Town of Palmyra
Public Notice
Special Town Meeting
November 9, 2015 6:00 PM
123 Burr Oak St Palmyra Eagle High School Community Center
Meeting called to order by Chairman Kau at 6:00 PM
Present: Kau, May, Attorney Larson plus 32 other persons
Budget read by William May, Clerk
Comments, questions: None.
Respectfully submitted
William May, Clerk/Treasurer
Town of Palmyra
Public Hearing
Special Town Meeting
November 9, 2015 Immediately following the public notice
123 Burr Oak St Palmyra Eagle High School Community Center
Meeting called to order by Chairman Kau.
Present: Kau, May, Attorney Larson plus 32 other persons
Motion by Kirsten Jurcek to limit comments to two minutes, seconded by Elvie Kau. No discussion. Show of hands vote of 23 aye, zero nay. Motion carried.
Motion by Kathy Oleson to authorize the town to spend up to $8,000.00 per mile to fix roads, seconded by Peggy Miller. No discussion. Show of hands vote of 23 aye, zero nay. Motion carried.
Weenonah Brattset: motion to endorse Town Board Resolution to exceed the state allowable levy limit for 2015 to be collected in 2016 by 14.1% which would increase the levy by $30,000.00. Seconded by Peggy Miller. No discussion. Ballot vote, 23 yes and 11 no. Motion carried.
Ed Miller: motion to approve tax levy of $273,379.00, seconded by Kathy Oleson. No discussion. Ballot vote of 23 yes and 11 no. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Peggy Miller, seconded by Judy Nelson. Voice vote Majority ayes, zero nays. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
William May
Town Board Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2015 immediately following Budget Hearing
123 Burr Oak St Palmyra Eagle High School Community Center
Certification of compliance with open meetings law.
Meeting called to order immediately following public hearing.
Roll call: Chairperson Larry Kau, Supervisors Ed Miller and Weenonah Brattset, William May Clerk/Treasurer, Attorney Al Larson plus 30 other persons.
Approve minutes for October 12, 20, 24 and 27, 2015 meetings. Motion by Miller to accept minutes as presented, second by Brattset. All ayes, motion carried.
Reports: Treasurer: Account balances: General Fund $32,106.62, Tax Account $8,025.46, LGIP $102,392.10, LGIP Fire/EMS $2.62. Airport $21, 184.90, LGIP airport $0.55. Checks written: Daily Jefferson County Union $862.10 notices, Advance Disposal (auto pay) $7,621.31 garbage pick up, WE Energies $76.30 town hall, WE Energies $55.94 street lights, Century Link #110.80 phone (auto pay), Stafford Rosenbaum $761.64 legal services, Bender Levi Larson $1,022.24 legal services, Larry Kau $369.40 chair salary, William May $577.19 clerk salary, Peggy Miller $577.19 deputy clerk salary, Daily Jefferson County Union $479.60 notices. Motion by Miller to accept treasurers report, second by Brattset. All Ayes, motion carried.
Emergency Management Plan: None.
Fire Department: None reported at meeting. After meeting was over, James Small gave a written report that the town had 10 EMS calls and 6 fire calls.
Airport: None.
Blue Spring Lake District: Miller reported that work on the culvert will done next year.
Building Inspector: None.
Highway: Ken Kannard reported that few pot holes are being filled.
Correspondence: Zoning and permit applications for Michael Rubingh and Colleen Ryan are adding 2 bedrooms and living room to existing residence. The Town of Palmyra for repairs on the public boat launch on Blue Spring Lake.
1. Discuss and possible action to accept 2016 proposed budget. Motion by Miller to approve proposed 2016 budget of $487,050.00, seconded by Brattset. Roll call vote; Kau yes, Miller yes, Brattset Yes. All ayes, motion carried.
2. Discuss and possible action to accept the Town of Palmyra Minicipal Airport 2016 proposed budget. Motion by Miller to approve the Town of Palmyra Municipal Airport 2016 budget, second by Brattset. Roll call vote; Kau yes, Miller yes, Brattset Yes. All ayes, motion carried.
3. Discuss and possible action to approve increasing the fire and EMS committee from three members to five members. Motion by Brattset, to increase the fire and EMS committee from three to five members, second by Miller. All ayes, motion carried. Per Attorney Al Larson, nominations for new members should be postponed until next month.
4. Discuss and possible action to approve preliminary review for certified survey for parcel #024-0516-2843-004 for Gerald Goedert. Motion by Miller to approve the Preliminary Review for Certified Survey for parcel #024-0516-2843-004 for Gerald Goedert, second by Brattset. All ayes, motion carried
Public comment: None.
Motion to adjourn by Miller, second Brattset. All ayes motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
William May Clerk/Treasurer