Module 2

Health & Safety

Training & Development Manual


Training and Development Record


Site ______

Employee ______Trainer______


/ Date completed / Employees signature / Trainers signature
1 / Statement of health & safety
2 / People – Health & safety responsibilities
3 / Standards – Health & safety arrangements
4 / Monitoring- performance measurement
5 / Audit & review
6 / Safe systems of work
7 / Workplaces
8 / Work equipment ( non electrical)
*** / COSHH – hazardous substances
10 / Electricity
11 / Stopping falls
12 / First Aid
*** / Fire & evacuation
14 / Violence to staff
15 / Sunbed
*** / Contractors
17 / Manual Handling
*** / Legionella
19 / PPE Personal Protective
20 / Waste management
21 / Safety Signs
22 / New & expectant Mothers
23 / Office safety & VDU’s
24 / Work Related Stress
25 / Child protection
*** / Lone workers
27 / Incident and accident reporting
28 / Working time directive
29 / Young persons at work
30 / Asbestos
31 / Emergency Action Plan
32 / Normal Operating Procedures
*** / Risk Assessment
UV Tanning Equipment

In addition to the above training I confirm that the above named person has shown a suitable degree of competency in each area listed:


Please send complete form to Kerry Ramsay at the Northern Support Office.


Health & Safety constitutes a vast amount of information, which is constantly changing and being updated. After selection, the employee needs to be made aware of their responsibilities with regard to Health & Safety prior to their very first shift.

This module needs to be used in tandem with your own Club’s Health & Safety manual and we review here an outline of each section for training purposes.

It is the responsibility of the Club Manager to:-

  • Issue every new employee with a copy of the company’s Health & Safety policy.
  • Outline employee’s responsibilities under Health & Safety.
  • Identify each section within the manual and brief the employee.
  • Whilst taking training in this section, make use of any relevant Health & Safety Refresher training slides that you have.

All staff must sign off the following sections of the Health & Safety Manual

Section 13Fire & evacuation

Section 17 Manual Handling

Section 19PPE personal protective equipment

Section 27Incident & accident reporting

In addition to training within the actual Health & Safety manual the following also need to be covered and signed off

  1. UV tanning equipment
  2. Pool & Plant Procedures
  3. COSHH


Each section of this content should be explained giving the reason that the staff need to understand this knowledge. The Health & Safety File can be used as a reference for working knowledge and information. The employee does not need to memorise the information to the letter, but they do need to understand what the file contains, how it is used should they need to refer to it.

Additional information on swimming pool safety can also be found in the following book references

Managing Health & safety in Swimming Pools

HSE Books 1999 ( tel 01787 88165)

ISBN 0 7176 1388 7

Swimming Pool water treatment and quality control

Pool water Treatment Advisory Group 1999

ISBN 0 9517007 6 6

Other requirements for Health & Safety training are outlined in the Staff Welcome Pack

Information and training must be updated constantly through your site Health & Safety Manager and the Group Health & Safety co-ordinator.


Refer to Section 1 of your Health & Safety Manual and run through 3d Leisure’s Company Policy. Every new employee must be issued with their own copy of the Health & Safety Policy Statement.


This section covers what duties and responsibilities everyone within the company has with regard to Health & Safety.

Refer to section 2 in the Health & Safety Manual for training.


Using Section 3 of your H&S Manual, identify the arrangements for Health & Safety within 3d Leisure. Go through all Risk Assessments thoroughly identifying their importance and the standards which we have set ourselves as a company. It is also important that the new employee knows to contact you if they feel that they are unable to meet these standards for any reason.


Using Section 4 of the Health and Safety Manual, explain what the Health & Safety Monitoring and Review Group do.

Cover how the club is involved with using monthly and 4-month accident report summaries. Stress the importance of accident forms and how we as a company, react to them.


Using Section 5 of your H&S Manual, ensure the staff are aware of how the company review and monitor their Health & Safety performance. Use a copy of your last audit to show the employee what we look for during an audit and the things that they can effect.


‘Safe systems at work’ looks at all the Health & Safety implications for every task undertaken in the workplace. This needs to be analysed for each person within your club as well. Introduce the staff to the ‘safe systems’ in operation in your club for their position and for those people they work with. It is important that they are fully aware of the safe systems for all tasks which they may be required to undertake.


