Trade Mark protection in the new digital age
Adrian Kinderis
CEO AusRegistry International
The biggest change to the landscape of the internet is about to take place which presents challenges, risks and opportunities for Trade Mark holders across the globe.
In early 2011, ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) a not for profit public benefit corporation that coordinates the Internet’s naming system, (www.icann.org) will introduce a program that will allow leading organisations, governments and entrepreneurs to apply for and secure their own Top-Level Domain – in the domain name www.telstra.com the Top-Level Domain is .com.
The new Generic Top-Level Domain (new gTLD) program provides for a detailed process requiring applicants to demonstrate their technical, operational and financial capabilities in order to manage a critical piece of the internet forever.
Thus far the applications have appealed to applicants within three specific market segments:
· Brand names – .telstra or .ibm
· Generic words – .mobile or .web
· Geographic identities – .sydney or .nyc
AusRegistry International, a global provider of Domain Name Registry Services, will highlight the potential risks and benefits of the new gTLD program for Trade Mark holders via an informative and engaging presentation designed to aid in the development of strategies to ensure their Trade Marks are appropriately prepared for this online revolution.
With this monumental change to the internet’s landscape it is imperative that brand holders fully understand the impact this program will have on Trade Mark protection strategies in the digital space.
For attendees, this educational presentation will:
· Explain the new gTLD program in detail
· Identify the various risks and challenges for Trade Mark holders
· Describe policies that have been designed to aid Trade Mark protection
· Provide an overview of how challenges can be used to a Trade Mark holder’s advantage.
Adrian Kinderisis the founder and CEO of the AusRegistry Group of companies, including AusRegistry Pty Ltd and AusRegistry International Pty Ltd.
AusRegistry is the Registry Operator and wholesale domain name provider for the .au ccTLD which manages over 1.8 million .au domain names. AusRegistry International Pty Ltd is the internationally focused subsidiary that brings domain name skills, technology and experience to a global audience.
Adrian is a veteran of the internet community who, on the basis of his wide range of experience in both Registrar and Registry Operator roles, was elected by the Registrar Constituency to the GNSO Council for ICANN. In this role he has, amongst other bodies of work, contributed to the document 'Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains Document (11 September 2007)' which was recently ratified by the ICANN board and forms the major component to the next phase of development for the internet.
· A member of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)
· A thought leader in the Domain Name Industry
· Extensive marketing experience
Adrian is an in-demand speaker, regularly presenting keynote addresses at industry conferences on topics as diverse as: Registry Operations, Registry Best Practice, Domain Name Management, Registry-Registrar models and Marketing TLDs.
He is also a seasoned campaigner on the ICANN trail, having attended over 28 ICANN meetings over the past ten years.
As a true entrepreneur, Adrian has a passion for business development that has seen the AusRegistry group of companies grow rapidly, and is committed to establishing AusRegistry International as the Registry Operator of choice for new generic TLDs as the internet continues to develop.
Trade Mark protection in the new digital age
Adrian Kinderis
CEO AusRegistry International
Presentation details follow:
LocationPlease select preferred location / Date / Time / Venue
Melbourne /
Wed 20 Oct /
12.30pm-2.00pm / Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick
Level 23, 367 Collins Street Melbourne
Sydney /
Tues 26 Oct / 12.30pm-2.00pm / Davies Collison Cave
255 Elizabeth Street Sydney
Note: Refreshments 12.30pm-1.00pm / Presentation 1.00pm-2.00pm
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Trade Mark protection in the new digital age
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