Smith & Georg
Training and Consulting
Policies & Procedures Manual
March 2016
Provision of Training and Assessment Services 3
Health and Safety 4
Recognition of Qualifications/Statements of Attainment issued
by other Training Organisations4
Mutual recognition
Credit transfer
Assessment 5
Skills recognition
Access and Equity 5
Sexual harassment
Special needs of participants
Issuing Statements of Attainment 7
Marketing of Training and Assessment Services 8
Financial Standards 8
Fees 8
Provision of Information 9
Recruitment 9
Selection process
Support Services10
Grievance Mechanism 10
Grievance process
Record Keeping 12
Monitoring and Review of Products and Services 12
This document incorporates the practices and relevant policies which provide the basis for good practice in the marketing, operation, financing and administration of training services by Smith & Georg.
For the purposes of this document participant refers to any person participating in training delivered by this organisation. A client is a person or organisation who may enter into a contract with the registered training organisation for the delivery of training services.
Provision of Training and Assessment Services
- As a Registered Training Organisation,Smith & Georg has policies and management practices which maintain high professional standards in the delivery of training and assessment services, and which safeguard the interests and welfare of participants and/or clients.
- Smith & Georg maintains a learning environment that is conducive to the success of participants.
- Smith & Georg has the capacity to deliver and assess the vocational qualifications for which it has been registered, provide adequate facilities, and use methods and materials appropriate to the learning and assessment needs of participants.
- Smith & Georg monitors and assesses the performance and progress of its participants.
- Smith & Georg ensures that teaching staff are not only suitably qualified but are also sensitive to the cultural and learning needs of participants, and provides training for our staff as required.
- Smith & Georg ensures that assessments are conducted in a manner that meets the endorsed components of the relevant Training Package(s) and/or accredited courses.
- Smith & Georg is committed to access and equity principles and processes in the delivery of its services.
- Smith & Georgis committed to providing the best possible client service. We ensure that where practicable, all participants in training receive written confirmation of their assessment results within two weeks of completion.
Health and Safety
Smith & Georgrecognisesits obligations under theWork,Health, and Safety Act2012, committing to maintaining high standards of work health & safety for all participants, clients and staff.
Our Work Health & Safety(WHS) Management Manual describes Smith & Georg’s system to manage WHS responsibilities.
Management will:
1. Provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe
2. Provide sufficient information and training to ensure staff and participants are safe from injury and risks to health.
Staff and participants will:
1. Cooperate with management and follow instructions on safe work practices
2. Take care of the health and safety of themselves and others
3. Report any hazards, and accidents to their presenter/management.
Recognition of Qualifications/Statements Issued by other Training Organisations
Mutual Recognition
Smith & Georg recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Participants must present their original Qualification or Statement of Attainment to Smith & Georg to have them recognised. Smith & Georg may contact the issuing organisation to verify that the documents are authentic. A copy of the qualification/Statement of Attainment will be stored on the participants file.
Credit Transfer
Smith & Georg will assess other training qualifications/certificates against its own training programs, and will recognise those qualifications/certificates where equivalence can be demonstrated. For more information, or to apply for Credit Transfer, obtain the Credit Transfer – Procedure, Application Form and Checklist from the Smith & Georg office.
Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on the extent and nature of progress towards the performance requirements set out in a competency standard, module or a learning outcome.
Smith & Georg supports Competency Based Training and Assessment. This means thatparticipants in all courses will be assessed as to whether they are able to do tasks competently, as defined in the relevant Training Package.
A learner may become competent in many ways, including:
- courses/training programs
- paid or unpaid work experience
- life experiences
For assessment of participants to national competency standards, assessment of competence will be based on the Elements andPerformance Criteriafor the relevant Units of Competency in the National Training Package. Assessment instruments are mapped against these requirements, and documented in Learning Assessment Strategies, before they are used.
Where appropriate Smith & Georg makes the following adjustments:
- Assessment may be verbal
- Course may be presented in the participants primary language. Currently the Chemical Accreditation course is offered in English & Vietnamese. Assessments are also available in both languages.
- Extra tuition is offered
Participants will have 6 months from enrolling in their course to complete the course. Extra time may be negotiated.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Many people acquire skills from previous training, on-the-job training and life experience. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a way of giving people credit for those skills. RPL is also known as Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) or Skills Recognition (SR). People who are granted RPL do not need to attend a training program, yet still receive the same Qualification or Statement of Attainment as those who do. Smith & Georg uses RPL Interview Checklist to assess the competence of the RPL participant .
For more information, or to apply for RPL, contact the Smith & Georg office.
