Training Group Review Workshop - Scotland

October 2016

Regional Coverage of training Group
BCTG & SSCTG : In Central Scotland there are two painting training groups, could these be merged
Argyll has a large geographical spread
What about Perth? Additional group required, as no real links to Angus or any other group
Dunedin covers Edinburgh, Borders & Fife – an additional group to cover Fife
Independent Roofing Training Group & Scottish Specialist Contractor TG’s: how can these groups could be geographically represented, if members of these groups working in Orkney/Shetland, within local TG’s areas, work to meet Community Benefit KPI’s working co-operatively
Improved publication/promotion of training groups
Value of Groups
Subsidised, Assisted and Free Training
Training is delivered locally
Bulk Buying
Knowledge of GTO, who is highly respected by industry to get training delivered from the best provider – “Quality over Cost.” One-stop shop to facilitate contractors training requirements
GTO central point of contact
Co-operative of training (Contractors coming together to full courses)
Access to sponsors, Insurance, Manufacturers
Companies would not train, if not via training group, especially non-mandatory training, which engages SME’s
To be less prescriptive
Less measures on apprenticeships and to reflect local market, linked to a major project and scope to amend should a major project’s start date be delayed or project shelved
Community Engagement – GTO need to know local organisations
NET – take off, approximately 3 days wasted by GTO to try an collate this information, when intel held by CITB already. Often companies own data protection will not allow them to share this info
Work Experience; Schools/Careers Events; Local initiatives targets to be based on evidence of promotion to member companies as opposed to actual delivery.
Construction Ambassadors’ who are trained need to deliver
SME’s are not main contractor and have no community engagement targets, what incentives are there for them have to meet targets
Due to large rural geographical area GTO Face to Face Meetings to be changed to “meaningful contact” – which could be a face to face meeting, could also be via telephone, skype
False Targets: Training Plans, Construction Amabassadors training if not managed properly by CITB
Training Days to reflect that years future training needs, CITB need to properly engage with local group GTO and chairs
Impossible to standardised targets, due to geographical variances, and there are regional and specialist training groups
Training days to be reduced if GTO did Construction Ambassador activities, half to fit into current 2 and half contracts
For the sustainability of training groups, budget for groups to be set for at least 2-3 years
Additional training group fund to support GTO to deliver Construction Ambassador events
Targets to be flexible and contextualised around the work/strategy for local areas
Not every group get same amount – could it be based on training and Community Benefit outcomes
Worried about training groups getting different amounts
The £2.5K needs to be reviewed, active members incur more expense as training more
Funding to address Urban/Rural difference re the cost of travel/accommodation for assessors and accreditation to be a reflection and in line with Skills Investment Plan for rural provision
Funding determined by member FTE figures
CITB support
Timely up to date information on any new initiatives
TG work with CITB
Best person to deal with

Would you like to make any further comments that we should consider?