December 13, 2010

Present: / Absent:
Mayor, Eric R. Wolfe
Councilman, Wayne Hawver
Councilman, Rick Carney
Councilwoman, Kit Hawver
Councilwoman, Gayle Lloyd
Councilman, Paul Williams
Others in Attendance: Administrator, Jeff Ranger, Attorney, Sara Watkins, and Clerk/Treasurer Tanya Luke.
Call to Order
Roll Call / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Eric Wolfe.
All Council members and staff were present. Mayor Wolfe led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wolfe welcomed everyone to the meeting and wanted it noted that the decorations for the Holidays have been placed. Mayor Wolfe would also like to thank the staff for the snow removal on the streets and Tanya and Jeff for the budget that they have worked hard on.
Additions to the Agenda / Councilman Carney moved to add to New Business item H Choosing a YVCOG Representative and Alternate for 2011, with a second by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda / Councilman Williams moved to approve the agenda as amended with a second by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / Councilman Williams moved, seconded by Councilwoman Lloyd to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
1.  Approve Study Minutes of 11/08/10.
2.  Approve minutes of 11/08/10 Regular Council Meeting.
3. Approve Claim Checks #13843-13886 in the amount of $372,783.18 dated through December 13, 2010.
4. Approve Payroll Checks dated through November 30, 2010 in the amount of $25,925.67. Check #’s 5602-5620.
Planning Commission/Jeff Ranger / Adm. Ranger informed Council that the Planning Commission did not meet on Monday, December 6, 2010.
Gang Commission/Mayor Wolfe / Mayor Wolfe informed Council that he read the minutes from the last session and they were primarily based on how to support the legislature on how to deal with gang crimes and supplying tools that are affective to help get the kinks out of the laws. Councilman Williams also informed Council he feels Council should send a letter of representation to offer support to fund some of these things that are being suggested. Councilwoman Hawver wanted to know if the Town would be writing a letter to the legislature. Mayor Wolfe and Councilman Williams would like to have a representative or a letter enforcing the laws and supporting the enhancements when the Gang Commission asks for it.
Sheriff’s Report/Lt. Winter / Lt. Winter e-mailed the summary reports for the month. Councilman Williams wanted to thank Lt. Winter for the extra requests they have been asking for. The reports were what he has been looking for, and he feels they are excellent.
YVCOG / Councilwoman Lloyd reported that she and Adm. Ranger attended the YVCOG meeting at the Sundome on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 and it was their Christmas dinner/presentation. The report was on the Peking to China drive from Commissioner, Rand Elliott it was an amazing presentation.
Public Hearing on 2011 Budget and Revenues / Mayor Wolfe opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 PM for the 2011 Budget and Revenues. Clerk Luke informed Council about the 2011 Budget in detail. There being no public comment, Mayor Wolfe closed the Public Hearing at 7:15 PM.
Councilman Hawver asked if the tile repair on the Art Decco building included the plaster work on the outside of the building. Adm. Ranger informed Councilman Hawver that we will be refurbishing the building in stages and unfortunately this year we will just be re-doing the tile on the outside of the building. Councilwoman Hawver asked if the fireworks were in the budget. Adm. Ranger informed Council that the fireworks were in the budget, but just because it has been budgeted for does not mean we have to spend it. We can discuss it in February or March when Entertainment Fireworks would like a contract, we will also need to analyze our revenues at that time and make sure we can afford them. Councilwoman Hawver asked if staff was getting a raise. Adm. Ranger informed Council that Public Works was getting a 4% increase according to their Union Contract and Administrative Staff would also be receiving a pay increase. Councilman Williams also asked about the contract with the Corrections Department, he did not see that budgeted for. Adm. Ranger informed Council that we do not have to pay anything because we contract out with the County.
Allan Road Utilities Extension Project / Adm. Ranger informed Council that this is now in the final stages. We will declare the project final and begin collecting on re-payments in 2011, although payments to Yakima County do not start until 2012.
Allan Road Project / Adm. Ranger asked Council if they had additional questions, as this was discussed in Study Session and he had nothing further to add. There being no further questions, or discussion, Mayor Wolfe moved on.
Naches Avenue to Third Street Resurfacing / Adm. Ranger informed Council we are still waiting for the final paperwork from the Department of Labor and Industries before we deem the project complete.
Naches Avenue to Third Street Naches Valley High School Project / Again, Adm. Ranger asked if there were additional questions since this item was discussed during study session, there being none, Mayor Wolfe moved on.
Write Off Utility Account M. Navarro $37.43 Garbage Only Account. / Adm. Ranger explained that this was a garbage only account and staff did not realize that this person had moved out until a couple months later. The Town acquired this property when we annexed it into Town limits so the Town also had to start billing for garbage. Councilwoman Hawver made a motion to write the utility account off, with a second from Councilman Carney. Motion carried unanimously.
Town of Naches Travel Policy / Adm. Ranger informed Council that when the Auditor’s were here in 2009 auditing 2007 and 2008 one of the few recommendations was to clean up our travel policy. This is the new policy with the suggested updates. Council will be asked to approve the resolution adopting these new changes.
Law Enforcement Agreement / Mayor Wolfe asked if he should be signing the law enforcement agreement. Attorney Watkins informed Mayor Wolfe that he is fine to sign the agreement because he is not a voting member on the issue.
Department of Corrections Agreement / There were no question on the Corrections Agreement.
Sign Project contracts for Naches Avenue to Naches Valley High School / Adm. Ranger informed Council that TIB needs a few additional items from the Town listed on the letter in their packets. As soon as we get the information back to them, they will then finalize all documents and ok our project for design/construction.
