and two classes of 30 children. A number of volunteers are keen to roll the project out into other schools. The project will produce learning packs for the school involved and these could be rolled out.
Gillian confirmed that if there is a funding round which could be used for art on the pier, and she will apply again this year
  • Pauline to look into Green Coin funds from Waitrose for shed in park if Tesco bid is unsuccessful
  • Pauline to include storage in Broadcast email

  1. Plan for AGM
AGM is at the Quaker Meeting House on Sunday 17th
Steve will pull together background slide show
Intro - Steve
Annual Financial report - Katie
Sharing meal / People asked to do post it wall
What we have achieved in the last year: brief analysis of post-it wall
Business update – Steve
Agreement to resolution to become a Limited Company
Election of Company Directors
Election of Trustees
Changes to the constitution
2016 plan – Joy – 20 mins
The group agreed to a post-it wall. This would involve people writing all their successes on individual post-its and adding the area as a title on the top of the post-it. SG members to encourage everyone to do it on the day.
The group explored the idea of having post-it areas for an expression of interest under key areas, and / or the idea of pledges.
Elections of Steering Group Members: Members present confirmed that they would still be standing again this year. Steve will email round Steering Group to confirm. Pauline will send a Broadcast email round to ask if anyone else wants to stand as an SG member
At some stage the group will need to look at the Constitution to see if this needs rewording
Katie is still awaiting clarity on what is left in some of the financial pots.
  • Steve to email SG to confirm they are standing
  • Pauline to Broadcast email re SG members
  • Pauline to put AGM on Facebook

2016 Plan - Joy
Joy worked as a Sustainability Manager at EDF and has worked with TTW to develop an overview of where they are now and the future plan. Joy shared a one page summary of the outcomes for SG agreement. This provides a summary of the key values and approach that underpin all TTW’s work. It will help build consistency of message and ensure that all those working within TTW are communicating the same values and approach. Once agreed this will be shared at the AGM.
There was a discussion around the removal of the word ‘New’ from the value ‘…reduce consumption of materials and resources.’
It was agreed that the values should read:
-We promote activities that reduce the consumption of resources
-We promote positive action for sustainable living
-We support, empower, inform and make welcome those we engage with
-Members skills, ideas for activities and projects are encouraged
Why do we want to do this: There was a discussion on the work ‘educating’. It was agreed to see if this was raised at the AGM as an issue.
2016 objectives: to remain as is
How will this be done
Jan – March: remain as is
April – June: remain as is
July – December (rolled into one)
The group discussed the timing of the Members pack and whether it should be produced before or after the event. The definition of the pack hasn’t been agreed or decided. There needs to be meeting to agree what should be in the pack. The group considered applying for funding to have the membership pack put together (e.g. people from Northbrook College or Worthing High School). TTW is currently in conversation with the colleges anyway re the TTW platform, this could be extended to the Graphic Design re communications.
Group agreed a two tier approach: develop a one pager for the fair which signposts people who are interested in what they can do and how to do it, and in future develop the proper pack.
With Who: the group agreed that this should read ‘…..members, networks, other organisations and groups…’
The group agreed to sign of this off subject to the above amendments
The group discussed the Wednesday group. It is defined as a strategy group and a contact point for members to link in. There needs to be a mechanism sharing information between the two groups. The group discussed the need for further clarity in the relationship between the two groups. It was agreed that ideas discussions need to happen somewhere but it would be good to find a way to ensure SG members can get involved. It was agreed there will be a regular feed into the Steering Group and discussions can be carried out via email with the SG.
Art on the Pier - Gillian
Some panels are going up on the Pier today. One got damaged so there is a wait of another month. The fourth panel is the TTW logo
Barbara will draft wording for the plaque – up to thirty words covering what the beach clean is and why we do it (with the sentence from the vision re TTW) and send to Gillian
Once everything is in Gillian would like to organise a group to view the panels followed by a cup of tea.
  • Barbara draft wording and send to Gillian via Steve by early next week

Salvation Army Working Space - Rod
From the 21st of January every Thursday between 9 & 3.30 there will be someone at the Salvation Army Café to do Energy Bill switching. Rod is going to speak to Dan to see if BESCO can cover the first two sessions. The Salvation Army runs a number of sessions on a Thursday aimed at the target group. Following the first few sessions there should be people to staff the shop. Jason will be delivering training sessions with the Salvation Army so that they can deliver sessions and outreach in the future.
Charity Application
The group confirmed the need to decide who the directors of the company are going to be at the AGM (form IN01).
The AGM needs to pass a resolution to set up a as limited company before seeking Charity Status
Julia to draft an outline of what this includes to be distributed at the AGM
-Julia to draft outline and send to Steve
St Pauls - Pauline
Pauline is meeting with Ed next week. There was a rescue bid and the recruitment process of Trustees is underway. The existing board will deliver the recruitment process. The building is open with a minimal café. The Just Giving process took longer than originally thought.
The potential plan is to have a space within St Pauls which could be shared with one or more community groups when not being used. There are display stands, boards and cupboards. This becomes a flexible area that other groups can use to hot-desk with scaled charging to do so. Collectively TTW and others could give St Pauls some funding to use this. This contribution could be in a variety of forms, for example an energy assessment and energy saving light bulbs. It hasn’t yet been agreed where in the building the space will be. Pauline will be talking with Ed about this next week.
Pauline confirmed that the Renewco money can be used for anything and there isn’t a timescale on it, so this can be used for St Pauls.
Katy sought confirmation on what was due to be left in the account, when it needs to be spent by and what it can be spent on. Katy sought assurance that Jason is on top of the monies and requested he update her
There should be an independent audit of end of year accounts. The SG will approach Colin Smith to do this.
-Jason to update Katie on status of bid finances
Newsletter - Pauline
This has been circulated to all members
Items for the next newsletter will need to be sent to Kia by the last week of January
The Members list is taken from the Ning. All those without current email contacts are taken off the members list. There will be an item circulated about the needs for members to ensure their contact details are up to date
Pauline will send an emails to Members regarding the delivery of work. There are a handful of people doing most of the work and this needs to change so that the work is spread more evenly across a larger number. This will also include asking for commitment to a register of volunteers, and a call out for volunteers for the Seed Swap. Woven into this will be a call out for Members, storage and information about the AGM. This will also highlight that members can be supported to develop their own activities.
This could link to the pledges at the AGM
Pauline to contact members
Green Spaces Festival
This involves a number of sustainability organisations coming together to put on a series of events in September or early October, including a food festival at Field Place.
There isn’t the funding or preparation in place to get Eco Open Houses ready in April, but it could take place in September or October instead. It was therefore proposed to have a sustainability week or fortnight led by TTW that dovetails into Eco Open Houses, Beach Clean, Green Spaces Festival, Forage Walk, Re-skilling, Transport, Snug etc showcasing what TTW does. Ideas including having a film night, mid-week talks, wine tasting, social function. This could start with the Beach clean and then continue on
It was suggested asking local people such as Oliver Heath, Designer from Brighton or Ben Lawetc to deliver a mid-week talk
At the next planning meeting Pauline will ask for further support. Pauline to find out whether there could be free venues at Field Place.
Pauline to draft out ideas for the week and send to Steering Group for comments
Julia is putting the Green Spaces survey on the VAW website. Pauline has copy of it and will put it on the TTW website.
Pauline to put on TTW website
Date of next meeting:
Next meeting to be arranged followng the AGM
Greens Spaces Festival to be added to agenda for next meeting