Transition Task Force January 2016 Report
On Jan. 28 a meeting was held at the Federation for Children attended by Jessica Cimini (MRC), Margaret Van Gelder (DDS), Cynthia Miller (EHS), Amanda Green (DESE), Jennifer Steward (FFC), Pat Pakos (Arc Mass), Carol Midley (Lifelinks) and Barbara White (MMA).
Below is a summary of the meeting and areas that need to be discussed by the Task Force in an effort to clearly identify our priorities going forward. I believe the first meeting should be in person. I did not get responses from any other Arc's to two emails requesting their commitment to being on the Task Force so at this point we are it. Leo if someone has expressed a strong interest to you please let me know.
I will be sending out a Doodle Poll to identify a date and time that meets the majority of members schedule.
Report from Jan 28 meeting:
· A common theme is that it is very difficult to get parents to attend transition planning workshops - they are too busy, or its too overwhelming.
· The lack of parent engagement is also seen in the decline of PAC's.
· MRC's new initiative ( PET services) is part of a federal initiative - WIOA- that is intended to work with students upon reaching age 16 to prepare them for employment. There is a funding challenge to expand the program. MRC is strengthening its transition planning focus.
· The IEP is a key opportunity at which to discuss transition planning and perhaps secure parent willingness to connect with the effort of Arc Mass to gain greater understanding of future service needs.
· DESE is currently working on a revised IEP system.
· There is a need for simplified overviews of state agency services to provide to families.
· One idea is holding more workshops for teachers to learn about the adult service system
· DESE is working on streamlining its website to make it easier for parent access.
· Recommendation for future discussions would be to have DCF at the table.
Feedback from Cynthia (EHS)
Transition planning is important to raise with individuals and families early, that parents and teachers consistently need help accessing information about transition planning and sorting through what information is relevant to their situation, and that an important part of accessing and making use of this information is to insure that it is provided in culturally competent ways, including a functional context for each facet of planning.
I think this advisory group will most effectively help the ARC TF in terms of the stated goal if we are careful not to confuse transition planning gaps with the possibility that some DDS service providers may experience the need for more robust service capacity discussions with the Department, which is not something that will be addressed through more demographic information from DESE. This is not to imply that service capacity planning is unimportant, indeed we talked about the need to vigilantly listen to what individuals and families want related to their services; it is just to state that to examine it from the macro DESE or EHS level would be to include large amounts of information that is well beyond the scope of transition for youth with ID and/or Autism, and I’m not sure that’s the scope the ARC TF is intending.
New observation:
There seems to be two visions of transition planning. One as seen from the perspective of DESE and EHS which is of course very valid and important in supporting families. I do not disagree and in fact my agency and the Arc provide transition planning for families and I realize it has a much broader scope than a focus on obtaining demographic, clinical and service needs for informing the Arc TF on needs for future services, staff capabilities, facility requirements and funding supports.
While I recognize the challenge, the adult service system will have responsibility for individuals after they Turn 22 and there are many years of services that will be required after that transition. We are trying to ensure that our system is prepared to effectively provide those services. We currently do not have access to the necessary information required to fulfill that goal.
The Arc TF is concerned given the significant increase in complexity of meeting the needs of individuals with medical complexities and an array of needs and personal goals of individuals on the autism spectrum, that we are not sufficiently prepared. It is our wish to work with involved state agencies to examine how we can together address this need.
The reality is we collectively represent a complex system of services and hopefully together we can simplify the process by which families can build a vision for their son's/daughter's futures and make that vision a reality.
Feedback from Jennifer Stewart (FFC)
Hello All,
Thanks for putting some of these thoughts together. Bob, I think it might be helpful if you could articulate to the group what the Arc Task Force would like to accomplish when thinking about transition and how this group could help you?
Is the Arc trying to figure out how they can build their capacity to provide more transition planning support early on to 14 year olds? (big picture timeline planning)
Work closer with the schools? (support the work that schools are doing such as transition assessments, IEP planning or vocational experiences for young adults)
Prepare adult service staff with skills aligned with the goals of transitioning young adults? (the need for professional development/funding for adult services to focus more on employment).
We discussed the gap between what we prepare young adults for and what exists, but how does the Arc see itself in the transition picture and how they want to get involved. Sorry if this goes back to the basics, I just need more clarification on where we are going from here.
Thank you- Jennifer
As you can see from the responses/recommendations and summary, there are issues and topic areas that need greater clarification. I am pleased that they are willing to be engaged in this project but I want to be sure that we are speaking with one voice on a subject that has many layers of complexity.
Bob Harris
1 Parker St.
Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: 978-975-8587, ext 1202
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