Naches 2010 Budget Amendment / Mayor Wolfe asked if there were any questions on the budget amendment that was discussed during the study session. There being none, he moved onto the next item of business.
HLA Services with HLA in regards to the Naches Avenue/School Project / Adm. Ranger informed Council that these contracts will be in place so that when TIB approves the project and informs the Town that we can proceed, we will have everything in place to begin the engineering services.
YVCOG Voting members for General Membership / Councilwoman Lloyd nominated Councilwoman Hawver to be the voting member at the YVCOG General Membership meetings, with a second by Councilman Williams. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Williams nominated Councilman Carney to be the alternate voting member at the YVCOG General Membership meetings with a second by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2010-19 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Law Enforcement Agreement for fiscal year 2011 between Yakima County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Naches. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Resolution 2010-19 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Law Enforcement Agreement for fiscal year 2011 between Yakima County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Naches, with a second by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2010-20 authorizing the Mayor to sign the 2011 Interlocal Corrections/Detention agreement and the 2011 agreement for prosecution, adjudication, sentencing, and incarceration of adult misdemeanants and gross misdemeanants RCW 39.34.180 with Yakima County. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Resolution 2010-20 authorizing the Mayor to sign the 2011 Interlocal Corrections/Detention agreement and the 2011 agreement for prosecution, adjudication, sentencing, and incarceration of adult misdemeanants and gross misdemeanants RCW 39.34.180 with Yakima County, with a second by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2010-21 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement for Naches Avenue, 3rd St to Naches Valley High School. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Resolution 2010-21 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement for Naches Avenue, 3rd St to Naches Valley High School, with a second by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2010-22 a resolution amending the current travel and expense reimbursement policy for Town Employees. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Resolution 2010-22 a resolution amending the current travel and expense reimbursement policy for Town Employees, with a second by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2010-23 authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for Engineering Services with HLA for the Naches Avenue, 3rd St to Naches Valley High School upon approval from TIB to start work on the project. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Resolution 2010-23 authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for Engineering Services with HLA for the Naches Avenue, 3rd St to Naches Valley High School upon approval from TIB to start work on the project, with a second by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2010-24 authorizing the Mayor to accept the Utility Improvements from Shafer Avenue to Allan Road project as complete and allow for 100% payment, less retainage, to the contractor. / Councilman Carney made a motion to approve the Mayor to accept the Utility Improvements from Shafer Avenue to Allan Road as complete and allow for 100% payment, less retainage, to the contractor, with a second by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 659 amending the 2010 operating budget for the Town of Naches. / Councilwoman Lloyd made a motion to approve Ordinance 659 amending the 2010 operating budget for the Town of Naches, with a second from Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 660 An Ordinance adopting the 2011 budget for the Town of Naches. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Ordinance 660 adopting the 2011 budget for the Town of Naches, with a second from Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 661 amending Chapter 13.04.300 A through C of the Naches Municipal Code pertaining to Water service rates. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Ordinance 661 amending Chapter 13.04.300 A through C of the Naches Municipal Code pertaining to Water service rates, with a second by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 662 relating to user charges for sewer service amending section 13.08.110 of the Naches Municipal Code. / Councilman Hawver made a motion to approve Ordinance 662 relating to user charges for sewer service amending section 13.08.110 of the Naches Municipal Code, with a second by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 663 amending chapter 13.04.060 B of the Naches Municipal Code pertaining to water service connection charges. / Councilwoman Lloyd made a motion to approve Ordinance 663 amending Chapter 13.04.060 B of the Naches Municipal Code pertaining to water service connection charges, with a second from Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Audience Participation / Mrs. Donna Kime asked if water and sewer rates were to be raised. Mayor Wolfe informed Mrs. Kime that water and sewer rates would be increasing 2 and 3% respectively. It would actually raise your water, sewer and garbage bill by $1.97.
Councilman Hawver asked that the City be more involved with the Park Board because they are getting ready to do some extensive sidewalk work and they may be able to piggy back on some of the work that will be done from Naches Avenue to the High School. Adm. Ranger will make sure to give design sheets to the President of the Park Board Mr. Wayne Hawver.
Other Business / Councilwoman Hawver informed Council that the three sycamore trees at the park that are in the parking lot will be taken out. She wants Council to be prepared for phone calls.
Councilwoman Hawver would really like to use the Art Decco building for more than what it is being used for now. Councilman Williams asked if the High School arts department has been notified to see if they would be willing to place any displays in there. Mayor Wolfe informed Council that the building was set up to be used as a display. Councilwoman Hawver asked if there was any funding available to provide for the decorating of the building. It should not be used for personal use but maybe for groups or clubs within the community. A discussion ensued about Byron Nelson and a Snow Globe idea. We believe that this idea may have fell to the way side, but if funding is available it may be a possibility for next year.
Councilman Hawver informed Council he had been approached by a member of the Lions Club if the Town would be willing to help with Christmas Decorations next year. Adm. Ranger informed Council that he had no problem with doing that, but that there would have to be some changes to the way it’s done and it would also have to be up to code, because the way it is now the decorations are too low according to DOT regulations.
Councilman Carney was approached by a private citizen about Simmons Road and the substandard conditions. Councilman Carney asked if this was the town’s road and what we planned on doing about it. Adm. Ranger informed Council that this was a road that we again acquired through annexation and we are grating it more than the county ever did. The County would grate twice a year and this year we have done it three times. We had planned on placing regrinds from Allan Road onto Simmons, but the deal fell through. We are hoping to place regrinds from the Naches Avenue to 3rd St project.
Continue Meeting/Adjournment ( 7:57p.m.) / There being no further business to come before Council, Councilman Carney moved to adjourn the Council Meeting with a second by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
