The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Cross Plains held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 10, 2009 in the Community Center, 3734 County Road P, Cross Plains. Notice of the meeting was published in the Aug 6issues of the Mt Horeb Mail and the News-Sickle-Arrow. Board Members Greg Hyer, Vera Riley, Jeff Baylis, and Greg Haack and about 24 citizens were present. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Greg Hyer. The pledge of allegiance to our flag was led by Vera Riley

Approval of the Minutes of the July13, 2009 Public Hearing and Town Board Meeting

Corrections were made to the Board Meeting minutes, Fire District reports. Motion was made by Vera Riley to approve the minutes with corrections. Second was made by Jeff Baylis. All Board members approved.

The Financial Report was reviewed by the Board. Regarding Revenues, the Payment in Lieu of Taxes is the full amount received. It is shared with DaneCounty, MATC, and School and Fire Districts. Interest/Dividends/Searches include the insurance reimbursement for legal fees. It was noted that Administrative Expenses already exceed Budget. Board members asked if these were one-time expenses or if they would recur this year. Jeff Baylis stated that Town residents had voted to match State Transportation Aid. A motion was made by Jeff Baylis to approve the financial report. Second was made by Vera Riley. All Board members approved.

The list of Bills to be paid was reviewed by the Board. The Clerk reported that a bill was received from Brunner Welding and asked if it could be added to the list. The Mid-State invoice was for a service call to provide the estimate for costs of the tractor repair. It will be covered by insurance. The invoice from Sloan for the repairs exceeded the estimate. After a review of both documents, the Board decided to pay the invoices in full. Motion was made by Vera to approve the payments presented. Second was made by Jeff Baylis. All Board members approved.

Discussion of 2009 Budget expenditures by category and 2010 Budget requests Greg Hyer stated that the Board is tracking Revenues and Expenses by category. The Financial Management Committee is meeting and will have valuable input on the Budget. Jim Boland was asked to check on the Dane County Planning Dept bill for Brian Standing’s Consultation. Greg Hyer said it would be helpful to have the requests for larger capital expenditures presented at the September Board meeting. The Board would have the opportunity to discuss them at their October meeting. Greg Hyer noted that repairs are needed at the Community Center and exterior painting of the Town Garage would improve aesthetics.

Presentation by Ryan Richards on Iron Man Race Ryan Richards commented that he has been coming to the Town Board for eight years. This year’s Race is scheduled for September 13. About 2,200 athletes will compete. The route will not change. They have approval from other communities. $1,500 will be given to our community, $500 each to the Cross Plains-Berry EMS and Fire Districtsand to the Mt Horeb EMS District. The Race is run by a for-profit corporation. Issues are taken seriously. They have a certificate of insurance and have spoken with Gerald Thompson about the Hilltop’s loss of business the day of the Race. Vera Riley asked that the route be published in the Mt Horeb Mail and News-Sickle-Arrow. She, Rick Hollfelder and Ryan will travel the route before and after the Race. Greg Hyer will check on the schedule for shouldering on Timber Lane.

Public participation for three minutes on any item

Jim Mueller commented that Scott Construction is doing a good job on Timber Lane. He suggested installing a highly reflective sign at the 90 degree curve at Timber Lane and Old Sauk Pass.

Clerk Announcements An invitation from the Town of Springfield to Towns of Berry, Cross Plains, Dane and Roxbury for a joint dinner meeting in September was distributed to Board members. Interested members were asked to respond to the clerk.

Dates to note: Aug 26 is Board of Review. Aug 31 is the Public Hearing on the Town’s new Comprehensive Land Use Plan, possibly the meeting at which the Board will adopt the Plan. Sept 8, the second Tuesday, is the date for the Board September meeting. Information on upcoming workshops was distributed. Interested Board members should return enrollment forms to the Clerk.

The office computer is functioning properly. A recent installation of Norton antivirus software solved the problem.

Chairman Announcements Engineers have inspected the ValleySpringRoadBridge and reported serious structural problems. 4 ton weight limit signs are posted. The fire department, school district, Waste Management and area farmers have been notified. Waste Management has reported that there is little space to turn around on Valley Spring Road. Greg Hyer said this is a major project under consideration for 2010. Costs could exceed $200,000. 2011 Bridge Aid would cover 50% of the cost. Bob Boehnen recalled that the ObservatoryRoadBridge was replaced at a cost of $55,000 to the Town. Greg Hyer stated that the Town will do this in the most cost effective way. DaneCounty will not build and will not design the bridge. We need to retain our own engineers.

