Transcript from 108th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held Apr 26, 2016
(v1 2016-06-08) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Transcript courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz
Video link:
Introduction by Keshe:
There are people listening from every corner of this planet. More knowledge has been dispersed so beautifully and so balanced across this planet than before, maybe even the universe. You have the full potential in achieving everything in the universe; there is no need, no reason for any man not to reach success. Wherever you are, the way I taught you to make the coils as double, one inside the other, you have continuous and equal gravitation-magnetic fields
In the experiment we use nano-potassium and if you put CO2 on it and you put zinc on it you have connected the emotion of the man to a stable condition and you will find a very peaceful man. Here we have the galaxies and the universities creating magnetically and we have used the matter estate with the magnetic-gravitational to dominate and create the shape of the plasma.
The nano technology and the nano materials which you have collected and developed in different ways by electric currents or fire or whatever has that advantage that the matter, the nano and the plasma is all the same so the connection is very solid and it is very strong. The power of the plasma technology the way we have taught it, is beyond the imagination of the man. Now we can create and control the plasma which is the mother of the creation of the universe. We are given the seed of the essence of creation. The Foundation does not belong to no one and is not made up of one anymore. You are developing it, you are doing it. We will still develop the technology in different names, in different colors, in different nationalities which do not exist. It is beautiful when we see the Christian, the Muslim, the Jews and every other belief are working together to build our systems. We have already become one faith, one nation and one planet. You have to remember one thing: dates are irrelevant and today is the last day of the Christian calendar. Tomorrow is the beginning of another calendar. One day is connected to another and we don’t stop. The Keshe Foundation team is working around the clock and in respect to time, position, religion, country and now we achieve what we set out for.
Captions to graphics in the recorded segment above:
1. The inner body in the coils is material that can pass the ultraviolet ray particles.
2. The outer core is non-magnetic metal
3.We select hydrogen for the experiment because it is the simplest known element.
4. There is no neutron in the nucleus, only one proton and one out electron.
5. For full ionization only one electron has to extract.
6. Each material has a mag-grav sphere and it will be in effect with other substances to find its own position.
7. In the experiment we use nano-potassium to help hydrogen ionization.
8. There will be a new dynamic plasma field formed in the inner core.
9. The particles will find their new position again in the inner core.
10. There is an inner core which is led by the magnetism of dynamic plasma field of the potassium that will start to rotate.
11. The outercore will start to rotate slowly as well and its gravitation will prevent the leakage of the free electrons.
12. Light is produced of the inner and outer cores due to the collisions.
13. The ionization of hydrogen will be started by the potassium mag-grav fields.
14. The hydrogen outer core will be ionized from the inner core ultraviolet radiation.
15. Hydrogen and nano-potassium are placed in the inner core.
16. Its magnetic field will prevent the leakage of particles to the metal body.
17. The inner core rotation will make the electrons in the coil move directionally.
18. When the winding pass by the magnetic fields happens, the electricity will be produced.
Keshe (K): Let me explain. When I moved to Dubai to start teaching and the development of the technology for the Arab nations, I was told I had a schedule to meet today. I received an email asking me to tell of the escape plans for the future. Our escape plan – you are escaping to Dubai to the conference and if the parameters and the legality allow, we escape together to the big formation of China. And then we escape back to Italy for awhile and then we escape back to Africa to support African nations and then we are negotiating to escape to Russia for awhile for developing a program for 2 or 3 months. And then if America will like, we will escape to America when the new government comes to operation and they allow people of different colors into the nation. Then, please note, if you want us to escape to your country or continent, announce it.
K: As you have seen, as we move we change the condition of the positions. Now today you see that Rick has escaped to somewhere else to test the feeding system and the flight system. We all become part of the teaching structure of the world structure of the Keshe foundation. We start to escape to different places to teach. In so many ways we have become more or less, all together, one structure. In that way we do not expect to be in one place anymore because the number of the new plasma scientists are increasing and we are moving around to teach more one on one, to test systems and to put things into position and to be able to in a way to learn from each other and share knowledge. In the coming days we escape to a country where I love to be and I have respect for the ethos of the people which is China. We stay in China for maybe 3 to 6 months because we are not travelers to come in and say ‘hello’ and go away.
