Town of Fairfield
Not-for-Profit Application for Annual Funding
Organization Name: Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority
Organization Address: One Cross Street, Bridgeport, CT 06610
Tax ID Number: 061534001
Tax Status: Exempt
Primary Focus (check applicable designation)
_x__ Social Services
___ Education
___ Arts and Culture
___ Planning Activities
___ Public Safety/Emergency Services
FY 2014-15 Prospective Budget Summary:
Revenue by Source:
Federal $ 102,485____
State $_15,737,775__
Local Municipalities
other than Fairfield $_98,130_____
Corporate $______
Individual $_6,772,748___
Town of Fairfield $_30,000_____
TOTAL REVENUE $_22,741,138__
Expenditures by Program: (list programs)
1.Fixed Route Operations $__18,871,464_
2.ADA Operarations $___2,992,631_
3.Terminal Operations $___877,043__
4. $______
5. $______
Percent of services provided to Town of Fairfield residents?
Fixed Route (based on Ridership stats) _4.7___%
ADA (based on Ridership stats) _15___%
FILENAME \p L:\Budget2014\NFP Application (2).docx