PTA Meeting

October 8th, 2013

Members Present: Amysue Kashubara, Carrie Allerding, Kimberly Terry, Kelly Proudfit, Corrie Lisk-Hurst, Kelly Shay, Danica Kelso, Melissa Jardina, Suzanne Dilday, Jodi Kolada, Elaine Thomas, Christy Stream, Jennifer Summer, Wendy Brewer, Dr. Burgman, Ms. Shaver


•Training on Communication Tools/Resources

•Benefits of Constant Contact/Email System

•There are 600 addresses in the Constant Contact system. We are able to track how many of the weekly emails are opened and viewed. We also have the capability to target certain grade levels of students. We are working on ways to get additional email addresses to ensure we are reaching all interested families.

•There is also an option to create surveys in constant contact.

•Use of Facebook

•The PTA Facebook page now has 250 likes, 50 of which came after Open House. We can also look into using Facebook to RSVP for events in the future.

•The goal is 2 to 3 informational posts per week, for items like last minute reminders and encouraging community involvement.

•When we use email blasts they would be sent rarely and would highlight no more than 1 or 2 items.

•Guidelines for Newsletters/Weekly Updates

•No more than 2 Fundraisers a week – preferably one

•Promote events no more than 2 weeks out – No less than one week

•Volunteers No more than 3 wks out; no less than 2 wks

•Important when planning your event to know what other events are happening – Don’t pick dates that may compete with other events; streamline activities – consider total budget

Tips for Success—Committee Chairs should provide links to volunteers sign ups when possible to be embedded in the newsletter.

•Committee Needs

•Calendar – will need to update calendar – keep posted on Website – Use this tool when choosing future dates for your events

•We are going to streamline activities and look at the on-line calendar in order to prevent over-lap in events.

•Committee Event Reports – Complete for DropBox/Reference for future

•The Event Notes form will be completed by Committee Chairs after the activity is completed. The form will be posted on the website. These forms will serve as a reference for future Committee Chairs. They should contain information about what went well during the event and what might be changed the next time, vendors used, amounts of items used, ect.

•Committee Report Outs

•VP of Ways and Means

•Book Fair – Volunteer needs? Next steps

•A sufficient amount of volunteers are signing up for the event. Family night will be open from 2:30 until 7:00. It is preferred that people shop at Claxton as opposed to on-line. Purchases from the school provide cash to the school, where as on-line purchases result in a Scholastic credit.

•BoxTops - Report out on future promotion

•The fall promotion will start next week. There will be a printed sheet in the Monday folder for each student. An email link will be sent out as well for those who need additional copies. BoxTops can be bagged, but will not count towards the promotion.

•Fall Fundraiser –

•The fall Fundraiser needed an additional Chair. Wendy Brewer volunteered to help Chair the event. The Committee is open to suggestions and ideas about prizes and other ways to help make this event a success.

•Attractions Overview

•The Attractions sales hit the sales goal.

•PTA Membership

•We currently have over 300 members which met our goal for the year, and is an increase from last year.

•VP Education

•Reflections – Applications to date; Volunteer needs? Assistance needed

•Ways to increase participation were discussed. Corrie will contact Laureen Haviland and Ann Chapin to see if they could involve their art classes in the contest. Announcements will be made on the morning show and the phone. The deadline to participation has been extended until November.

•Cultural Arts – Update

•There will be a cultural arts event in December.

•EC Advocate -- October is Disability Awareness Month – Introduction; Newsletter Spotlight

•Continued focus and awareness

•Kelly suggested recognizing the EC Staff and related service providers during the month. Planning informal social events for EC students and families was also discussed. An EC page of the PTA Facebook page was also suggested. There are lots of events that the Claxton community could be involved in such as the Buddy Walk, the Autism Walk, Special Olympics, ect. A small group will be formed to further ways to discuss support our students.

•Walk to School Day – Update

•Walk to School day will be held October 16th.

•VP of Service

•Teacher Appreciation/ Adopt-A-Star – Status of “Adoptions”; Next Steps; Any assistance needed?

•Everyone who turned in a form by the due date has been adopted. There are 7 additional forms that have been submitted by ACES staff. We are in the process of finding people to adopt these staff members.

•Directory Update – Status; Next steps; Volunteers or assistance needed?

•We are working on getting everything on-line and ready to go.

•CMT Committee – Update from last meeting

•The Kindergarten teachers have reported problems with dog waste in the Outdoor Classroom area. Fourth grade teachers were concerned that parents have not turned in the money to purchase news magazines. The teachers have since ordered the magazines.

•Treasurer Report

•Current Fundraising vs Goal

•The Attractions sales went great. Spirit Ware has already sold $3,000. The goal for the fall fundraiser is $15000. If we can raise that amount we will not need to hold any additional fundraisers this year. If we meet that goal, we will also be able to give all certified staff another $100 gift card in the spring. We would also be able to allow teacher assistants to purchase up to $100 for their classrooms and turn in receipts to be reimbursed.

•Around the Room – Questions/Comments