K: I went to Iran years ago and stayed 4.5 months. Now here in Italy we have the manufacturing structure. We escaped to Italy because of life threats in Belgium. Now when we go to China we go to a full co-operation for development with their ministry to develop and to balance the forces of science, agriculture, industry and space and try to bring the ethos of peace to the people who are trying to defend themselves. When we come to Italy then we go to Africa which has been part of my life for a long time; I lived there, I worked there, I have businesses there and I know the pitfalls of the nations as one country, one continent. When we go to Africa we go for 6 months to develop everything from country to another to make sure the balance of knowledge is equal among the African nations.
K: Then we come to Italy again and we strengthen the links of the Keshe Foundation and the structure of running the country at the highest level and that we bring changes to theculture in a positive way and the industrial revolution of new science. This is how you will see a number of the top level of the Keshe Foundation traveling around the world. We go to expand the knowledge, technology and to bring a balance between the all nations. We are negotiating and spent time in Russia. I have worked in Kazakhstan and other parts of Russia for years; I have offices there. We will endeavor to extend the knowledge and I know that Russian space technology is years ahead. You cannot imagine the things I saw in the 1990s in the Russian space agency. We will cooperate with the Russian government, military, space agency, agriculture, and environmental to change the situation in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. It has been my home for a long time and I worked out of Kazakhstan. I am quite familiar with the work and structure there.
K: We are not going from one country to another; we are going from one part of one nation to another part. For us countries have become like cities at this time. We go to teach and bring everyone equal and we will carry on teachings on Tuesdays and Thursdays; it does not matter where we are in the world. You have seen that Rick has moved from one part of Canada to another to test and to feel the new feeding system which was developed by Ali and we can share. I will share with them what they have learned. Today we will see what Ghana has brought us. Kenya has been set up to start manufacturing in the coming weeks. We have come to the point that we need as one nation to structure the new way of working and that we are not blind or aligned with one part or the other.
K: We heard before in the last couple of weeks in respect to the testing and development in Japan regarding Fukushima by Tepco in the use of gas materials in production and development. I only go one step further when somebody understands. In the process of development of Tepco, their tests of CO2 on mice, the Keshe Foundation in Japan took on the task of testing independently of the authorities to test the CO2 and its application for health of human beings. The test was completed in January and we are now ready to report the testing on the mice and the first stages of starting the human trials which have been successful. For that reason we initiate or own international clinical trials which means that we are not tied up to European health organizations or FDA in China, Japan or any nations. As one nation we have put the testing and clinical trials in the hands of every citizen of this world. What this means is that up till now we tried the Magrav system, the feeding of the plants and everything else. We did this independently.
K: for the first time we become more as one planet and we do the international as one nation, one group and the clinical tests and trials are for the Keshe Foundation independently which means we open the trial to every man and woman on this planet. When they do clinical trials the pharmaceutical company pays millions for a company to find volunteers and sort out ‘who is who’ and for those who will fit the criteria for perfect results regardless of the side effects. Then they can hide things and it is fine tuned to a point that they can literally show the medicine to be tested is perfect and anything which is abnormal is eliminated in one way or another so they can pass the certification. We do not do this; we don’t spend millions to find people to project numbers and hide the data on the effects on the immune system. FDA has hidden the results and it has causedmayhem in the public. Some organization may have paid money to hide the damages of the medicine being tested.
K: today we will start the international clinical trials of the CO2. We have made 3 products—eye drops, the supplements and the skin lotion. The clinical tests show no toxicity and it is safe to use. Now that we see the safety of the material we launch the clinical trials internationally and for all of us so we can go to the next step. We warn you the dosage we use is very minute and very effective. Do not consume CO2 in any amounts until we can release the results collectively. Then we can take the next step.
K: the website will release the contractual agreement for those who want to be volunteers and you can sign yourself up to volunteer and test these products internationally. Once we have the results in 90 days and we receive the correct information from all of you because it is a clinical trial and you report back to us everything that you see and observe and the changes. Then the blueprints of the products become available to all the nations simultaneously. We are looking for a broad spectrum of people who want to test the small, minute about of CO2 in a controlled process. Then we ask the scientific world to write the paper that we publish on the Keshe foundation. We do not rely on journals that can ‘play’ with this; we have seen what national journals do. They control everything. The results will be on the Keshe website.