Using Section 7 of your Health & Safety Manual, brief the staff on the legal requirements in the workplace for employers.


On a daily basis, employees will be using different types of non-electrical work equipment. Systems need to be in order to ensure the protection against injury and frequency of inspection for these items.

Using Section 8 of your H&S Manual, brief the staff on the law and company procedures regarding work equipment.


Because of the nature of our business and the amount of chemicals on site this is a large area of learning for any member of staff and will require detailed and individual training for each and every chemical that each employee will deal with!

Using your COSHH File, you need to cover the following areas:-

  • What COSHH stands for?
  • A list of all chemicals kept on site.
  • How to differentiate between the hazards presented by each chemical.
  • Who the COSHH Assessor is for your club?
  • What information is contained on a hazards data sheet?
  • What each chemical is used for?
  • How to use each chemical safely?
  • What Personal Protective Equipment needs to be worn with each chemical
  • What dangers each chemical poses and how to deal with them
  • Our lone working system relating to tasks involving chemicals

Note:Whilst covering the area of COSHH you need to go through each chemical in detail and complete the COSHH training sheets in the relevant file.


All staff will need to know Health & Safety requirements regarding electrical equipment on their site. Using Section 10 of your H&S Manual, ensure the employee is aware of what electrical equipment is on site, is it fixed or portable and how often they are inspected?

All portable electrical equipment is required to be PAT (Portable Appliance Test) tested by law, and a qualified electrician must complete this

Employees must be trained in the safe use of any electrical equipment that they will be required to use and how to identify any simple defects which will need reporting.


Employees need to know what sort of accidents / injuries can occur through ‘falls’ at work. It is vitally important that they are aware of potential hazards which caUse falls and who to report these to.

Point out that no employee should undertake any task involving working at height


Using Section 12 of the file, go over where the first aid kits are kept and what they should contain.

Ensure they understand the importance of replenishing used stock and who to report to when they have used anything from a first aid kit.


If your site is a ‘stand-alone’ facility there may be a separate Fire & Evacuation File

Employees need to know procedures regarding fire and evacuation thoroughly. Use Section 13 of your Health & Safety Manual to brief them on company organisation and site responsibility with respect to fire and evacuation:-

Training Notes:

(a)Contract Manager

Company Directors

Site Health & Safety Manager

Club Manager

Employee Responsibility

(b)Cover type and location of fire notices and equipment

(c)How to sound the alarm upon finding a fire

(d)How to evacuate in the event of an emergency?

(e)Where is the emergency lighting located?

(f)Cover your NOP and EAP in detail.

(g)Frequency of fire tests and drills

(h)Action for bomb threat.

(i)Evacuating training for supplementary staff (eg. Aerobics instructor).

(j)Identifying fire risks i.e. Source of ignition and combustable materials within close proximity of each other.


Employees need to acknowledge that when dealing directly with the public, they may face violent or aggressive behaviour. Practical advice needs to be given on how to handle this behaviour and the best way to react to such situations.

Read through the Violence to Staff procedure (Section 14 of your H&S Manual).


Staff must be available to provide adequate advice, supervision and assistance to customers. Training should include suitable instruction in the control, use and operation of UV tanning equipment and its health and safety aspects. Occupational exposure to staff to UV radiation should be kept as low as is reasonably practicable and unnecessary exposure should be avoided.

Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to use the sunbed in any circumstance and refuse entry in case of inability to provide suitable proof of age I.D.

Ensure all staff are regularly trained on the control, use and operation of UV tanning equipment.

Obtain all relevant information necessary to operate UV tanning equipment and ensure that all relevant practices and procedures are actioned.


When a contractor visits the club to carry out any maintenance at all, they must fill in the necessary ‘contractors’ forms and report back after completing their job.

Get the employee to read Section 16 in the Health & Safety Manual and complete the following training exercise:-


Many injuries occur through incorrect handling of awkward and heavy objects in the workplace.

Employees need to understand the risks from manual handling and the way to practical improvements for procedures regarding this.

Run through Section 17 in the H&S Manual and ensure you cover the following:-

  • How to recognise harmful manual handling
  • Appropriate systems of work
  • Use of mechanical aids
  • Good handling technique


Ensure the employee understands the risks from Legionella, how it can be infected and how to avoid future risks. Refer to section 18 in the H&S Manual.