There will be an Open House at the Pine Bluff Observatory on Aug 23 from 6 – 10 p.m.

The Ice Age Complex plans to host Open Houses on Sept 9th at the Town of Middleton Hall and Sept 10th at our Community Center. Tours of the Site are scheduled for Aug 29th and Sept 2nd. Jeff Baylis, Terry Kurth and Vera Riley attended a recent meeting of the Ice Age Trail organization. They reported that future access to the Park could include plans to close off part of Old Sauk Pass Rd.

Dane County Towns Association is working through their 2010 Budget. Their report shows that our 2010 dues will not increase.

The Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition will sponsor a bike ride Sept 12. About 500 athletes will participate. The route includes some town roads and a rest stop at 4144 County Rd J.

Action on Zoning Petition #10051 by Tony Laufenberg as amended by the DaneCounty Board to include a Deed Restriction on the remaining land zoned A-1 Ex

Jim Boland reported that he and Tony had attended the DaneCounty meeting. Tony did not object to the deed restriction. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to approve Petition #10051 as amended. Second was made by Vera Riley. All Board members approved.

Action on Zoning Petition by Michael and Jeanne Coyle to rezone 2 parcels in Sec 25 and 26 (Timber Lane) from A-1Ex to RH-2 This request to rezone was approved by the Plan Commission 6-0 on July 20. Mike has not yet completed a County Zoning Application. Motion was made by Greg Haack to approve the Petition. Second was made by Jeff Baylis. The 1,400 foot driveway shown on the map was discussed. All Board members approved the Petition.

Action on Dane County Amendment 1, 09-10Chapter 10 regarding permitted signage Greg Hyer explained that the amendment expands the number of zoning districts where there could be a sign. The size of signs is determined by the speed limit of the road. This has been approved by DaneCounty; the Town could have its ownmore restrictive signage ordinance. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to approve Amendment 1, 09-10 Dane County Chapter 10. Second was made by Vera Riley. All Board members approved.

Action on deferral of Brunner property obligation to pave Wild Deer Trail cul-de-sac The Brunner family came to the July meeting requesting an extension on their obligation to complete work on Wild Deer Trail cul-de-sac requiring that it would be paved upon occupancy. Greg Hyer reported on a discussion with the new home owner. The cul-de-sac needs more work. The power company is burying cables. It will be good to let the ground settle. Dan Brunner commented that it would be most cost effective to pave when work is being done in the area. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis that the Town will not require that the Brunner family complete paving of the Wild Deer Trail cul-de-sac until October 2010. Second was made by Greg Haack. All Board members approved.

Action on Adoption of Town Ordinances:

101.1, Town Board Meetings & Parliamentary Procedures

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to adopt Ordinance 101.1 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee. Second was made by Vera Riley. Discussion followed. Section III was reported to be spelled out by State Statutes. There is very little advantage to the removalof thisSection from the ordinance. Three posting locations in the Town are required and should be identified by ordinance. If necessary, it can be amended later. Morgan’s has a slight advantage to residents as it is located at the intersection of two roads with entrance from either. Notice of special meetings to local newspapers by phone and email will be required. The website address will be updated. A motion to call the question was discussed but not deleted as in this context it applies only to the Town Board. Terms and appointments of Committeemembers were discussed. The Personnel Committee, Mt Horeb School District and Construction Inspectors were added to lists and District 1 EMS deleted. Amendment of rules was changed from requiring two-thirds majority to a simple majority of the Town Board. Greg Hyer made a substitute motion to accept this Ordinance as revised. Second was made by Greg Haack. All Board members approved adoption.

100.2, Penalties and Enforcement of Ordinances

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to adopt Ordinance 100.2 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee. Second was made by Vera Riley. Discussion followed. All Board members approved adoption.

100.3, Code of Ethics

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to adopt Ordinance 100.3 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee. Second was made by Vera Riley. Discussion followed. The insurance company has suggested that the Town have a Code of Ethics. Under Statutory Standards “while not set forth herein” will be deleted. Jeff Baylis stated that he would change his motion to accept friendly amendments. All Board members approved adoption.

