Town of Woodboro Board of Supervisors

Monthly meeting minutes

August 16, 2016

Pledge of allegiance was recited.

The regular monthly board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Sherry Tischendorf.

Members present were Chairperson Sherry Tischendorf, Supervisor Phil Kriesel, Supervisor Bill Rudis, Clerk Judy May.Absent: Treasurer Tina Schmidt.There were 9 audience members present. Roll call completed.

Agenda was posted in four places and the town website.

Supervisor Kriesel made a motion and seconded by Supervisor Rudisto approve theRegular Monthly Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2016. Motion carried by voice vote.

Supervisor Kriesel made a motion to accept the August 2016 Expenditures as presented. Motion was seconded by Supervisor Rudis. Motion carried by voice vote.

Treasurer’s Report:None.

New Business:

First agenda item: Town Hall – interior wall. Areas of concern were noticed at the Board of Review in regards to the inside walls. Mike Winters came out and looked at the roof to see if there are any leaks but he didn’t find any. Further inspections will be done from the inside to evaluate the need for repair.

Second agenda item: Election results. Clerk May reported 143 out of 592 registered voters voted in the Fall Primary held on August 9th. This is approx. 24% of registered voters which was greater than the state average of just over 12%. Results were posted on the door.

Third agenda item: Tripoli Propane Contract – A motion was made by Supervisor Kriesel to accept the Tripoli Propane contract at $0.94 per gallon. Motion was seconded by Supervisor Rudis. Motion carried by voice vote.

Fourth agenda item: High Peak Rd. – Supervisor Kriesel was contacted by Bowen’s Bus Company in regards to concerns with plowing and traveling on High Peak Rd. during the winter months. It was suggested that Dean, Highway Maintenance Co. LLC, be notified that it will be necessary for High Peak Rd. to be completely plowed and passable by bus no later than 6:45 a.m.

Old Business:

First agenda item:Driveway Permits.

a.)Linda Strong – still pending. Concerns with width of driveway.

b.)Lon Waldinger – approved by Chair Tischendorf.

c.)Brett Smith – approved by Chair Tischendorf.

Second agenda item:WTA (Wisconsin Town’s Association)-Just Fix It Campaign. A motion was made by Supervisor Kriesel to approve resolution 8-16 in regards to a request for more state funding for roads in the northwoods. Supervisor Rudis seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote.

Third agenda item:ATV-UTV Ordinance Amendment – Supervisor Kriesel made a motion to amend the current ATV/UTV route to include the west portion of Old Hwy K Rd from Oneida Lake Rd. to Hwy K. Supervisor Rudis seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote. NOTE: This amendment will not be valid until properly posted and pending an approval from the Town of Cassian. Clerk May was instructed to notify the Oneida County Sherriff’s Dept. when approval is final.

Fourth agenda item: Oneida Lake Access – surveyor work continues.

Fifth agenda item: Town Road Projects –

  • Paulson Project – Supervisor Kriesel will call Brad Pitlik to check status.
  • Mowing currently being done.
  • Musky Point Rd. – Adding a turn-around area so plow can turn truck around without having to back out. Property owner has given verbal permission to use part of their land.
  • Brushing will be done in a few weeks.
  • Grading will take place this fall.

Sixth agenda item: Public Comments-

  • Audience member asked that additional grading work be done on Nose Lake Rd. Roadway is in poor condition. Board will ask Dean, Highway Maintenance Co. LLC to see what can be done.

A motion was made by Supervisor Kriesel and seconded by Supervisor Rudis to adjourn the meeting at 6:31 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote.