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October 10, 2017 (6:58 p.m.)
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Town of Carberry held on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 6:58 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Hall with Mayor Stuart Olmstead and Councillors Barry Anderson, John Anderson, Lin Mann and Jaime MacGregor, and Sandra Jones, CAO, present. Also present: Gloria Mott, Reporter.
1. Calling Meeting to Order
Res #1 Be It Resolved That the meeting be convened at 6:58 p.m. with Mayor Stuart Olmstead in the Chair.
Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann
Carried: X Lost: ___
2. Adoption of Agenda
Res #2 Be It Resolved That the agenda for the regular meeting of October 10, 2017 be adopted as circulated.
Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
3. Adoption of Minutes
Res #3 Be It Resolved That the minutes for the regular meeting of September 12th and the joint meeting of September 25th be adopted as circulated.
Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann
Carried: X Lost: ___
4. Delegations
5. Planning matters
a) Public Works information – re: draining/survey information
b) Simon Ryan subdivision - Dicussion held – Tabled – meeting being set up
Res #4 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council agrees to the concept plan in principle as presented on October 10, 2017 for Simon Ryan property on Dufferin Street.
Moved by: ______Seconded by: ______
Carried: ___ Lost: ___
6. Finance and Accounts
Res #5 Be It Resolved That the Financial Statement for October 2017 be referred to Council.
Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #6 Be It Resolved That the accounts, cheque no. 10553 to cheque no. 10598, totaling $144,364.54 and direct deposits be approved for payment.
Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. Anderson
Carried: X Lost: ___
7. By-laws
a) By-law No. 2/2015 re Sewer Rates – waiting on feedback from the province
b) By-law No. 5/2017 re: parking – Currently being written
Res #7 Be It Resolved That By-law 5/2017 re Parking be read a first time and be referred to Council.
Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
c) Special Service Garbage Levy By-law No. 6/2017 - discussion for Monday
8. Unfinished Business
a) Resolutions from joint meeting:
Res #8 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve CAO Sandra Jones and Council to attend the AMM Convention in Brandon on November 27-29, 2017.
AND FURTHER THAT costs to be shared 50/50 between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry (for CAO)
Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #9 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve Tricia Zander to attend upcoming meetings/conference as noted below:
September 22, 2017 Neepawa - What’s the Big Idea (mileage)
October 4, 2017 Oak Island Resort (by Virden) Tourism Westman (mileage/lunch)
October 11, 2017 Tourism Westman Strat Plan Meeting – Brandon- Mileage
November 1-3, 2017 EDAM Fall Forum – Portage – (hotel/mileage and meals)
AND FURTHER THAT costs by shared 50/50 between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry.
Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. Anderson
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #10 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorize Teresa Fiskel to attend a half-day FIPPA Training Session on Wed, October 4, 2017 in Winnipeg, MB.
AND FURTHER THAT costs to be shared 50/50 between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry.
Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: L. Mann
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #11 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council purchase wreaths for the Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Ceremony in Carberry at a cost of $35.00/wreath.
Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #12 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council agree to donate $200.00 to the Carberry Halloween Youth Dance Committee.
AND FURTHER THAT costs to be shared 50/50 between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry
Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #13 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council purchase a quarter page ad in the Legion’s Military Service Recognition Book at a cost of $310.00.
AND FURTHER THAT this cost be shared 50/50 between the Town of Carberry and the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford.
Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: J. Anderson
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #14 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorize Recreation Director Andrew Smith to attend the upcoming Tri-Regional Recreation Conference at Elkhorn Resort on October 17th and 18th, 2017.
AND FURTHER THAT costs to be shared 50/50 between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry.
Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res #15 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council agree to gift the amount of $250.00 to the Pearson Benefit Social.
AND FURTHER THAT costs to be shared 50/50 between the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry.
Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann
Carried: X Lost: ___
Res#16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Councils accept the wage schedule as set out by the Personnel Committee.
Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor
Carried: X Lost: ___
b) Cummins agreement – Add to Joint Agenda – resolution required
9. General Business
a) Resignation of Samuel Rutz
Res #17 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accept the resignation of Public Works Employee Samuel Rutz effective September 29, 2017.
Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: J. Anderson
Carried: X Lost: ___
b) Appoint Willi Sippel as full time
Res #18 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoint Willi Sippel as a full time Public Works Employee effective October 2, 2017.
Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: B. Anderson
Carried: X Lost: ___
c) Animal Control issues
While they have no animal control officer, there are occasions when the town needs to act. An agreement has been worked out with the local vet. When an animal is brought in by a member of public works to the veterinary clinic, the owner will pay the town office and get a receipt to redeem the animal. If no one claims the animal, then the town will pay the expenses at the clinic. However, if a member of the public brings an animal to the veterinary clinic, and no owner comes to pay the bill and claim the animal, then the person that brought the animal in, is responsible. Even though a person is being a ‘Good Samaritan’ in regards to the animal, they must be aware that it may end up costing them. If an animal has a Carberry tag, then the office will try to contact the owner prior to involving the vet clinic. If there is a report of a wild animal within the town, Sustainable Development is contacted, and hopefully they take care of the situation, as it is their jurisdiction. However, if they cannot act, and it is a matter of safety (e.g. a skunk in the school yard), then the public works will take care of the matter. A local person complained by letter of seeing various wild animals within Town limits. They were instructed to call Sustainable Development. Seeing wildlife in town is part and parcel of being a rural community.
d) Insurance review request
A person offered to provide group insurance benefits for the municipal employees. Currently employees are covered under the Municipal Employees Benefits Board. Council discussed letting him provide a quote for services, and having comparisons done. However, right now there are so many other issues that the office is dealing with, that they decided leave things as they currently are.
e) SEO/Enumerator positions for upcoming election
It is now approximately one year until the next municipal election, and CAO Jones is making initial moves to have the people in place to get the job done. The enumerator will again do the job of listing all the eligible voters. The second job is the SEO (Senior Elections Officer). That is the person that spearheads the process – that makes sure all advertisements are in place, that polling stations are in place, that there are people to run those stations. They also deal with the candidates and make sure that they have met the criteria to run for office. Last election the SEO was appointed from within the staff, as no one applied for the job when advertised. This did not seem right to council to have this added to the CDC’s job description for no extra compensation. Council is in favour of advertising again for the position.
f) CN issues
Councillor Lin Mann has made contact with CN Rail and they have advised her that a crew is going to be installing new ties along the track between the golf course and Carberry. Crossing planks will also be installed and hopefully this will improve the rough crossings somewhat. There will be closures of some roads while this work is being done October 24.
g) #5 Highway
10. Communications
From Subject
Taxervice No Tax Sale
Resident (LePage) letter Rat/Animal concerns
TransCanada Literature
Canadian Public Works Assoc Gesture of gratitude
11. Added to the Agenda
12. Around the Table
Lin Mann noted that there was no flu clinic notice in the Carberry Paper. The first clinic will be October 23, and the next will be November 9.
John Anderson commended the work done on the lane between the SWESC office and the Carberry Motor Inn. Council was appreciative of how this has cleaned up that section of sidewalk.
Barry Anderson thanked council members for their support during his absence
Jaime MacGregor
Stuart Olmstead noted that the Christmas Parade will be December 2; venue and entertainment to be decided. Stuart has been asked to emcee our MLA Eileen Clarke's annual fall supper in Neepawa October 27. Recently Stuart attended Lobby Day's on behalf of the AMM board in Winnipeg, meeting with various MLA's to further the AMM's agenda on behalf of all of Manitoba's municipalities.
CAO Sandra Jones reported that NCL Council has given notice that they are not interested in continuing with the public notification system, Code Red. If they pull out of it, then the Carberry Council will have to decide whether they can afford to continue. She also reported on a meeting with the Office of the Fire Commissioner here in Carberry, with fire, and building personnel. She stated that it was an excellent meeting in which so much information was acquired. After the devastating fire in Virden’s historic district, the department will make an effort to do inspections on all of Main St. The delegation did do an inspection on an empty Main St. business building and there will be more information and follow up to update Council at a further time. Her last comment was to give kudos to the office on having performed well during a very busy tax month.
13. Adjournment
Res #19 Be It Resolved That the regular meeting of council now adjourns at
9:45 pm.
Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann
Carried: X Lost: ___
Stuart Olmstead Sandra Jones
Mayor CAO