Chairwoman Bernadette Baun called this meeting of the Planning Board to order at 4:05 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the SJ Fire Department. Members

Earl Dye, Rick Jones and John Sullivan were present. Alternates Taylor Ryan and Ron Johnson were present with Taylor Ryan sitting in for Bill White, who had been excused. Judy Hughes was present, sitting in for Josann Campanello.

Agenda Amendments and Approval of Agenda: Member Earl Dye made a motion to approve the agenda as written. All were in favor.

No public was present.

Approval of July 24, 2008 Minutes: Rick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes as written. All were in favor.

Board/Staff Reports: 1) Earl Dye reported on the Lighting Committee. Earl and Taylor Ryan have met and have a course of action. Paul Maguire and Mayor Shelley Lesher have joined this committee. Earl reported that they would like to pattern their approach after the Town of Shallotte, turn their conclusions over to Mark Brambell first and then have Paul Maguire and Shelley Lesher review it.

New Business: a) Proposed UDO Amendment to Article 3.1.5, etc. Public Hearings for Planning Board: Ads will be running on August 13th and August 20th regarding the Proposed Text Amendments. Proposed Zoning Text Amendment

08-002 – Amendment to Article 3.6 – Subdivision, was approved July 31st. The purpose of the Proposed Zoning Text Amendment 08-003 – Amendment to Articles 2 and 3 is to delete the requirement that the Planning Board hold a public hearing on Zoning Text Amendments, Map Amendments (Rezonings) and Map Amendments for a Planned Unit Development. North Carolina does not require a hearing for Map and Text Amendments. John Sullivan asked what the expense is for running the ads. Chairwoman Baun was unsure of the cost. Earl Dye made a motion to approve Zoning Text Amendment 08-003. Taylor Ryan seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Unfinished Business: a) Land Use Plan Strategy: This discussion is a follow up on the last two meetings with Town Council members. Chairwoman Baun pointed out that ETJ and Annexation issues are now Town Council issues. The Planning Board needs to update the Brunswick County CAMA Core Land Use Plan as it pertains to St. James. Chairwoman Baun will contact Leslie Bell to set up a meeting to discuss the procedures for updating this plan and also discuss the idea of cooperation in developing Area Plans for the Rt. 211 and Bridge Corridor areas. The hope would be that as many Board Members as possible attend this meeting. Also, Chairwoman Baun suggested that the Board Members read the Executive Plan of the County Plan.


The next item involves pursuing the hiring of a consultant. Chairwoman Baun suggested

that members of the Board form a sub-committee to develop a Statement of Work and

bring the proposals to the Planning Board. The Statement of Work would have to be sent

to at least three consulting firms for a quote. Bernadette Baun, Rick Jones and Ron

Johnson volunteered to be on this committee. b) Agenda for next meeting: 1. Consider

two subdivisions. 2. Approval of Site Plan for the expansion of the SJFD.

At 4:45 p.m., Earl Dye made a motion to adjourn the meeting.