An HSE leaflet is available with detail of this topic.

Whilst looking at Legionella you should also review the weekly Spa operating sheet, the tasks included and the reasons for carrying out these tasks


Staff must wear Personal Protective Equipment to prevent injury to themselves and/or damage to clothing. There are various forms of Personal Protective Equipment which need to be covered:-

  • Eye protection
  • Clothing protection
  • Respiratory protection
  • Head protection etc.

Training Notes:

You need to cover:-

(a)What Personal Protective Equipment needs to be worn at your club and in what situation.

(b)What maintenance and inspection is needed for the Personal Protective Equipment.


Make sure the employee understands the clubs procedure for dealing with waste.


(a)Normal refuse


(c)Bodily fluids

(d)Pool chemical containers


After covering Section 21 of the H&S Manual, take the member of staff on a comprehensive tour of the whole club.

Explain what every sign means and why they are there.

Take special attention to Fire and Pool Safety.


See section 22 of the H&S Manual

Employees need to be aware of the particular needs of expectant mothers and the additional precautions required when using the majority of the club facilities. Within the work environment at some stage they are likely to deal with member or staff that are either a new or expectant mothers.

With regard to member particular caution needs to be applied in the use of heat facilities, exercise within the gymnasium and certain types of beauty therapy. In all cases use of the facility should be under the guidance of the mothers GP.

Post natal use of the facilities will also be restricted and again is governed by the advice given to the mother by their GP.

Employees need to be aware of what facilities will be made available to them and what tasks will be reduced during their pregnancy.


Employees need to be aware of the hazards from prolonged use of VDU’s. This may not concern any of the employees at your club, never the less, an understanding of the regulations is necessary for their whole training.

Run though Section 23 in the Health & Safety Manual.


Cover how 3d Leisure deal with Stress at work through section 24 of the H&S Manual

Discuss the appraisal system and who to talk to if stress becomes an issue.

An HSE booklet on Stress in the workplace is available with detail on this topic


This area is covered in the Staff Induction Pack.

Emphasise the need to look out for child offenders and where to report suspicious activity.


Refer to Section 26 of the Health & Safety Manual.

Also discuss Lone Workers Sheet and what tasks are identified as being hazardous to the lone worker. It is essential that all staff understand the importance of the lone working tasks only being completed with another member of staff present.


This section (Section 27 of your Health & Safety Manual) contains a relatively large amount of information and you will need to set aside time to ensure staff fully understand systems and procedures surrounding Accidents and Emergencies.

Also refer to the clubs serious incident management pack ( SIMP )

Training Notes:

Ensure you cover the following:-

(a)The means of ‘hazard’ identification and reporting (Hazard Report Form)

-how is information recorded?

-who does it go to?

-what happens next?

(b)The means of accident reporting

-where are they kept?

-how are they completed?

-what is form F2508 and when is it used?

-who is the Local Enforcing Authority?

-where is the club’s Accident Book?

-what is an internal incident form?

-where are the First Aid boxes?

-what is required by law to go in them?

-who checks them and how often?

-what is the company’s minimum First Aid requirement?


Cover guidelines set out in Section 28 of the Manual.


Cover Section 29 of the Health & Safety Manual.


This section covers the law and employers responsibilities regarding Asbestos. Please ensure that the member of staff is fully aware of what Asbestos is, where it could be found and what to do if they find some.


This is a large section of training as it involves all procedures which must be put in place in the event of an emergency.

Please use your EAP file when completing the training to ensure that all areas of emergency action are covered.


This is a large section of training as it involves all procedures within the club.

Please use your NOP file when completing the training to ensure that all procedures within the club are covered


It is important that every member of staff has full knowledge of what is contained within the risk assessment for two reasons:

  1. They know what control measures that they are required to comply with
  2. They can identify anything which may be missing from the risk assessment and inform you so that changes can be made.


This is a large section of training as it involves information on the safe use of sunbeds.

Ensure that the training covers:-

  • Equipment, construction, installation and maintenance
  • Customer exposure and tanning information
  • Training on advice and assistance to customers
  • Daily, weekly and monthly checklists

November 2010 - Issue 5 Page 1 of 38


3D LEISURE - Training & Development Manual