AHSE clinics are run throughout Australia to accredit and qualify those involved with running trail rides for groups (including tourists and school students). Our main areas of interest include communication, group and horse management, risk assessment and safety. These clinics are especially directed towards those who have worked in the industry and have experience, but who may not have a 'piece of paper' to prove they are good operators. Our qualifications are linked to the national Outdoor Recreation Industry training package (as used by TAFEs) and are delivered by a registered training organisation in conjunction with AHSE.

AHSE qualifications are recognised by the Australian Horse Industry Council and the education departments in all states (in their guidelines to schools for horse programs involving students) and the Adventure Activity Standards for trail riding in Victoria -currently under review in other states for their adoption throughout Australia.

  • ASSISTANT TRAIL GUIDE: Minimum age 16, Can assist in a trail ride, under the direct supervision of a qualified trail guide. Includes the basics of Occupational Health and Safety, basic care and safe handling of horses, an understanding of the principles of minimal impact, and an ability to walk, trot/jog and canter/lope independently on a beginners’ horse.
  • TRAIL GUIDE (DAY RIDES): Minimum age 18. Qualified to provide foundational instruction to beginners, with a strong emphasis on risk management, planning and communication. The instruction at this level includes teaching and supervising riders in groups and/or individually in the areas of mounting, correct position and control at walk and trot/jog and first canter/lope. Includes the abilities to supervise others around horses, transport horses in floats, apply first aid for horses (including giving injections) and manage herds in a structured environment. PLUS trail riding skills (short rides only) including an awareness of the added responsibilities and risks of trail riding, allowing for changing weather conditions, use of roads and tracks, track maintenance, planning for contingencies and management of groups of riders outside of the confines of an arena.
  • TRAIL GUIDE (MULTI-DAY RIDES) Includes Trail Guide (day rides) plus basic hoof management (removing and replacing a shoe in an emergency) and management of dentition needs of horses; transport of livestock in large numbers; use of maps and compass; use of overnight sites: environmental needs; choice of site; management of groups of riders and horses in camping environments; hobbling/yards/tethering horses overnight, planning for contingencies, etc.
  • TRAIL BOSS : (as for Horse Program Manager) At least Trail Guide (day rides) level, plus knowledge of herd management (health and nutrition, group dynamics, conditioning etc.) Includes OHS policies, leadership and management skills, coordination of emergencies, production of sound policies and procedures in the form of an operations manual for the business.
  • TRAIL BOSS (MULTI DAY RIDES) Trail Boss PLUS experience in riding in remote areas, managing horses’ injuries/illness in remote areas, euthanasia, planning outdoor activities in extreme situations, psychology of riders under stress, theory of risk.
  • CLINIC INSTRUCTOR (trails) : Minimum level Trail Boss (Multi Day Rides). Widely experienced in a variety of riding and management situations; minimum age 25; A clinic instructor (trails) must have an extensive understanding of trail riding, horse behaviour, knowledge of safety and equipment, knowledge and understanding of risk theory and the psychology of fear, ability to demonstrate and communicate effectively, and skills to interpret and correct horse behaviour and performance. They require time management and people skills to facilitate a group and ensure positive outcome from clinics.

GENERAL (Clinic Instructor) : To become qualified as a Clinic Instructor , a candidate must first be recommended as an Assistant Clinic Instructor, assist at a number of AHSE clinics before, then be recommended as a Clinic Instructor. This includes the prerequisite of Cert IV Workplace Assessor qualification. This requirement will be upgraded to TAA40104 in 2007/8.

( APRA approved) Insurance is available through Affinity Risk Partners for those for businesses with staff holding these qualifications as AHSE trail guides. Call Jane Martin 03 8587 7777 for insurance advice.