K: We are looking for up to 2000 people for eye drops, 2000 for lotion and 2000 for supplements. The cost has been placed by the Japanese team which brings it to 50 Euro per sample test and 10 Euros for packaging. The recommendation by the scientist is the supplement and lotion taken together gives a much better result. When you use eye drops you use the supplement as well. We have decided that you go to the foundation today and say you want to be volunteer. The diseases or problems we are looking for is as follows:
Lotion: psoriasis, skin cancer. This solution in conjunction with the supplement can change the skin cancer. Do not forget the scientist in Fukushima at Tepco have been in nuclear clean up for 2 years. We are relying on a highly qualified person who is a professor/lecturer teaching the subject. We give it to this qualified man to bring it forward. This will be done on the banners of Keshe Foundation, Japan, and Keshe Foundation world wide.
Eye drops: people with retinal defects and eye problems such as cataracts. It can be highly effective according to the test results. The material gets rejected from the body and does not stay in the body. It releases the energy to bring the change. We are looking for people with eye degeneration and to bring those to light. You have to state what your problem is on the application. If you have a specific eye problem, submit your application. In this process we see how effective the results will be. If we see rapid change and perfect results we report this immediately.
K: Remember the UN did a 5 year trial in Africa and it was a success after 6 months so the trial was terminated and announced to be effective. When they tested circumcision to stop the transmission of HIV from one child to another it was very effective. We will do the same. If you have skin cancer and by using the lotion and supplements you have toreport to us rapidly so we can help others as soon as possible. The whole structure will be released. We do this collectively as one race. Then the next step is the use of the supplement. We are launching 5000 units of the supplement while you are doing this and we are looking for a spectrum of changes. In countries like Japan and Russia and satellite nations where there have been huge exposure to radiation, and the west coast of Canada and the US, we would like you to participate. If you have digested any nuclear material and radiation on any part of your body, due to the results we have been given by Tepco, we think this material can be useful to clean up the body and get rid of the radiation. I have been in contact with Iranian health officials of the nuclear to test this in Iran for nuclear workers. If you are working in radiology, please you have absorbed radiation and we would like to test you.
K: There is a twist in this supplement. We would like to test a critical position: our tests go for two things—people with pancreatic, stomach, or intestine cancer we would like you for volunteers if you don’t see a solution right now. We are looking for volunteers for those who have been using chemotherapy and see if we can take the horrible part of chemo out of the blood and digestive system. The new technology could work hand in hand with chemo therapy to take the side effects out of circulation. If you are using chemo and you want to see if the technology can be beneficial in reducing the side effects of chemo we would like to hear from you.
K: There is one more part: you have used products in your life that have put animals into suffering and other men into suffering who put their lives at risk to earn something to allow their children to live. Many of them have given a life for chemical trials for unknown chemicals. Our data shows these materials we will test have no side effects because it has no harmful materials. It balances the energy of the body. Maybe we can give back to society and at the same time improve our lives. This is huge data to collect and the process is for all of us to learn. When the data is in then we go to another level for the application and use of this material in a safe and transparent way; no data will be hidden. The scientists can look on the daily basis at the testimonials. If the pharmaceutical people are looking at the results of the chemo they can look on a daily basis. It will be the most transparent test of health in human history and this means that we are working collectively together for change. We welcome the pharmaceuticals, research institutes to join us; we are not enemies of each other. We are working to find solutions for humanity.
K: If you as a doctor want to use the technology for your patients, fill in the application for your patient and ask the patient if he wants to volunteer and submit yourself as the supervising doctor. We welcome you. We are calling on the experts, the industry and the Keshe Foundation supporters world wide to join for change. If you have cancer in Africa and the aid given you doesn’t work, you die. In Europe if you have skin cancer there is no solution; European health regulation doesn’t apply to your health. Once you are in a coffin you are done and you cannot add any more to the knowledge of man. I have been in the situation with both cancer and the skin problem. I will volunteer myself for the tests because I received high doses of radiation during the tests 8 years ago in Iran and I still have the side effects. In a way I become one of the volunteers myself. See towhat extent we can change the situation; now it is us as one planet and one race and us who have to develop the structure that we can help each other and ourselves in changing the patterns of control and the damage that has been brought in.