Children’s Services Committee
9 December, 2004
Agenda Item No
Transfer of Abbeyview Community Crèche to the Education Service
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Children’s Services Committee on the planned transfer of Abbeyview Community Crèche from the Social Work Service to the Education Service.
2.0 Background
2.1 The proposal to integrate the Abbeyview Community Crèche into Beanstalk Nursery, was made in February 2003. The reasons for the planned transfer of the Abbeyview Community Crèche from the Social Work Service to the Education Service included the need to:
· maintain valued local support;
· expand the range of services the nursery currently offers;
· increase provision for children and their families;
· extend the age range of the children for whom support is currently provided;
· ensure local management of the support to children and families; and
· provide more appropriate accommodation that will facilitate better integration and the promotion of inclusive practice.
2.2 In order to accommodate the crèche, Beanstalk Nursery required to have the existing nursery accommodation extended. A NOF 2 bid was secured for this in July 2003.
2.3 The Social Work and Education Service now need to plan the transfer of the crèche to Beanstalk Nursery. In doing this the main objective of the Education Service is to make the crèche an integral part of the educational provision provided for children and their families, supported by other services.
3.0 Transfer of provision
3.1 Transfer proposals are presented under the following headings:
· the aims of the extended support to be provided by Beanstalk Nursery;
· budget arrangements;
· service management arrangements and staffing; and
· integrated Services.
3.2 The aims of the extended support to be provided by Beanstalk Nursery
These are to:
· contribute to the health and well being of families in Abbeyview by providing a community-based, quality environment for children and families requiring additional support;
· work in close collaboration with families and other services to provide support and learning programmes that effectively meet individual needs;
· ensure continuity of learning experience for all children; and
· provide high quality provision for early years children within the Abbeyview area.
3.3 Budget Arrangements
The Abbeyview Community Crèche is currently funded through Fife Childcare Partnership. A budget of £34,000 has been secured for 3 years. This covers rental, staff salaries, resources and supply cover.
3.4 Beanstalk Nursery has been allocated NOF funding to expand the existing premises. A modular unit will be attached to the existing accommodation. This will be a child and family support centre which will replace the existing community crèche. It will provide the opportunity to intervene as early as possible to support children and their families. It will continue the established good work of the existing crèche with parents, members of support services and other agencies. There will be an added emphasis on education.
3.5 The Headteacher’s post of Beanstalk Nursery will need to be re-job sized in order that additional responsibilities are fully considered. Any additional costs due to a rise in salary will be met by the existing Abbeyview Crèche budget holder.
3.6 Service Management Arrangements and Staffing
The Abbeyview Crèche is managed at present by the Social Work Early Years Team. The need to support children and their families in better quality accommodation coincided with revised aims and changes in the deployment of the Social Work Early Years Team. This led to the proposal that the Abbeyview Community Crèche is managed by the Education Service. This will mean that it is managed on a day to day basis by the Headteacher of Beanstalk Nursery.
3.7 In order for this to happen transitional arrangements require to be put in place. It is proposed that:
· the Headteacher of Beanstalk Nursery manage the crèche on an outreach basis;
· a full audit of the service takes place and appropriate arrangements are made for monitoring the project;
· a staff review is carried out involving Human Resources and Beanstalk management;
· existing staff are given access to training and staff development opportunities;
· plans are put in place for the management of funding and resources;
· the Care Commission is involved in approving the project; and
· admissions are made through the current priority placing request already in place at Beanstalk
3.8 Integrated Services
Other services including the voluntary sector will be engaged in working collaboratively to support the work of Beanstalk. In order to support effective working, the following will be drawn up by the Education Service in consultation with these services, parents and children when appropriate.
These will include:
· agreed aims and objectives;
· a range of policies and procedures;
· guidelines for the provision for 0-3 year olds;
· family support programmes;
· effective learning strategies;
· advice and information for parents, staff, support services and community members; and
· quality improvement objectives through the ongoing development planning process
4.0 Summary
4.1 The Education Service is taking a range of steps to support the transfer of the Abbeyview Community Crèche from a house in Abbeyview to Beanstalk Nursery. The crèche will operate as an integral part of the family support centre at Beanstalk. It will work to promote effective integrated services working to the benefit of children and their families. The family support centre will be managed by the Headteacher of Beanstalk under the direction of the Education Service. In order to ensure that the transition from the Abbeyview Crèche to Beanstalk is effective it is proposed that the Headteacher of Beanstalk begins to manage aspects of the provision on an outreach basis until such times as the Beanstalk accommodation is extended. However, budget arrangements require to be assured for the project to be sustainable.
5.0 Recommendations
5.1 It is recommended that the Children’s Services Committee note:
· The measures being taken by the Education and Social Work Service to maintain and continue to improve support to families in the Abbeyview area of Dunfermline.
· Childcare Partnership funding will continue to support the proposals for the Abbeyview Crèche.
Roger Stewart
Head of Service
Education Service
(Roger Stewart – 01592 413656)
Fife Council
Rothesay House
North Street
19 November 2004
H:/HH/2004/Reports/Sept/14.09.04 Transfer Abbeyview Creche