March 12, 2012

Present: / Absent:
Mayor, Rick Carney
Mayor Pro Tem, Paul Williams
Councilwoman, Kit Hawver
Councilman, Wayne Hawver
Councilman Will Guyton
Councilman Randy Parten
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Administrator, Jeff Ranger, Attorney, Sara Watkins.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Honors & Recognition
Additions to the Agenda
Approve Agenda / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carney. Mayor Carney welcomed everyone.
All Council members and staff were present; Mayor Carney led the Council/Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Guyton moved to amend the agenda to include the approval of Public Meetings/Hearings in regards to Library and Fire Districts. Seconded by Councilman Parten. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Hawver moved to approve amended agenda Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / Councilman Williams moved to approve Consent agenda. Seconded by Councilman Guyton. Motion carried unanimously.
1.  Approve Study Minutes of 2/13/12.
2.  Approve minutes of 2/13/12 Regular Council Meeting.
3. Approve those Claim Checks dated through March 12th. In the amount of $41,272.82 check #’s 14550 through 14584, Manual check #1141, 1142 and 5321.
4. Approve Payroll Checks dated through January 31, 2012 in the amount of $29,018.89 Check #’s 5964 through 5983.
Planning Commission/ / No report.
Gang Commission/ Mayor / No report.
Sheriff’s Report/Lt. Winter
Public Hearing
Presentation Approved Additions to Agenda
New Business
Public Meetings/Hearing
Resolutions & Ordinances
Public Participation
Other Business
Continue Meeting/Adjournment
(7:32 p.m.)
Rick Carney, Mayor
/ Administrator Ranger gave the report since Lt. Winter was unable to attend the Council meeting. Lt. Winter provided bar graph reports via email that included how much contract time and a list of Deputies which patrolled the time within the Town. The report shows 10 calls in the month of February and 1 of those calls was outside the Town limits.
John Cooper: Yakima Valley Visitors & Convention Bureau. Mr. Cooper provided the, 2011 Annual Report, and indicated that the, Town of Naches was part of the public relations campaign. The VCB provided information to tourists and possible tourists regarding the following activities: Flip-Flop, Oak Creek Feeding Station, and White Pass Ski Resort, and the, Chinook Pass Scenic Byway. Tourism is economic development it creates jobs and local taxes while sustaining a quality of life we all enjoy.
Dog leash and clean up, the Town will review its current ordinance.
Randy Juette, update on Upper Valley Rally in conjunction with the Greenway and the Naches Valley Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Juette stated that the event will promote tourism/business in the Naches Valley. There is projected to be a BBQ contest, Sun Country Mustang Club/ car show, 5k race Hardcore Runners, Mt Adams cycling, and Apple bin races. The organizers are looking at possibly closing Second Street for this event. They are working on coordinating a time line, and working with different warehouses for participation. Al Brown, Executive Director with the Greenway, reported that the Greenway was looking into fruit warehouses participation and on funding the next mile of the pathway as part of this event.
The Greenway’s plan is to extend the Greenway from Naches to Yakima and the cost is about 3 million dollars. Funding is done through private donations and grants. These events are to raise funds for the Naches Chamber, a Greenway memberships drive, and to promote tourism in the Naches Valley.
Councilman Williams moved to approve Public Meetings and a Public Hearing in regards to the Fire District No. 3 and Rural Library District No.1 Public meetings to be held on April 9th, April 30th and May 14th all meetings to be held at 6:00 pm. A Public Hearing to be held at the regular Council Meeting May 14th at 7:00 pm. All meetings to be held at the Council Chambers of Town Hall. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Proposed Resolution 2012-03 A Resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington, allowing the Town Clerk to release retainage on the Naches Avenue to the High School Project. Councilman Williams moved to approve Resolution 2012-03. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before Council. Councilman Parten moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Guyton. Motion carried unanimously.
Elvira Birrueta/ Clerk Treasurer

3/12/2012 Council Minutes 1