Transcript of NJ Women’s Voices Interview

  • Name?

Elizabeth Brown

  • Age?


  • Education level?

High School

  • Current profession?

Appointment Setter

  • Marital status?


  • Race/Ethnicity?


  • Political affiliation?

Not political, but more of a liberal.

  • Religion? (Or, would you consider yourself a religious/spiritual person?)


  • Relationship to me (the interviewer)?

Friend of mother.

2) Do you have:

  • Siblings?4
  • Children?2

3) What was your first job?

Working at a Bingo concession stand.

4) What did you want to be when you were young?

A nurse

5) Are you involved in community service? What? Why or why not?

Just at my children’s school doing the book fairs and holiday shops. I like to be around children, but don’t like being responsible for them.

6) What is your opinion about women changing their last name after marriage? Would or did you change your last name? Why or why not?

I think that it is up to the individual. I took my husband’s name because I wanted to have his name.

7) Do you think a man is looked at differently if he stays home to take care of his children? Would your family approve of this type of arrangement?

Yes, I think men would be looked at different. I think that everything depends on the individual situation. I think my family would approve if the situation is right.

8) Should the dominant breadwinner in a relationship have more say or power in that relationship (for example, to determine how the money is used)? Five or ten years ago did you expect to make more or less money than your partner? Do you feel the same way today?

No, I think both people should be equal. I expected to make less money, and I still feel that way because it is still not equal pay for women, even if it is the same job.

9) In your experience, does parenting differ for sons and daughters? Please explain.

I only have daughters but I think that there are more things to worry about with girls. They can get pregnant and are more likely to follow others, and they’re more emotional.

10) What do you think of feminists? What do you think their goals are? Do you know any feminists? Would you consider yourself one? Why or why not?

I don’t really know what feminists are about. I think their goals are to be treated equal as men. No, I don’t know any feminists. I wouldn’t consider myself a feminist because I’m not gay and I’m not involved with politics.

11) Do you think women are more likely to vote for a female presidential candidate because they share the same gender? Why or why not?

No, I think women vote for the right person for the job and who can do the best for the country.