November 13, 2017 7:00 PM


The regular monthly meeting of the Winfall Town Council was called to order by Mayor Fred Yates at 7:00 p.m... Invocation was given by Councilwoman Debbie Whedbee and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Fred Yates.

Those in attendance were Mayor Pro-Tem Debbie Whedbee, Councilman Preston White, Councilman Steav Congdon, Councilman Kenneth Rominger and Attorney William Crowe.

Mayor Yates asked Council if there was a conflict of interest. None was declared.

A motion was made by Councilman Kenneth Rominger to approve the agendaand was seconded by Councilman Steav Congdon and so carried.

A motion was made on the approval of the October 9, 2017minutes by Councilman Steav Congdon, and seconded by Councilman Preston White and so carried.

Financial Report:

Had noFinancial Reportbecause of the Illness of our Accountant Terry Chappell.

Old Business:

Mayor Yates told Council they were trying to get the new Post Office inspected by a qualified inspector before it will be opened for business.

New Business:


Department Reports:

Roads & Grounds:None

Sewer: Mayor Yates told Council he was asking Town of Hertford for more additional capacity for the Town and also asking them to redo the contract they have with the Town.

Police Department: Had report

Fire Department: Corey Mariner from the Fire Dept. said they were getting a lot of calls for fire and smoke from people’s heating units. He also told Council they would be picking new officers for the fire dept. in December. Councilwoman Debbie Whedbee asked Corey did the fire dept. decide to join in with Council and the employees of the Town to have a Christmas Party together. Corey said yes they would join in and set a date for December 16, 2017 at the Fire Dept.

Committee Reports:

Recreation: Councilman Steav Congdon gave report to Council, he said the meeting with the Committee didn’t want to look for any solutions on the problems they asked them to look into. Mayor Yates said he will address another letter with our concerns. Mayor also said he asked for a copy of their budget.

Beautification: Councilwoman Debbie Whedbee said she called 3 people with horses for the parade and also talked with Mrs. Moreland about the Middle School Football team.She stated to Council she had gotten 2 people to MC the Christmas parade.

Attorney:Attorney Crowe said he was finishing up with USDA on the police car; all paper work has been completed.

Other Business:None

At 7:15p.m. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Councilman Steav Congdon and seconded by Councilwoman Debbie Whedbee and so carried.


Frederick L. Yates, Mayor Brenda Dillard,Town Clerk