2626 Courtland Street

Duluth, MN55806-1894

phone 218.722.3336

fax 218.727.7471

Western Lake Superior Sanitary District




Proposals for TRANSFER STATION SCALE REPLACMENT will be received by the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) until the CLOSING time of March 26, 2018 2PM. Proposals received after the closing time will be returned unopened. There will be no formal opening. WLSSD is looking for proposals on replacing its current transfer station scale along with removal and haul away of the existing scale at its 2626 Courtland St. Duluth, MN facility. A site visit will be held on Thursday, March 15, at 10:30AM.

Each proposal must be sealed and clearly marked “TRANSFER STATION SCALE REPLACEMENT - WLSSDRFP #1375” and addressed to:

Betsy Woller, Buyer

Western Lake Superior Sanitary District

2626 Courtland Street

Duluth, MN 55806

Copies of this RFP may be obtained by either calling (218) 740-4794, or at the District’s website at,

Questions regarding the technical nature of this proposal will be accepted until 2PM on Monday, March 19, 2018 and should be directed to Betsy Woller, Buyer .

Western Lake Superior Sanitary District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive irregularities and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the organization. No proposer may withdraw his proposal within 60 days after the RFP closing date.

Table of Contents

1.0 Important Project Dates ...... 3

1.1 Important Project Dates...... 3

1.2 Site Visit...... 3

2.0 Background Information...... 3

3.0 Scope of Services...... 3

3.1 Removal...... 3

3.2 Scale Requirements...... 3

3.3Warranty...... 5

3.4Testing & Standards...... 5

4.0 Proposal Form...... 6

4.1 Change Orders...... 6

4.2 Minimal Down Time & Transfer Station Disruptions...... 6

4.3 Questions ...... 6

4.4 Proposals Due...... 6

4.5 Proposal Form Part “A”...... 7

4.6 Proposal Form Part “B” ...... 7

4.7 Proposal Form Part “C” ...... 8

5.0 Evaluation of Proposals...... 9

6.0 Sample Agreement ...... 10

7.0 General Terms and Conditions...... 11

7.1Definitions...... 11

7.2 Capital Project Agreement Authority: Applicable Terms...... 11

7.3 Completion of Work; Payment ...... 11

7.4 General Terms...... 11

7.5 Warranties...... 12

7.6 Passage of Title; Risk of Loss...... 12

7.7 Indemnity; Insurance...... 12

7.8 Performance and Payment Bonds...... 13

7.9 Applicable Law; Compliance with Law...... 13

7.10Non-Discrimination...... 13

7.11 Recorded-keeping; Audit...... 13

7.12 Prompt Payment...... 13

7.13 Conflict of Interest...... 14

7.14 Workers Compensation; Tax Withholding...... 14

7.15 Termination...... 14

7.16 Assignment...... 14

7.17 Working Conditions’s in District Premises ...... 14

7.18Commissioner of health Licensing, certifications, and Rules...... 14

7.19 Consistency with Solid Waste Management Plan...... 14

7.20 Taxes...... 14

7.21 District’s Smoking Policy...... 15

7.22 Safety...... 15

8.0 Checklist...... 16

1.0Important Project Dates

1.1 Important Project Dates

Request for Proposals Issued: Monday, March12, 2018

Site Visit:Thursday, March 15, 2018 10:30AM

Questions Received by: Monday, March 19, 2018 by 2PM

Questions Answered on:Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Proposals Due:Monday, March26, 2018 by 2PM

Start Date:Within 45 Days of Signed Agreement

Completion Date:Within 90 Days of Signed Agreement

1.2 Site Visit

The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District will be holding a site visit on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 10:30AM. The site is located at 2626 Courtland St. Duluth, MN 55806. Steel toe shoes, hardhat, safety glasses and ANSI Class 2 reflective vest or jacket are required. Email or call Betsy Woller, Buyer at or 218-740-4794 for further instructions on attending.

2.0WLSSD Background Information

The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District provides solid waste management and wastewater treatment services for approximately 530 square mile region within St. Louis and Carlton Counties. The transfer station scale needing replacement is the only scale located at the transfer station. It accepts an average daily traffic volume of up to 300 (round trip numbers) vehicles per day, 6 days per week.

3.0Scope of Work

3.1 Removal

Existing scale shall be properly disconnected from existing scale house, scale sections removed and properly disposed of. Proposal must include disposal method, note WLSSD would prefer the current scale to be recycled. All site work including existing pier removal, concrete cleaning/restoration, approach modifications to be completed by scale installer.

3.2 Scale Requirements: Deck to be Orthotropic Design

Furnish and install one steel deck of Orthotropic Design truck scale and associated electronic controls within the existing foundation.

  • The scale shall have a clear and unobstructed weighing surface of not less than 70 feet long and 11 feet wide.
  • The scale shall have a profile not to exceed 14-1/2 inches, which is measured from the top of the scale to the top of the foundation slab or pier at the load cell bearing points.
  • The scale shall be fully electronic in design and shall not incorporate any mechanical weighing elements, check rods, or check stays.
  • The scale shall be designed to perform as a single weighing platform and shall be of flat-top design.
  • The scale shall have a gross weighing capacity of 100 tons.
  • The scale shall have a Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC) of 100,000 pounds.
  • The scale shall be designed to accept vehicles that generate up to 80,000 pounds per tandem axle.
  • The scale shall be designed to accept an average daily traffic volume of up to 300 vehicles per day, 365 days per year, for 20 years, assuming that 100% of the vehicles are fully loaded with the equivalent of 80,000 pounds on their dual tandem axle.
  • The scale’s weighing-related electronics shall consist solely of load cells, load cell cables, and digital weight display and needs to work with our Interact Scale Operating Software from Advanced Weighing Systems.
  • The load cells and load cell mounting hardware shall be constructed of stainless steel. The cables shall be stainless steel sheathed. Load cells which are not stainless steel and hermetically sealed shall not be acceptable because of their inability to prevent moisture from entering the load cell and causing a premature failure.
  • The scale shall fit with existing foundation and shall meet all local requirements. Need of custom risers may be needed.
  • The scale weighbridge shall be constructed of three prefabricated scale modules each with a nominal surface dimension of 11' wide by 23'-4" long or four prefabricated modules each with dimension of 11’ wide by 17’-6” long.
  • The scale weighbridge shall be capable of weighing trucks that have dual-tandem axle weights (4 feet minimum between dual axles and at least 10 feet from next axle) of up to 80,000 pounds, and shall have a Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC) of 100,000 pounds.
  • All exterior surfaces of the scale shall have a two-component, high-build epoxy finish, impregnated with aluminum flake for increased corrosion resistance and UV protection, providing total Dry Film Thickness of 8-10 mils.
  • The finish shall be force cured in order to reduce risk of contamination and ensure durability of the surface.
  • Junction boxes shall not be permitted in the scale. They must be attached to the exterior of the scale, or remotely mounted from the scale.
  • Load cell cables and scale instrument cables shall be stainless steel sheathed for environmental and rodent protection.
  • The load cell shall come equipped with a neoprene rubber boot to keep debris from contaminating the lower bearing surface.
  • The load cell shall have a positive-lock quick connector integral to its housing for connecting and disconnecting the load cell interface cable at the load cell. The connector shall be of glass-to-metal, pin-type construction to maintain a hermetic seal.
  • The load cell assembly shall be constructed so as to perform as a rocker pin and shall have no positive fixed mechanical connectors, such as bolts or links that are required in mounting the load cell to the weighbridge or foundation base plates
  • In order to minimize maintenance issues, only a single cable shall be used to transmit data or weight signals between the weighbridge and the digital weight display.
  • A comprehensive lightning protection system shall be provided with the scale.
  • The design and manufacture of the scale weighbridge, load cells, and digital instrument shall all be of one manufacturer to maximize compatibility and availability of components and to insure maximum benefit from the system’s lightning protection capability.