102.1,FiveMemberTown Board Ordinance

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to adopt Ordinance 102.1 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee. Second was made by Vera Riley. The provisions of this ordinance have been passed by the Town Board. This action will get these provisions in number order. All Board members approved adoption.

102.2 Town Elected Officials Compensation Policy

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to adopt Ordinance 102.2 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee. Second was made by Vera Riley. Discussion followed. Additional language will include, “Members of the board need advanced authorization by a majority vote for per diem payments. “ Jeff Baylis stated that he would change his motion to accept friendly amendments. All Board members approved adoption.

105.2 Policy on the job Duties of Town Clerk and Town Treasurer.

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis to adopt Ordinance 105.2 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee. Second was made by Vera Riley. Discussion followed. Additional language will include “The Wisconsin Statutes outline the following duties” to make it clearer that these are set forth in State statutes. Jeff Baylis stated that he would change his motion to accept friendly amendments. All Board members approved adoption.

Report from Town Financial Management Committee by Bonnie Krattiger

The Committee met on Aug 3 at the Community Center. They reviewed the State Uniform Chart of Accounts and the Annual Municipal Audit. They will be looking to compare data from other towns with Town of Cross Plains financial data. Garry Williams will enter information into a spreadsheet for further review.

Report from Good Neighbor Committee by Carl Jones

At 9:00 a.m. on Oct 17 a tour bus will leave the AquaticCenter in Middleton to view the proposed Hwy 14 corridor. A fee of $50 per municipality is requested to cover costs. The Committee was surprised by presentation of an initial Hwy 14 relocation plan. Jeff Baylis reported that this initial Plan is posted on the wall at the Village Hall. He suggested that Town residents stop in to view it and voice their concerns.

Reports from EMS / Fire District Representatives andAction on penalties for false fire alarms Vera Riley reported that the Village has established a fee for excessive calls and has a Municipal Judge to enforce the fee. The County Court Clerk’s office suggested that our Town use a collection agency to enforce any action they take. The Town of Berry uses the DaneCounty Clerk as their collector. Vera has asked the Fire District for a report on the number of excessive calls made within the Town. Jeff Baylis suggested that we havecollection procedures in place before a fine is adopted.

Update on Northwest Dane Vera Riley reported that Dane County Dept of Human Services Adult Services Department has been instructed to trim their budget. If Northwest Dane loses the County portion of their Case Management Program it will lose about $45,000. NWDSS is located in Black Earth but is not part of the village governance nor are their employees paid by the village.

Vera Riley requested updates from the Board members on issues addressed at prior Board meetings. Striping W Mineral Point Road’s blind hillswas requested by Dave Austin. Greg Hyer responded that Dane County Hwy is willing to stripe. The Board can make a decision regarding striping but must also consider other requests for striping and the Town’s liability in selecting some versus all town roads. Louise Klopp suggested that the Board err on the side of safety. Greg Haack asked if it could be done this year. No action was taken.

Wally Hanson had requested Board assistance in dimming an exceptionally bright lightonCelestial Circlethat was visible from his Town of Berry property. Greg Hyer responded that without a dark sky ordinance the Town could not successfully intervene between the two land owners.

Scott Construction will be shouldering Timber Lane. Greg Hyer will ask Rick Hollfelder to talk with them to be sure that work will be complete prior to the day of the Iron Man Race.

Money was allocated for the purchase of a projector and screen. Jeff Baylis reported that SWAP has wall mounted screens at deeply discounted prices. The Board authorized him to make a purchase.

Vera Riley has a list of interested persons and would like permission to proceed with setting up the Personnel Committee. Greg Hyer suggested that she proceed and that members would be appointed at the September Board meeting.

It has been recommended that the Town migrate from the current website provider to the State maintained website for Towns. Vera asked if there was a schedule in place for the change. Greg Hyer responded that the change will take place after the transition to Quick Books accounting software has been completed.

A private well water program to test for coliform bacteria and nitrates is available through DaneCounty. Participation is voluntary and the cost is $38 per well. Vera asked permission to have the Town of Cross Plains on the list of municipalities promoting this service.

Motion was made by Greg Haack to adjourn the meeting. Second was made by Jeff Baylis. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Anne Herger, Clerk