Agenda Item #1: Chair Janine Godfriaux-Leystra called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Agenda Item #2: The Board Said the Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item#3: Chairperson Janine Godfriaux-Leystra asked to add United Co-op Grain Bin as item #4a. John Lichtenheldmotion, Craig Walchsecond to approve the agendawith the added item. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #4: John Lichtenheldmotion, Craig Walchsecond to approve the Januaryminutes and treasurers reports as presented. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #4a: Tom Murphy motion, Craig Walch second to approve a request by United Co-op to build a new grain bin. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #5:John Lichtenheld motion, Tom Murphy second to table Alliant easement request. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #6: John Lichtenheld motion, Craig Walch second to approve Resolution #2018-03 which was for Badger Reinstatement of Residential Well Testing. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #7: John Lichtenheld motion, Tom Schneller second to approve MOU For Farmland Preservation Zoning Ordinance Amendments Certification. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #8: No action taken concerning Groundswell Conservancy land acquisition.
Agenda Item #9: Tom Murphy motion, Craig Walch second to approve Resolution # 2018-04 which concerns the repairing of State Highway 78 between The Village of Prairie Du Sac and the Village of Merrimac. Motion passed.
Agenda Item#10: John Lichtenheld motion, Tom Schneller second to approve the Election MOU between Sauk Co. and the Town of Prairie Du Sac. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #11:Committee Updates given with no action taken.
Agenda Item #12: Patrolman report given, no action taken.
Agenda Item#13: No other business.
Agenda Item #14: No public comment.
Agenda Item #15: Tom Schnellermotion, John Lichtenheldsecond to spend $1,010,309.52 in Februarychecks. Motion passed.
Agenda Item #16: Tom Murphymotion, Craig Walchsecond to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:54pm.
Richard Nolden, Clerk