3.3 Warranty: 10 year load cell warranty10 year weighbridge warranty

  • The scale manufacturer shall warrant the scale assembly including weighbridge structure, scale instrument, and associated cables from failures due to a defect in manufacturing, workmanship, lightning, or surge voltages.
  • The guarantee will warrant the product for a period of 10 years from date of installation or 122 months from date of shipment to the Buyer, whichever occurs first. Proposer shall promptly correct any such defect appearing within the warranty period.
  • The warranty shall support 100% coverage of repair parts, labor, travel time, and mileage from the closest service location, or at the manufacturer’s sole discretion, replacement of the product under warranty. The full cost of warranty as specified herein shall be supported solely by the manufacturer and not in part by any other third party or service provider.
  • The load cell shall have a minimum 10-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship and failure resulting from lightning or surge voltages. The warranty shall cover all costs associated with replacement parts, travel, mileage, on-site labor, and recalibration after repair, the full cost of which shall be supported solely by the manufacturer and not in part by any other third party.

3.4 Testing & Standards

In order for the RFP to be considered, the proposer must provide written confirmation of empirical testing data to validate the design of the weighbridge through actual life-cycle testing. During the testing process the weighbridge must see a minimum of 2 million cycles, with at least 80,000 pounds of test load, applied on the 8 contact points of a standard truck’s dual tandem axle tires. This documentation must be provided with the proposal submittal. Failure to provide this information will result in the RFP being considered non-responsive.

The scale shall be calibrated to a minimum of 120,000 pounds by 20-pound increments and not to exceed 200,000 pounds. System configurations with increments greater than 20-pound increments will not be accepted; therefore scales with gross capacities in excess of 200,000 pounds will not be acceptable in order for the scale to meet NTEP Legal-for-Trade regulatory requirements.

The scale shall meet the requirements set forth by the current edition of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 (NIST HB-44). The scale manufacturer shall provide a Certificate of Conformance (NTEP Certification) to these standards upon request.

4.0 Proposal Form

WLSSD is seeking proposals for this project and may be subject to further negotiation once all proposals are submitted and reviewed. WLSSD reserves the right to negotiate the proposals, and toaccept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the organization.

4.1 Change Orders

It is the goal of WLSSD to keep change orders to a minimum. It is the responsibility of the proposer to evaluate all scope of work and consider any circumstance that could impact the cost, and take that into consideration when submitting the proposal. WLSSD does understand that some circumstances are unavoidable and will address them as they arise. It is imperative that no work commences outside of the scope of work without signed approval.

Acknowledging Section 4.1 Change Orders
______/ Title:
______/ Signature:

4.2Minimal Down Time & Transfer Station Disruption

Removal and installation will need to be as efficient as possible to keep impact to the Transfer Station to a minimum. The Transfer Station will continue to operate during removal and installation of the scale. The proposer must be courteous and willing to work with WLSSD staff and customers using the Transfer Station.

Acknowledging Section 4.2 Minimal Down Time & Transfer Station Disruption
______/ Title:
______/ Signature:

4.3 Questions

WLSSD will accept questions until Monday, March19, 2018 by 2PM. Questions should be emailed to Betsy Woller at . Questions will be posted at onWednesday, March21, 2018.

4.4 Proposals Due

Proposals for Transfer Station Scale Replacement will be received until closing time of 2 PM,March26, 2018. Proposals received after this time will be returned unopened. Each proposal must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked, “Transfer Station Scale Replacement - WLSSD RFP #1375”and addressed to:

Betsy Woller, Buyer

Western Lake Superior Sanitary District

2626 Courtland Street

Duluth, MN 55806

In addition to the above mentioned sealed copy we will require a pdf. digital copy emailed to by the closing time of 2PM, March26, 2018.

There will not be a formal opening of the proposals. The award will consist of execution of an agreement between the successful contractor and WLSSD. Feel free to contact Betsy Woller at 218-740-4794 or if you have questions or comments.

4.5Proposal Form Part “A”:

The submitted proposalsmust be broken out in two parts(include all cost related to the project including not limited to, travel time, all parts & materials, and labor): 1) removal and haul away of current scale 2) new scale including install. Total Cost,Proposed Scale Make and Model and Total days of impact: day of removal to new scale being fully operational must also be filled out.Along with filling out the below, WLSSD will require a separate document with theproof proposed scale meets all above requirements including empirical data testing and a timeline for removal, haul away and installation of new; including method of disposal. Reminder WLSSD would prefer the current scale be recycled. Proposers must assume no WLSSD staff involvement in any task.

