Training for cervical sample takers and immunisers-South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw:
Update 28thJuly 2017
Health Education England (HEE) have confirmed to universities across Yorkshire and Humber the funding and commissioning arrangements for cervical sample taker training and immunisation training in 2017-18.
Within SouthYorkshire and Bassetlaw, theUniversity ofSheffield, hasbeen allocated specific credits by HEE to deliver cervical sample taker basic training (RDaSH are currently commissioned to provide the mentor service to support this training).
The University of Sheffieldwere also awarded additional credits to allocate as they deemed appropriate across other programmes. We can confirm that the University of Sheffield have allocated some of their HEE credits to Initial Immunisation Training and Immunisation Update training in 2017-18. HEE allocated credits have to be shared back by the Universities, for oversight and approval by both HEE and the newly formedLocal Workforce Action Board(LWAB) for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.
2017-18 is effectively a transition year, in which both HEE and LWABs are both decision makers in respect of the commissioning of certain aspects of training, whereas previously HEE has been the main decision maker. The likely direction of travel for 2018-19 onwards appears to be towards LWABs being given increased devolved responsibilities from HEE.
There is also a progressive move towards a more market-based model for the provision of and access tothis training, which is increasingly seen as an employer responsibility. In particular, the funding of update training for both cervical sample takers and immunisers is now regarded by HEE as an employer responsibility.
- Cervical Sample Taker Training
In line with: NHS Cervical Screening Programme‘Guidance for the Training of Cervical Sample Takers’ (2016)
1.1 Basic/Initial training
In 2017/18 academic year Basic/Initial cervical sample taker training courses will run at the University of Sheffield.
- October 2017 - Fully booked
Places are limitedby the availability of external mentors. Please refer to the University of Sheffield website for full details and funding information:
1.2 Three (3)yearly update training
Sample Takers are required to undertake a minimum of one half-day update training every three years. The NHS CSP guidance confirms that E-learning modules may be used if they fulfil national and local requirements (equating to three hours of learning). To meet the requirements NHSCSP are planning to launch in September 2017 a nationally approved, free to access E-Learning resource for Sample Takers to use to meet the three yearly update requirement as part of their continuing professional development (CPD).
For sample takers requiring an update prior to September 2017, the regional e-learning module will remain accessible for Yorkshire and Humber cervical Sample takers.
It has been agreed by the Screening and Immunisation Teams across Yorkshire and the Humber, and by Public Health England SQAS (Screening Quality Assurance Service), that the national e-learning package will meet 3-yearly routine update training requirements.
Face-to-face cervical screening update sessions will no longer be provided by the University of Sheffield.
- Immunisation Training
In line with: National minimum standards for Immunisation Training (HPA 2005)
Supporting the delivery of immunisation education (RCN 2015)
2.1Basic/Initial training
HEE/ the University of Sheffield will be providingthree courses between September 2017 and March 2018 for Basic/Initial immuniser Training (the number of places available will be determined by individual venues). This is a two day attendance course and both days must be attended.
In 2017/18 academic year Basic/Initial Immunisation training courses will run at the University of Sheffield on:
- 18 & 19 September 2017
- 07 & 14 December 2017
- 22 & 29 March 2018
Fulldetails available at:
2.2 Annual update training
HEE/ the University of Sheffield will be providing threeimmunisation update training sessions between September 2017 and March 2018 (the number of places will be determined by individual venues). In 2017/18 academic year Immunisation Update training will run at the University of Sheffield on:
- 11 September 2017
- 30 November 2017
- 15 March 2018
Full details are available at:
Bookings for all courses should be made directly via the links above.
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Screening and Immunisation Team July 2017