Town of Campbell Planning Board
Minutes of February 26, 2014
Town of Campbell Planning Board
Minutes for Meeting ofFebruary 26,2014
Held at the Campbell Town Hall
8529 Main Street, Campbell, New York
PRESENT: Board Members: Chairman Terry Brethen, Spencer Carter, Denice Thompsonand Planning Board Secretary: Sandra M. Austin.
Alt. Members: Linda K. Baird and Donald L. Markell; and
CEO: Marvin Rethmel.
ABSENT: Jeffrey Allen and Will Wood.
GUESTS:John Duquette, Sr., Connie Zieba, Dave Baker, Charlene Secondo, Mary Ann Starbuck, Alan Lowe, Leland Youngs and Ginger Youngs.
Call to Order/ Prior Minutes.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Chairman Brethen. The Board noted the prior minutes of January 15, 2014. A motion was made by Carter and seconded by Markell, to accept the said minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Application #2014-06 of John D. Duquette, Sr. for a site plan for a single-wide mobile home at 5121 Wixon Road on a 5.53-acre site in the Ag Zone.
Discussion was had with applicant regarding Site Plan Application #2014-06 of John D. Duquette, Sr. for a single lot standard designed manufactured home at 5121 Wixon Road in the Ag Zone.
During discussion of issuesit was noted that: The home will be installed with a new well and septic system. There is plenty of area for separation distance and the septic will be engineer-designed. The home would be a newer-model of approx. size: 14’ x 70’. The application complies with our current code and will be withinthe character of the neighborhood. RE: SEQR--The Town Board should take lead agency status and do SEQR review.
With regard to the Site Plan Application #2014-06 of John Duquette for a single-wide mobile home at 5121 Wixon Road, a motion was proposed by Carter as follows:
1)that the Planning Board recommends to the Town Board to classify this as an unlisted action; do a review of the EAF and file a negative declaration of environmental significance;
2)the Town Board should hold a public hearing;
3)the Planning Board recommends the Town Board approve same.
The motion was seconded by Carter and passed by unanimous vote.
Applicant was advised that the matter would now go to the Town Board for public hearing and to be acted upon by that Board.
Application #2014-07 David Baker for site plan for retail sales of new and used items at 8530 Main Street in the B-1 Neighborhood Business Zone.
Discussion was had with applicants regarding Site Plan Application #2014-07 of David Baker for retail sales in the B-1 Neighborhood Business Zone. Mr. Baker wanted to amend his application to include flea markets on the site.
He was given the option of proceeding with the application as submitted and amending it later; or, waiting and taking the time to amend the application and come back with an amended application. Mr. Baker said he would wait and take the time to come back with an amended application.
With regard to the Site Plan Application #2014-07 of David Baker, a motion was proposed by Baird, as follows: that the application is incomplete and the Board would allow applicant to amend the application and come back at a future meeting. The motion was seconded by Carter and passed by unanimous vote.
Application #2014-08 of Care First for a recommendation to the Town Board for a re-zoning at 3805 Meads Creek Road [the Frank Pierce School building lot].
Discussion was had with Mary Ann Starbuck and Charlene Secondo on behalf of Care First regarding procedures for adopting re-zoning, which is actually a local law.
With regard to the Application for Re-zoning of the Frank Pierce School parcel/First Care, a motion was proposed by Carter, as follows: The Planning Board,having reviewed the proposal, hereby recommends to the Town Board that the subject parcel be re-zoned from R2-Suburban Residential to B2-Highway Business. That a re-zoning of this parcel makes sense and fits into the neighborhood; it is consistent with the current zoning on the opposite side of Meads Creek Road and it is a continuation of the existing zoning there; and, it is in line with the 2013 Town Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Thompson and passed by unanimous vote.
Discussion of procedures under new zoning law.
Currently the Town Attorney is in the process of reviewing the proposed new Zoning Law. It is anticipated that it will be adopted in the next couple of months. The new law will make the Planning Board the board doing the final approvals for site plans. A discussion was had among the Board as to how we will be handling the applications to make the review process more effective. New procedures being considered are: pre-planning meetings and documenting “Findings” to support conditions required for Planning Board approvals.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was upon motion, adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
(signed) Sandra M. Austin
Sandra M. Austin, Secretary to
Town of Campbell Planning Board
DATED: March 4, 2014.