Tracie Walker

Reading 3030

Dr. W. Trathen

Text Talk Lesson


Grandpa’s Teeth

By: Rod Clement

Summary: Grandpa gets his teeth stolen from his bedside and now he talksth so funny! Poor Grandpa is devastated! The usual suspects are lined up for investigation, but no one is guilty. He even goes on T.V. to help solve the crime. Everyone in town is smiling, except Grandpa. The town people are sick of walking around with a smile to prove that they have their own teeth. So, they all chip in and buy TWO new sets of teeth. One set is for Grandpa, and he gives the second set to Mrs. Carbuncle. His dog, Gump, sure has a pretty smile at the end of the story.

Focus: The focus of this story is on the whole town’s effort in finding Grandpa’s missing teeth. Grandpa assumed that he had been robbed, when Gump really got his teeth. Grandpa is miserable without his teeth, and he makes everyone else in town miserable too.

Comments and Questions: Read the title of the book and show the cover of the book to the children and ask them- Who’s this man in bed? What do you think is wrong with him?

Page 1

What do you think the robber took? (Teeth)

Page 4

What seems to be upsetting Grandpa the most about missing his teeth? (He talks funny)

Page 5

What do you think they are going to do about this problem? (Answers will vary)

Page 9

What could they be planning to do with a drawing of Grandpa’s teeth?

Page 11

How did the story describe Mrs. Carbuncle? (She is not friendly, or she doesn’t smile)

Page 13

What do you think it means to reenact something? (To act out something that already happened)

Page 17

Do you think they’re going to find out who has Grandpa’s teeth?

Page 20

Why are the tourists afraid? (People are acting strange, smiling everywhere!)

Page 22

What do you think will happen next?

Page 23

What is Pastor Butter’s solution to problem? (Take up a collection to buy Grandpa new teeth)

Page 27

Do you notice anything unusual here? (Gump is smiling too)

Page 28

Who has Grandpa’s original set of teeth? (Gump)

Wrap Up

How do you think that the dog got Grandpa’s teeth?

What could Grandpa have done to prevent this problem from happening? (Not left his teeth where Gump could get them) (Put his teeth in the bathroom)


Grave- The story says that Officer Rate looked GRAVE. The word GRAVE means to be quiet, still, and serious in manner or in character. Let’s say the word GRAVE.

Now, I am going to name some situations when you may or may not look grave. If you think you might look grave (quiet and serious) then say the word “GRAVE”. But, if you think that you would not need to have a grave look say “no way”!

Your friend is on her way over to play with you- (No Way!)

You want to be good in the car so mom will buy you some candy. (GRAVE)

The teacher is passing out a big test! (GRAVE)

Dad announces that you will be going to Disneyworld next week. (No Way!)

What’s our word? GRAVE


Disaster-In the story, Grandpa says “It’s a disaster, come quickly!” A disaster is an event that results in great loss or misfortune, something terrible. Say the word disaster.

I am going to give you some events and you tell me which one is a disaster.

A rain shower or a hurricane

Losing a permanent tooth or losing a baby tooth

Planning your vacation or having to cancel your vacation

Getting a new family pet or someone stealing your family pet

What’s our word? DISASTER


Properly- Our story said that Mrs. Carbuncle’s teeth never fit her properly. The word properly means in the right manner or correctly. Say the word properly.

Now, I am going to read some things that may or may not have been done properly (correctly). You say “PROPERLY” if you think it was done correctly. If it was NOT done properly you say “WRONG!”

Billy came in from school and threw his book bag, coat, and gym socks down in the doorway. (WRONG!)

Billy washed his hands with soap so he could fix a sandwich. (PROPERLY)

After Billy fixed his sandwich, he left the crumbs on the counter and went outside. (WRONG)

Billy made sure he closed the door tightly behind him as he went out to play. (PROPERLY)

What’s our word? PROPERLY

Let’s Review:

Our three words are GRAVE, DISASTER, and PROPERLY.

I will read a sentence and you tell me which word fits in each sentence.

He had a _____ look on his face while he was thinking. (GRAVE)

The backyard was a _____ after the windstorm passed. (DISASTER)

The key just didn’t fit the keyhole _____. (PROPERLY)