Course Title

Deafblind Awareness Training – Practical Application for Staff Providing Frontline Support

Course Overview

This half day course aims to help participants improve their awareness of deafblind people and the barriers they face in everyday life, mainly focussing on communication, mobility and access to information. Participants will be given a range of information and practical tips on how to reduce these barriers and support deafblind people in the best way possible.

Who should attend?

The content of this course will be aimed specifically at workers who have regular direct contact with people requiring support, such as home carers, residential and nursing home staff, nurses, enabling staff, supported living and extra care housing staff.

What will I learn?

At the end of this course participants should be able to:

Understand the role of the Deafblind Assessor and how we can provide support to other professionals.

Appreciate the barriers faced by deafblind people during everyday life and how to overcome them.

Improve communication, mobility and access to information for deafblind people.

Be able to give support to deafblind people which is person centred, is based upon their choices and preferences and maintains or improves their independence.

Complete practical tasks (such as hearing aid maintenance) with deafblind people.

What will it cover?

The role of the Deafblind Assessor, plus other useful points of contact.

The legislation which underpins the service provided to deafblind people.

Information regarding just having a sight loss and just having a hearing loss, then deafblindness (both losses combined).

The barriers faced by deafblind people, paying particular attention to communication, mobility and access to information.

Practical tips and information to enable you to support a deafblind person in maintaining or improving their independence.

Information and advice regarding the tasks undertaken with a deafblind person (for example guiding whilst walking and hearing aid maintenance).

Duration:3 hours (9:30am until 12.30pm or 1.30pm until 4.30pm)

Minimum number of delegates:8

Maximum number of delegates: 12

How to Book:

If you are a council employee you need to book by using the HR Portal which can be accessed securely from any computer or device that is connected to the internet such as:

- Your home computer

- An iPad or other tablet

- Your smartphone

External delegates should email to book.

Any enquiries can be made to the Directions Team on (01709) 255903 / 254697

Booking Procedure and forms: Click the link for further guidance Further guidance