Draft Questionnaire
on the
Training Needs of the EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EU Institutions
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Dear Director-General, Dear Sir/Madam,
The changing face of public administration, which places increasing emphasis on efficiency, life-long learning, competency development, culture, quality and openness of public services, demands better training of civil servants, as well as a more intense collaboration among the member-states of the EU in the near future.
Application of European training programmes is an important aspect in enhancing the efficiencyof European public services. The last years have shown a reinforced cooperation among institutes, MemberStates and EU Institutions.
Moreover, European integration poses major challenges for training in public administrations. We need to look at the emerging potentials and opportunities from the perspective of what we can do together with, and for the candidate countries.
The European Institute of Public Administration is offering training in a number of areas. EIPA is continously trying to improve its services to the MemberStates, European institutions and candidate countries. To this end, we have drafted a questionnaire and kindly ask you to fill in the questions in order to allow us to adapt our programme to your training needs. As a reaction to the replies, EIPA will carry out a synthesis of the training needs as well as a list of priorities.
We would be grateful if you could reply at your earliest convenience to the attached questionnaire and forward it to Prof. Gérard Druesne, Director-General at EIPA () at the latest by ….
Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation !!
Training Needs of the EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EU Institutions
General Information
E-mail: / Phone Number:
What kind of Training needs are very important, important, not so important and not important (please specify in the overview)[1]
Training Needs – Subject Areas / RatingVery
important / Important / Not so
important / Not
European institutions and their interaction with Member States
Structure and working methods of the institutions
Interdependence of decision-making processes of Member States/European institutions
Role of Council Presidency
Implementation of European law
Compliance and Enforcement of EU Law
Negotiations in an intercultural environment:
- Meeting Techniques and Negotiating Skills Supporting the Presidency of the Council of the European Union
- Dialoguing and Negotiating with European Institutions
important / Important / Not so
important / Not
- European Negotiations I, Techniques to Manage Procedures, People and Package Deals to Survive in European Negotiations
- European Negotiations II, You and the EU: Techniques to Manage Interpersonal and Intercultural Relationships in European Negotiations
- l'Union européenne: Institutions, négociations et gouvernance externe
- How Can Member States Effectively Influence Community Decision-Making: A Practical Guide for Preparing a Winning Strategy
- Preparation and Chairing the Meetings II - Interactive Workshop , in the framework of Training Programme EU Presidency Team
- Workshop on European Negotiations
- Négociations européennes dans le domaine de l'Environnement
- Lobbying dans le processus décisionnel communautaire – Stratégies et outils
- Individual preparation and coaching on negotiation processes within the EU
Multilevel Governance
European Public Management and
Comparative Public Administration
Social dialogue
Staff management and staff development (HRM)
Pay reforms (incl. performance related pay)
Status development (incl. job security)
Working time
Performance management
Impact of EU law on public services
Training methodologies
Europeanisation of public administration
Recruitment of civil servants
Competency development
Demographic change and impact on recruitment policies
important / Important / Not so
important / Not
Ethics and integrity
Pay policies
Comparative public administration
Public employment
Europeanisation of personnel policy
Regulatory impact assessment
Quality management (CAF)
Diversity management
Organisational reforms
European Policies
Internal Market and related issues
Four freedoms:
- Goods
- Persons
- Services
- Capital
Mutual recognition
Regulation on diplomas
Consumers protection
The interaction of the Internal Market with other fields (e.g. health care, social policy, taxation)
Financial services:
- Corporate governance
- Anti-money laundering
- Financial market integration
Public procurement and public-private partnerships:
European public procurement:
- Rules, policy, practice
- Defence procurement
- Electronic procurement
- Legal issues in procurement
- Utilities
- Environmental and social considerations in procurement
Public private partnerships:
important / Important / Not so
important / Not
- Legal framework
- Programme management at different administrative levels, i.e. national, subnational
- Financing options
- Project management, i.e. planning, procuring and managing PPPs
- Audit of major procurement
- Practical implementation of specific areas
- Competitive dialogue
- Risk identification and evaluation
Intellectual and industrial property rights:
- Copy rights, etc.
- Trademark, patents, etc.
Main policies
Competition / State aid policy:
- Interpretation of relevant EC legislation / recent developments
- Analysis of the case-law
- Regulation and competition (telecoms)
- Training of national judges
State Aid:
- Interpretation of relevant EC legislation / Recent developments
- Analysis of the case-law
- Assessment of particular cases
- Case-exercises
- Economic analysis
- State aid and particular sectors
Trade Policy:
- EC trade policy instruments
- Multilateral trade, WTO
- Regional / bilateral agreements
Structural and Cohesion Policies:
- Implementing the new Regulations
- Financial management of Structural Funds
- Evaluation and monitoring
- Developing the Project Pipeline
- Employment and European Social Fund actions
- Managing the Cohesion Fund
- Interregional cooperation, INTERREG
- Rural development
- Regional affairs
Agriculture and fishery:
- Fisheries policy
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
important / Important / Not so
important / Not
- Rural development
- Food safety
- Decision-making in the field of environment
- The role of national officials in relation to European environmental policy
- Implementation problems of European environmental policy
- Sustainable development in the EU
Economic policies
EU Economy
Economic and Monetary Union
Stability and Growth Pact
EU Statistics
Lisbon Strategy
Foreign policies
Common Foreign and Security Policy
External relations and conflict prevention
European Security and Defence Policy
Security related aspects of the European Neighbourhood Policy
Transatlantic relations
EU – NATO relations
External dimension of the PJCCM
Development and assistance
Comparative regionalism, e.g. EU/MERCOSUR, EU/Asia
International dimension of monetary affairs
Freedom, Security and Justice
Asylum and immigration
Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (PJCCM)
Civil matters, judicial cooperation
External borders policy
Other policy areas
Innovation policy
Research and development, 7th Framework programme
Transport policy
Energy policy
Education policy
Employment policy
Social policy
Gender equality
Cultural policy
Audiovisual policy
important / Important / Not so
important / Not
Budget, financial perspectives
Horizontal programmes
- specific programme for the German Länder
- specific programmes for the Spanish Autonomous Communities
- specific programmes for Italian Regions
Is there any other subject area you would like to add?
Please indicate …………………………………………………………………………….
Questions concerning Training Methodology / Approach / Location / Language
1.What kind of training format do you prefer?
Case studies / Problem-based learning
Panel discussion
Other: ......
2.Where should the training take place?
EIPA Maastricht
EIPA Antennae:
In your own country (please indicate): ......
Other: ......
3.Do you value the multicultural dimension when meeting participants from other countries in order to exchange experiences and best practices?
4.Do you value the interdisciplinary dimension of training activities?
5. Do you have any preference as far as the training language is concerned?
Please indicate: ……………………………………………………………………….
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[1] To the attention of the Troïka members: this list is comprehensive as far as European policies are concerned. In the other subject areas it only provides examples, while other areas like European law, financial management and health care have not yet been included. A complete final version will be provided at a later stage.