Town of East Hampton

Town Council Regular Meeting

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room


Present: Chairperson Barbara Moore, Vice Chairman Kevin Reich, Council Members Patience Anderson, Ted Hintz, Jr., George Pfaffenbach, Mark Philhower and Philip Visintainer and Town Manager Michael Maniscalco.

Adoption of Agenda

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Anderson, to adopt the agenda with the additions listed below: Voted (7-0)

Resolutions/Ordinances/Policies/Proclamations - Calling Special Meetings and Town Attorney Policy

Appointments - Fire Commission and Planning & Zoning

Executive Session

a.  Update on Town Legal Matters

1.  CV12-6008263-S Edward Sawyers v. East Hampton, et al

2.  3:13CV00335(JBA) Melissa Engel v. East Hampton, et al

b.  Review of Negotiations of Collective Bargaining Units

c.  Review of Negotiations Regarding 13 Summit Street

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to enter Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. Voted (7-0)

Present in Executive Session were Barbara Moore, Kevin Reich, Patience Anderson, Ted Hintz, Jr., George Pfaffenbach, Mark Philhower, Philip Visintainer and Town Manager Michael Maniscalco.

Executive Session ended at 6:35 p.m.

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance

Chairperson Moore called the regular meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. in the East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room.

Boy Scout Troop 57 presented the flags and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of November 6, 2013 as written. Voted (7-0)

Public Remarks

Cindy Rooth, Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission read a letter in support of the 13 Summit Street project. The letter will be filed with the minutes.

Martin Voelker, Chestnut Hill Road, asked about parking at 13 Summit Street if the project is approved.



Bids & Contracts

Cogent Livescan Fingerprint Machine

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Reich, that the Finance Director be authorized to procure goods and services from 3M Cogent Inc. for the Cogent Livescan Fingerprint Machine. Voted (7-0)

Police In-Car Computer (MDT) Systems

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Reich, to authorize the Finance Director to procure goods and services from Telrepco of Wallingford in accordance with State of Connecticut contract #13PSX0059 for Police In-Car computer systems. Voted (7-0)

Draft Agreement for Use of CT Yankee Training Facility

A motion was made by Ms. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Philhower, to authorize the Town Manager to sign the Connecticut Yankee Firing Range agreement. Voted (7-0)


Amendment to Fire Department Ordinance

The Council discussed adding wording to the Fire Department ordinance for removal of a member for cause.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Anderson, to send the proposed change to the Fire Department ordinance to a public hearing on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 6:15 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room. Voted (7-0)

Calling Special Meeting Policy

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt the policy presented for calling special meetings. The policy will be included with the minutes. Voted (7-0)

Town Attorney Policy

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Philhower, to adopt the policy presented for requests to consult with a contracted Town Attorney. The policy will be included with the minutes. Voted (7-0)

Continued Business


New Business

Approval of 2014 Meeting Dates

The Council discussed the 2014 meeting date schedule. The November 11th meeting falls on the Veteran’s Day holiday. That meeting will be changed to Wednesday, November 12th. The December 23rd meeting will be cancelled.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Reich, to adopt the 2014 Meeting Dates as amended. Voted (7-0)

Development of Sub-Committee to Review Town’s Legal Representation

A sub-committee will be formed to review the town’s legal representation. The sub-committee will consist of Kevin Reich, Patience Anderson and George Pfaffenbach.

Announcement of Moderator for November 18, 2013 Town Meeting

Ms. Moore announced that the moderator for the November 18, 2013 Town Meeting will be Red McKinney.

Discussion of Fire Department Draft Report

The Council members received the draft Fire Department report from JLN Associates. The Council members can email their comments to the Town Manager until November 22nd. Following the final report being issued, a round table discussion will be held with the Town Council, Fire Chief and Fire Commission.

Policy for Use of GPS System For All Town Vehicles

Mr. Maniscalco provided the Council with a copy of the draft GPS Policy. The bargaining units want to bargain over the impact of the policy.

Sexton Hill Bridge

Mr. Maniscalco provided an overview of the letter received from Anna Ruth Masters regarding the requested reversal of the abandonment of the road and bridge. Mr. Maniscalco received further information from past minutes that the Sandin family had requested the abandonment of the road. The Council members will visit the property and will ask the Public Works Director to attend the next Council meeting to discuss.

Town Manager Report

Police SOP Update

The SOP meeting for Chapters 7 and 8 will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room.

Update on Chatham Historical Society Water

A Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2013 for the Chatham Historical Society water connection approval.

Update on Organizational Evaluation

The evaluator has received approximately 35 questionnaires back from staff. He has also issued a technology questionnaire and is planning interview department heads and supervisors on November 20th and 21st.


Mr. Maniscalco appointed Diane Zatorski as the alternate Blight Hearing Officer when there is a conflict of interest with the current Blight Hearing Officer Attorney William Grady.

Town Council Liaison Reports

Ms. Moore asked that each member let her know if they would like to be a liaison to a certain board or commission. Also, boards can request a liaison be assigned.


Committee Appointments

Ms. Moore announced that the Appointments Sub-Committee will consist of Ted Hintz, Jr., Mark Philhower and Phil Visintainer.

Board and Commission Listing

The Council members received the Board and Commission listing of all members currently holding positions.

Fire Commission

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Philhower, to appoint Darin Hurne to the Fire Commission with a term through November 30, 2016. Voted (7-0)

Planning & Zoning Commission

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to appoint Kevin Kuhr to the Planning & Zoning Commission with a term through December 31, 2018. Voted (7-0)

Tax Refunds

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $3,992.28. Voted (7-0)

Public Remarks

Mimi Perotti, Mallard Cove, commented that she enjoyed the meeting and welcomed the new Town Council.

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements

Ms. Moore read a letter from Attorney Kenneth Barber regarding the behavior of the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency (IWWA) Chairman. The letter will be included with the minutes. This item will be added to the next agenda. The Council members will listen to the audio CD of the IWWA meeting in question.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Anderson, to add an agenda item to discuss the IWWA Chairman. Voted (7-0)

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to suspend the IWWA Chairman Jeffry Foran until the hearing. Motion rescinded.

A special meeting will be scheduled for a hearing regarding the IWWA Chairman.


A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Anderson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois

Recording Secretary

Town Council Meeting 3 11/12/2013 Minutes