Transcribed from print-out dated July 20, 2001 Page 1 of 1
Photo taken from website on 19 March 2014
Once offered as a Frugal Knitting Haus Free Pattern named:
Finished Chest Measurement:
- Small 37 inches
- Medium41 inches
- Large45 inches
- Any lengths of leftover yarn, worsted weight, from a few inches to feet or yards. Mix and match colors, tying lengths together with knots, making one continuous length of yarn. Wind up into a ball and weigh on your bathroom scale. Vest takes approximately one pound of yarn for small and medium size, slightly more for large size. Add lengths of yarn as you knit for interesting effects.
- One pair of US #10½ needles.
Gauge: 3½ half stitches = 1 inch; 5 rows = 1 inch
- Vest is in stockinette stitch, (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) with seed stitch borders. (*knit 1, purl 1 over stitches indicated. Nest row, purl over knit stitch and knit over purl stitch, across.)
- When decreasing on fronts, work first 3 stitches in seed stitch, then decrease by 1 st., work to last 4 sts., decrease 1 st., work last 2 sts. in seed st.
- As you are working, keep all knots to one side of work.*
- Back and fronts are made in one piece to underarm, then worked separately.
Directions: Use one length of yarn about 4 yards long, and cast on 130 (144)(158) sts.
Change to ball of yarn, Work in seed stitch for 1 inch, for bottom border.
From now on, keep first 3 and last 3 stitches of row in seed stitch, and work center stitches in stockinette stitch, until length from beginning is about 11” (12:)(13”), or desired length to underarm.
Divide for back and fronts.
Work across first 34 (39)(43) sts, place on holder, work across 62 (66)(72) sts. For back, place last 34 (39)(43) sts on a holder.
Working on back section only, keeping 3 stitches each side in seed stitch for armhole borders, and center stitches in stockinette stitch, work as follows:
Work first 3 sts in seed st, decrease 1 st, work st st to last 5 sts, decrease 1 st, work last 3 sts in seed st.
Work back, keeping side sts in seed st, and purling center sts.
Repeat these 2 rows until 58 (62)(68) sts. on needle.
Work even in pattern, until 9” (9½”)(10”) from divide. Bind off.
Slip sts from right side front onto needle. Keep 2 sts on armhole side and neck edge side in seed st,. Decreasing on armhole side ever other row, and neck edge side every 4th row, until 16 (17)(18) sts remain.
Work even in pattern until same length as back. Bind off.
Repeat for left front, keeping armhole and neck shaping on correct sides.
Sew shoulder seams of fronts to back at shoulders. (There should be about 7½” (8”)(9”) at back neck opening.)
Weave in sewing ends carefully, so vest can be reversible*.Vest may be blocked if desired.
*So, if vest is intended to be reversibleanyway, whybother trying to keep all the knot tails on one side?