for Access to USTA Resources /
Tennis is the ideal sport to help you achieve the health and wellness goals of your schools. The USTA is committed to helping kids learn not just a sport, but self-confidence, sportsmanship, and the habits of an active, healthy lifestyle. We want to ensure that all kids have an opportunity to play and learn this lifetime sport. The USTA will assist school districts to implement tennis programming and build a financially self-sustaining program.
In order to qualify for USTA resources, please review and complete the following application:
USTA resources available to help get you started: / District requirements to access these resources:
- Curriculum – meets NASPE standards. Kit includes: teaching manual with 8 lesson plans, instructional DVD, quick reference pocket guide, and a CD of animated signs for activity stations
- Training for teachers and extracurricular staff
- Equipment - discounts and grants for qualifying schools
- Technical Expertise – program start-up, play formats, maximizing activity space, site visits/consultations
- Commitment from a school district administrator to implement tennis programming into the schools (PE Curriculum, extracurricular hours, school teams)
- Commitment to organize/host a USTA Schools Training for teachers and extracurricular staff
- USTA Organizational Membership required for participating schools ($35/year)
Level 1
(PE Only) / Tennis in Physical Education Curriculum: Requires district to host a teacher training and to implement tennis into the PE curriculum annually for a minimum of 6 class periods. Each participating school will receive a complete curriculum package and access to substantial equipment discounts.
Please complete the following fields:
Total number of schools in district: / List preferred dates to host teacher trainings:
Number of schools attending training: / Number attending training: / Number of children expected to participate in PE tennis curriculum: / Grade levels involved in program K-12:
Level 2
(PE +1) / Extracurricular School Tennis Programming: Extracurricular school tennis programs can include: organized play before school, at recess, during lunch time, or after school, as well as student tennis clubs, intramurals and interscholastic team play. Schools that offer tennis in physical education and as an extracurricular activity for a minimum of 6 contact hours will be eligible for equipment discounts and grants.
Please complete the following fields:
# of schools offering extracurricular program: / Grade levels targeted in extracurricular programs K-12: / # of children to participate in extracurricular programs:
Applicant Contact Information:
Name of School District: / Name & title of district contact:
School District Administration Address: / Phone number of district contact: / Email address for contact:
Administrator’s electronic signature: / Date:
/ /
To complete application or for more information contact:
Name and title of USTA representative / Jeff Smith / Email address to submit application: /
USTA mailing address for application / 204 Ridgefield Drive, Bossier City, LA 71111 / Phone number: / 318.741.5957 / Section web address:
Approved by USTA representative (Signature required): / Jeff Smith / Date:
/ /
School District Application Continued:
Outline the district’s three-year plan to bring tennis into the schools and how they will ensure long term sustainability. Include: district support committed, financial and in-kind contributions, and stakeholders enlisted to assist and implement the program.
Following review of your application a USTA representative will contact you about your school tennis development plan. If you have additional questions, please contact the USTA School Tennis Coordinator in your section or visit: