PO BOX 233

PUTNEY, VT 05346


Putney Selectboard

Minutes of June 29, 2011

The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 5:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Board Members Present: R. Scott Henry, Josh Laughlin and Brad King

Others Present: Bob Crego, John Nopper, Chris Ryan and Laura Barcomb

R. Scott Henry called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

Minutes: The minutes of June 15, 2011 were unanimously approved with a minor spelling edit noted.

Town Manager’s Report:

·  Spring Hill Road – Water & Sewer Allocation Request: Valley Cares applied for water & sewer allocations of 24 ERU each for a proposed assisted living project on Spring Hill Road. The project is still in the planning stages. If the project proceeds, they would connect to the municipal sewer system but are still contemplating connection to the municipal water system. A water connection would require a private extension of the water line, probably across private land – would require easements from property owners, but allow for additional connections in the future. Once complete, the private extension would be taken over by the town. If the project does not happen, the allocation can be taken back by the system for future allocation. Acting as Water & Sewer Commissioners, the Selectboard voted unanimously to approve Valley Cares request for water and sewer allocations of 24 ERU each.

·  Road Name Request: At the request of Tom Goddard, E-911 Coordinator, the Selectboard voted unanimously to officially name a private road servicing the Putney School lower farm “Lower Farm Road” for 911 purposes.

·  FY11 Budget Report: The most recent budget status report shows a small end of year surplus – also expecting a $15,000 adjustment from the Department of Education. Fire Department budget: appears overspent due to purchases made for the new ladder truck. Without those purchases, expenses were about $1,500 over budget. Also discussed setting up a separate highway fund this next year.

·  VLCT Health Insurance Update: Although the Health Trust will no longer be a pooled group association with a single insurance provide, C. Ryan recommended that Putney remain with the VLCT Health Trust, as a broker offering multiple choices. There appears to be no cost benefit to changing brokers, and VLCT will continue to provide wellness benefits. VLCT would like us to decide whether or not we are staying with them by July 15th. The Board voiced no objections to staying with VLCT Heath Trust.

·  Wilson Wetlands: Joe Meyer agreed to provide an appraisal of the property (est.cost of $450) – should be able to schedule this in about 30 days. After discussion Board agreed that preference would be to wait for appraisal, then discuss purchase and sale agreement: no option signed at this time.

·  Mt. Pleasant Cemetery: The Board reviewed a memo from Richard Coutant, legal counsel, regarding the dissolution and transfer of a private cemetery association.

·  Town Hall Energy Grant Update: Insulating is underway this week in the attic and the basement.

·  Wastewater Headworks Project: References have been received from Tata & Howard – their closest project is the Winchester, New Hampshire upgrade. C. Ryan will contact references.

·  Sidewalk Project Update: The final plans have not yet been approved by the State. If approved soon, it is possible to put out to bid and complete construction this fall. RSG is continuing to work on the project although they have gone through their budget. If funds are left at the end of the grant, we will attempt to amend to cover some of their uncompensated work.

·  PACE Grant Update: The original PACE grant model will not happen: if we do not have a plan in place for use of grant funds by next week, the money may be retracted. C. Ryan has been discussing uses with Daniel Hoviss, Energy Coordinator, including providing subsidies to homeowners for approved projects. They have asked Thetford, VT, about their model for use of funds.

·  Southern Vermont Cable: All cable providers can distribute services to Putney – SVC owner states that there is no existing agreement in place stating Southern Vermont Cable is sole provider to Putney.

·  Tavern Water Leak: A water leak has been detected at the Tavern property (133 Main St). The leaking water is unmetered and draining into the basement of the tavern building. Repairs are property owner’s responsibility; Derrig Excavating has been contacted by the property owner regarding repair.

Old Business:

·  Fire Station Roof: The Board would like to meet with Richard Coutant in early July to address the fire station roof issue. The Law Offices of Salmon & Nostrand will not be able to represent the Town on this issue due to a conflict of interest.

Executive Session: The Selectboard entered executive session at 6:07 p.m. to review White Whitney requests. Chris Ryan and Laura Barcomb were in attendance. Executive session ended at 6:09 p.m. On a motion by J. Laughlin, seconded by B. King, the Selectboard voted unanimously to approve both White Whitney requests as submitted.

Warrants - The Selectboard signed the following warrants as presented:

Payroll: #51 - $5,945.66 #52 - $7,216.42

The meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.

Next meeting: Selectboard- July 13, 2011, 5:00 p.m. at the Town Hall

Submitted by: Laura Barcomb, Administrative Assistant