Town of Putney

P. O. Box 233

Putney, Vermont 05346


Putney Selectboard

Monday, July 28, 2003

Draft Minutes – Not Approved

The Putney Selectboard convened the meeting at 7:00 P.M., Monday, July 28, 2003.

Selectboard Members Present: Dave Hannum, John Nopper, and Regina Rockefeller

Selectboard Members Absent: None

Others Present: Anita Coomes, Wayne Davis (Vtrans Park & Ride), Matt Mann (Windham Regional Comm.), Tom Goddard, Larry Hyde, Ben Madow, Frank Molina, Fern Tavalin and Barbara Taylor

1.  Meet with Wayne Davis, Project Supervisor, Vtrans Park & Ride


Wayne Davis discussed the possibility of establishing a facility South of Springfield. The property in question is the small piece of State owned property located North of the Northbound exit of I-91 on U.S. Route 5. Wayne said that it is helpful to have a mix use within the facility. He proposed clearing the frontage, removing the garage, installing rental lights and bed of gravel. He is looking at approximately 30 spaces for a trial lot. The State would maintain with plowing, sand and minimal security. Most facilities have few problems, hence the good visibility from the road. Wayne mentioned problems with Hartland not being big enough. Dave Hannum asked where the users were going that used the facility. Wayne said that many go to Dartmouth. Regina asked about current studies of cost and numbers of users. Wayne said that there is no statistics. He did indicate that the facility would be available for long term and overnight parking. The State would tow any cars/ trucks that were abandoned. Wayne said they were looking to have it open by snowfall. John Nopper asked about the current use for storage of asphalt. Wayne again stated that mixed use for the facility is good. He mentioned that the Town of Putney had discussed the building of a new fire station on the property. He said the State would be receptive to a long-term lease for the fire department. Tom Goddard mentioned that they were looking at other options. John Nopper agreed but said the Town is still open to another review. Dave Hannum asked Wayne to come back to the Board with a design and plan of things that would need to happen. Wayne indicated that Windham Regional Commission has agreed to do counts and monitor the facility. He agreed that a big concern is one of security for those users. Dave Hannum said that the Board was in agreement and Wayne should be in touch with Larry Hyde in August.

2. Ben Madow presents an update on the burned building on Kimball Hill

Dave Hannum stated that the fire happened on December 20, 2002 and that the zoning requires clean up in six months. He noted that it is past that. Ben Madow said that with reconstruction, ADA, Bergeron Construction, Keene, NH, Insurance, review of contracts by attorneys and the bank have caused the delay. He noted that the contract had been reviewed by his attorneys and had gone to the bank’s attorney for final review. Ben Madow indicated that the start date on the contract was August 4, 2003 but his gut feeling would be not until August 11, 2003.

John Nopper asked if the clean up could be started immediately, due to the 250 Celebration beginning on August 14, 2003. Larry Hyde asked if Bergeron Construction was contracted to do the clean up as well as the building. Ben Madow indicated that they were. He also said that the funds were in escrow and the project can’t be started until they have been released. The contract has been signed. Regina Rockefeller asked Ben Madow to put “intense heat” on the bank to release the funds. It should take a short time to do the clean up portion. Ben Madow said he would ask Bergeron Construction to try and commence the clean up portion by the end of this week. Regina Rockefeller said she would be out of town Wednesday and Thursday so asked Ben to contact Anita Coomes, Acting Town Manager, once he had a chance to call Bergeron Construction and the bank attorneys. She also indicated that Larry Hyde would be the “point man” to the situation beginning Monday, August 4, 2003.

Ben Madow said he was confident that once the law firm reviews the contract the project would proceed.

3.  250th Anniversary Celebration

Fern Tavalin presented a progress report on all the events taking place during the Celebration scheduled to begin August 14th and end August 17th (brochure attached). The town’s funds will be used to purchase the American Legion Band for the parade, program mail, port-a-potties, and help with trash removal. The mailing is slated to go to approximately 700 households. The Rutland Herald has been in touch to do an article on the recent publication of the Putney History. Regina Rockefeller suggested a call to Patrick Armstrong at the Brattleboro Reformer to see if he would be willing to do an article. Fern Tavalin indicated that it was very difficult to get the Reformer to print local issues. Fern Tavalin asked for help in setting up a first aid station during the weekend. Tom Goddard agreed to set aside some time to discuss that as well as the use of buildings/ occupancy problems, etc. Fern Tavalin said that they are planning to hold as much as possible outside. She and Steve Ingram would be walking the area and would be back to him. She also mentioned the use of the Community Center in the event of rain. She reminded the Board of the kick off dinner/ dance at the Putney Inn, Thursday, August 14, 2003.