Access and Equity
Smith & Georg has a commitment to the goals of Equal Opportunity and will work towards achieving an environment free of discrimination in relation to:
- The way we recruit and treat our staff, and
- The access to, and the delivery of, training.
Under current legislation it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of:
- age
- disability
- industrial activity
- lawful sexual activity/sexual orientation
- marital, parental or carer status
- physical features
- political beliefs or activity
- pregnancy
- race
- religious belief or activity
- sex
- personal association with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above attributes.
Educational authorities are also prohibited from discriminating against a person on the grounds of status or by reason of private life.
Smith & Georg is committed to the ongoing examination of its structures and processes with the goal of eliminating any inequities which may arise as a result of direct or indirect discrimination.
Sexual Harassment
Smith & Georg does not tolerate sexual, or any other, harassment from, or towards, staff or participants.
Under the Equal Opportunity Act it is unlawful for an organisation to make it appear that a person will be disadvantaged in educational or training activities if that person does not accept or tolerate sexual advances, suggestions or innuendo.
Special Needs of Participants
Smith & Georg will promote and facilitate equal training opportunities for people who have disabilities and will endeavour to remove any barriers which may prevent people who have disabilities from having this access.
Smith & Georg believes that it is the right of any participant who has a disability to elect to inform Smith & Georg of their disability.
- Applicants’ needs are considered by staff when the person makes contact to the office to register for the course, with only relevant staff being informed.
- At the beginning of the course presenters invite participants to let them know if they need any assistance, including the offer to talk to the presenter at breaks. Participants are invited to ring the office if they feel they need further support.
- Trainers can not be held responsible for making or giving special allowances if a participant elects not to disclose a disability.
- All participants will be treated with respect and consideration, and confidentiality will be respected at all times.
For participants under 18 years of age the participant has the right to be safe from harm.Their wellbeing and best interests will be given paramount consideration as outlined in the Children’s Protection Act 1993, and in Smith & Georg’s Code of Conduct for training Youth.
AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy
Students can apply to study any of the Level 1 to 4 units of competence that Smith & Georg has on its scope of registration. Previous experience in the relevant industry or completion of Level 3, is required for Level 4. Smith & Georg doesn’t offer enough units for a qualification but encourages participants to combine units gained together with other units studied to gain a qualification.
Issuing Statements of Attainment
Smith & Georgissues statements of attainment to participants who meet the required outcomes in accordance with all appropriate National Guidelines.
Smith & Georg is registered with AQSA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) for delivering units of competence as on their scope, for further details visit and in “registering body”search for Smith & Georg. A yearly review of units of competence occurs to ensure units on Smith & Georg’s scope are being delivered and are current.
Templates of Statements of Attainment are used to ensure consistency. The Administration Officer and Business Manager have been approved by the Managing Director to issue Statements of Attainment. Templates are reviewed at the beginning of the year.
As an RTO , Smith & Georg is required to be able to recreate a record of attainment of units of competence for 30 years.Participants results are sent every quarter to NCVER(National Centre for Vocational Education Research).
Marketing of Training and Assessment Services
Smith & Georg markets and advertises its products and services in an ethical manner.
Smith & Georg gains permission from a participant or client before using information about that individual or organisation in any marketing materials.
Smith & Georg accurately represents recognised training products and services to prospective participants and clients.
Smith & Georg ensures participants and clients are provided with full details of conditions in any contractual arrangements .
No false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organisation or qualification.
Financial Standards
Smith & Georg has measures to ensure that participants and clients receive a refund of fees for services not provided, including services not provided as a result of the financial failure of the organisation.
Smith & Georg has a refund policy that is fair and equitableand this policy is made available to all participants and clients.
Smith & Georg ensures that the contractual and financial relationship between the participant/client and the organisation is fully and properly documented, and that copies of the documentation are made available to the participant/client.
Documentation includes: the rights and responsibilities of participants, costs of training and assessment services and issuance of qualifications, payment arrangements, refund conditions and any other matters that place obligations on participants or clients.
Smith & Georgexpects payment of fees prior to the course
The amount of the fee and the method of payment are given to the client on the ParticipantForm before entering in to a contract with Smith and Georg Pty Ltd.
Fees requested before the course commences are less than $1,000 per participant.
Discounts for Group bookings are available by arrangement prior to the course, ask for a quote.
Smith & Georg will be responsible for ensuring that clients receive the training or assessment services for which they have paid.
If a participant is assessed as “Not Yet Competent” at the conclusion of a course/ program, they are still required to pay the appropriate fee. However they will be given the opportunity to re-attempt any assessments, usually at no further cost.
There is no charge for replacement statement of results.
Refund Policy
If a participant doesn’t attend a course they are registered for and paid for, they are offered another course.
Refunds may be offered ifthe participant doesn’t attend a course they have booked in for and paid for. An administration fee of $50 may be charged.
In the event that Smith & Georg is unable to fulfil its contract with a client, Smith & Georg will refund the client the proportion of fees paid by the client for which services were not received.
Participant complaints about refunds will be referred to the Managing Director for a determination, which will be corresponded to the participant.
In line with NVR(National Vocational Regulator) standards, if in the unlikely event, that Smith & Georg ceases trading
- Cheques paid by clients that have not attended training will be returned.
- Participants that have yet to complete their training will be notified giving them the opportunity to complete their training within a period of three months.
Provision of Information
- Smith & Georg supplies accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to prospective participants and clients, via Smith & Georg’s website, registration forms, and brochures about the course, before they enter into written agreements.
- Information is reviewed yearly to ensure its accuracy and relevance.
- Smith & Georg conducts recruitment of participants in an ethical and responsible manner.
- Smith & Georg ensures that the educational background of intending participants is assessed by suitably qualified staff and/or agents, and provides for the training of such staff and agents, as appropriate.
Participants enrol in a training program by completing the relevant registration form and returning it to Smith & Georg. Registration forms and further information on programs can be obtained from the Smith & Georg office, or
Selection Process
Enrolment should only occur where it provides the individual participant with access to a reasonable chance of success. If participants are not likely to be successful in a training program, due to poor language, literacy or numeracy skills, or for any other reason, their options for training will be discussed with them.
The majority of courses offered by Smith & Georg are short programs/courses and selection will generally be on the basis of 'first come - first served'. If a course is full participants will be advised of the next course, or additional courses will be scheduled where demand warrants.
Unsuccessful applicants are:
- Notified as soon as possible that they have not gained a place in the program and are placed in the next course in their area or on a waiting list if appropriate.
- Encouraged to re-apply at a later date without penalty.
- Able to apply to David Georg, Managing Director for reconsideration if they feel that this Policy has not been followed, or they have been discriminated against in any way.
Support Services
Smith & Georgprovides adequate protection for the health, safety and welfare of participants and, without limiting the ordinary meaning of such expression, this includes adequate and appropriate support services in terms of academic and personal counselling.
Grievance Mechanism Policy
This policy applies to any person that has dealings with Smith & Georg , including participants that attend courses delivered by Smith & Georg or participants that attend training delivered on Smith & Georg’s behalf(third party training).
Smith & Georg defines a grievance as a complaint arising from any situation within the control of the management or staff, including any training matter that causes a participant or client serious concern or distress.
Smith & Georgensures that participants and clients have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with grievances and provides an avenue for participants to appeal against decisions that affect their progress. Every effort is made by our organisation to resolve participants’/clients’ grievances.
Grievance Procedure
This is the general procedure that should be followed by participants and clients of Smith & Georg, should they feel that they have been treated unfairly by Smith & Georg or one of our staff members, or a person that is delivering the course on Smith & Georg’s behalf. The procedure may vary in some circumstances.
- Anyparticipant or client that has a concern or distress should contact their facilitator/trainer in the first instance.
- If it is not appropriate to discuss the grievance with their facilitator/trainer, then the issue should be discussed with the Managing Director of Smith & Georg (Dave Georg) , contact detailsas follows:
Ph08 83891856 or 0408 899 386,
Email .
Post 9 Quinns Rd, Forreston 5233
- The Managing Director will
- Record the complaint, and investigations, and outcomes using the Corrective Action/Improvement Report
- Acknowledge the complaint in writing within 7 days of receiving the complaint. Provide regular updates(fortnightly) to the complaint in writing.
- Advise any person involved in the allegation of the complaint.
- If appropriate arrange a meeting with the participant or client to listen to their case.
- Acting in an unbiased manner seriously investigate the matter, and
- Seek information from relevant people including the facilitator/presenter, other participants or clients.
- If in the process of exploring a grievance, significant legal or criminal issues arise, the matter will be referred to the Police or appropriate legal agents
- Schedule a meeting with the participant or client to discuss the matter with the aim of resolving the grievance.
- Act on any complaint found to be substantiated.
- If the processing of the investigation takes more than 60 days then the complainant will be notified.
- Record any outcomes. Any outcomes are to be given in a written statement to the participant or client.
- Records of the complaint , investigation and outcome will be securely stored at the Smith & Georg office.
- After working through 1 to 3, if the complainant is unsatisfied with the way in which the issue is being handled, they may
a)register a complaint with ASQA online at or ringing ASQA Information line on 1300 701 801 or emailing