Estimated Completion Dates / Scope of Work / Cost
It is WLSSD’s expectation that this project be completed on or before 90 days from signed Agreement. / 1)Removal & Haul Away / $______
2)New Scale - including install / $______
Total Cost / $______
Proposed Scale Make and Model / ______
Total Days of Impact / ______

4.6 Proposal Form Part “B”: Emergency Service

The manufacturer or proposer shall provide with the RFP proposal a listing of the total cost (labor, parts, travel time, and mileage) for two service technicians to travel to the scale site with a heavy duty test truck, stay on site for four (4) hours to troubleshoot and replace one load cell in the scale and the main printed circuit board in the weight display. This listing shall be provided for service in the following three timeframes: 6 months after installation, 36 months after installation, and 58 months after installation. Listings of the same costs at these three time periods must also be provided assuming the failure is the result of a lightning strike. The cost of recalibration must be included in each service cost summary. Failure to provide the information required in this section will cause your proposal to be considered non-responsive and disqualified from consideration.

Emergency Service
*due to lightning strike failure / Total Cost:labor, parts, travel time, mileage - including heavy duty test truck, stay on site for four (4) hours to troubleshoot/replace one load cell and main printed circuit board.
6 months after install / $______
36 months after install / $______
58 months after install / $______

4.7Proposal Form Part “C”

The undersigned has read and understands the nature of the services requested and accepts the Specifications and Terms and Conditions stated herein.

Name of Company______

Street Address______

City______State______Zip Code______

Email Address______


Authorized Representative______Title______


5.0 Evaluation of Proposals

The WLSSD Maintenance and Solid Waste staff will read and evaluate submitted proposals. They will select the proposal that best meets the needs of the District. The Maintenance and Solid Waste staff with thenrecommend a proposal to the WLSSD Finance Committee. The WLSSD Finance Committee will in turn recommend the Proposerto be approved by the WLSSD Board of Directors. In evaluating the proposals, the following criteria will be used:

  1. How closely the completion of 4.0 Proposal Form meets the needs of the District
  2. How closely supporting documents to the 4.0 Proposal Formmeet the needs of the District:
  3. Proof proposed scale meets all above requirements
  4. Empirical data testing
  5. Timeline for removal, haul away and installation of new
  6. Method of disposal - reminder WLSSD would prefer the current scale be recycled
  7. Proposed Cost

6.0 Sample Agreement



This AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made as of (date) by and between Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (“District”) and Contractor(“Contractor”), which agree as follows:

Project Name: Transfer Station Scale Replacement RFP 1375

The scope of the work: Defined in RFP 1375 consisting of, but not limited to, removal and haul away of current transfer station scale, furnish and install new scale within 90 days of signed Agreement.

The schedule to perform the work is:Start: Within 45 days of signed Agreement

Completion: Within 90 days of signed Agreement

Capital Project:

Agreement Price is:$

All services shall be performed in accordance with the WLSSD Capital Project Agreement Terms and Conditions, which is attached and made part of this Agreement. Any attachments or exhibits referenced in this Agreement are made part of this Agreement.

In witness whereof, District and Contractor have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first above written.

Western Lake Superior Sanitary District



2626 Courtland Street

Duluth, MN 55806

Date: ______Date: ______


7.0 General Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions will apply to this Capital Project Agreement:

7.1. Definitions. As used in this Capital Project Agreement, "District" means the Sanitary Board of the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District. "Contractor" means the individual, company, or organization from whom the services are ordered. "Work" means the provision of the services ordered under this Capital Project Agreement, including furnishing necessary parts, materials, machinery, tools, and equipment. “Documents” means this Capital Project Agreement including the provisions of any drawings, prints, plans, descriptions, specifications, samples, data and other documents referred to on the front page of this Capital Project Agreement.