4.  Discuss setting up a committee to investigate alternatives for the Fire Station

Dave Hannum asked that discuss on this issue be tabled for tonight.

Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to approved to table discussion on setting up a committee to investigate alternatives for the Fire Station. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried

5.  Town Manager’s Report:

a.  Update on design of village water system

Nothing to report

b.  Update on Hi-Lo Biddy Stone-arch Bridge project

Nothing to report

c.  Update on Putney Pool Summer Operations

Anita M. Coomes, Acting Town Manager, reported that a letter was received from Karl L. Jurentkuff, Floodplain Management Engineer for the State of Vermont. This letter states that quote “ pool site is in fact above the base flood level and therefore is not in flood area Zone A.” (attachment 5c.)

d.  Library

Anita M. Coomes, Acting Town Manager, presented a letter, from the State of VT Dept. of Libraries, regarding the sale of the existing library building. Sybil Brigham McShane, State Librarian and Secretary of the Board of Libraries, wrote stating the quote “Board had unanimously voted, at the March 11, 2003 meeting to authorize the Putney Selectboard to sell Lot 30-50-46 and all improvements, with the understanding that the proceeds from the sale will be used towards the construction of a new library. The Board has released the town from any further obligations.” (attachment 5d.)

e.  Generator Grant

Anita presented a letter from Albie Lewis, Director of the State Department of Public Safety, Vermont Emergency Management. He confirmed the award of a sub grant in the amount of $16, 512.50 to be used to purchase an Emergency Generator. The document must be reviewed, signed, and returned in order to finalize the sub grant award.

(attachment 5e.)

Dave Hannum informed the Board that the Landmark generator was gone. Dennis Wilson had sold it for $200. Dave Hannum had authorized the sale.

f.  Other Reports

Anita reminded the Board that the Planning Commission is meeting Tuesday, August 5, 2003. The Selectboard needs to recommend Larry Hyde for Zoning Administrator for the town.

John Nopper made the motion, which was seconded, to recommend Larry Hyde for Zoning Administrator for the Town of Putney, which was seconded, to recommend Larry Hyde as the Zoning Administrator. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.

Anita presented a letter from Sharon H. Mallory, Town Health Officer Program Coordinator for the Vermont Dept. of Health. The letter was a reminder to the Selectboard to recommend the appointment of the Health Officer and Deputy Health Officer(s) for a new three year term. (attachment 5f.1)

Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to recommend Dave Hannum for Health Officer and Larry Hyde for Deputy Health Officer. Dave Hannum abstained. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.

Anita M. Coomes presented a letter from the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service along with a check in the amount of $517 to the Board. This check represents revenue sharing for the 192 acres of the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge (Conte Refuge), located on Putney Mountain. (attachment 5f.2)

Anita M. Coomes presented the Board with a donation from The Greenwood School in the amount of $1,000. (attachment 5f.3)

6. Approve the Selectboard Minutes for the following dates:

July 21, 2003

Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to approve the minutes July 21, 2003 with the corrections. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.

7.  Coming Events

250th Celebration to begin August 14 and end August 17, 2003

8.  Review record of orders drawn for payment of Town Expenses

Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to approve the following warrants:

Payroll warrants:

6/25/03 – 6/27/03 $6,423.58 Net Payroll

Accounts Payable warrant:

#24 (End of Year) $358, 783.16

Sewer Account/ Accounts Payable warrant:

#14 (End of Year) $ 48, 560.20

The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.

9.  Monthly budget reports.

Not available

10.  Review next meeting dates

The next meeting dates are as follows:

August 11, 2003 7 P.M.

August 25, 2003 7 P.M.

11.  Other Business

Don Harlow talked with Regina Rockefeller regarding the possibility of cleaning the highway streets before the 250th Celebration. Dave Hannum said he would stop and see Floyd Roberts at the State Garage.

Dave Hannum noted that the new site for the Town Library has not been mowed. He felt that this needs to be done before the 250th Celebration.

The Board expressed their concern over the health and well being for the Fire Chief in Brattleboro. John Nopper and Fire Chief David Emery of Brattleboro were inspecting the new parking garage. John Nopper said that Putney would have a new firehouse before Brattleboro. With that, John Nopper saw Chief Emery’s head twist around at the comment. The Board located a neck brace to be presented to Chief Emery as a token of their concern. Dave Hannum agreed to take it. With tongue in cheek, it was noted that it was really Fire Chief Tom Goddard’s idea.

Executive Session: Personnel

David Hannum asked the Selectboard to enter into an Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.

John Nopper made the motion, which was seconded, that the Selectbaord enter into Executive Session under 1 VSA 313(a)(3) to discuss a personnel issue. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.

The board entered into the Executive Session at 8:10 P. M. and emerged from the Executive Session at 8:30 P. M.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.