Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2015
Town of Bolton
3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway
Bolton VT 05676
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2015
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Bolton Town Office
Planning Commission members present: Linda Baker (Chair), Steve Barner, Jim Bralich, Carol Devlin, and Rodney Pingree
Planning Commission members absent: None
Also present: Karen Bates (Agency of Natural Resources)
Clerk: Carol Devlin
1. Public Comment
2. Karen Bates from the ANR
3. Minutes ~ February 9, 2015
4. Organizational Meeting
5. Survey for Town Meeting
6. Remaining PC Funds – Update
7. CCRPC – FY 2016 Unified Planning Work Program – Update
8. Town Plan -- Utilities
9. Other communications/mail
10. Any other business
11. Adjournment
Call to Order
Linda Baker called the meeting to order at 6:02.
Agenda Item #1 ~ Public Comment
The floor was opened to public comment. There was none.
Agenda Item #2 ~ Karen Bates from the ANR
Karen Bates introduced herself as a generalist from the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). Carol Devlin explained that the CCRPC had suggested contacting Karen for assistance with the Town Plan.
Rodney Pingree started the discussion of how Karen Bates might help Bolton by asking about the possibility of an assessment of the impact of development on Joiner Brook. The discussion included erosion and storm water management. Karen explained that the State only addresses the impact of parcels more than an acre in size. Larger culverts play a vital role in reducing the impact by moving water steadily without building pressure. The impact of the weir in creating “hungry water” (water without sediment that therefore increases erosion) was also discussed.
The general importance of ditch management was also discussed.
Steve Barner raised concerns about temporal streams which are not an issue unless there is a significant amount of rain when they can surge into a stream capable of wiping out a road as happened in West Bolton on July 4, 2013.
After considering ways new development could reduce the impact of stormwater, focus shifted to the greater concern of the impact of existing development. The town does not have the means of forcing property owners to increase the size of culverts, improve the drainage of their driveways, or adopt other measures that would reduce erosion and improve overall stormwater management. Education is the most viable option.
There was a lengthy discussion about the challenges of private driveways. There are a number of steep driveways in town that washout onto town roads at the bottom of the driveways. The State can’t do anything with driveways unless they drain into waterways. Karen suggested an educational campaign to convince property owners of the advantages of well-engineered driveways. She also emphasized using redevelopment of properties as opportunities to encourage green development.
Rodney Pingree asked about the impact of building up on stormwater management. Karen said that shouldn’t be a problem along Rt. 2 if there are stone-lined ditches and the focus is on low-impact development.
Several items emerged as possible projects:
· Karen could work with Linda Baker and Lars Botzojorns on the Natural Resources section of the Town Plan.
· Assessment of the impact of development on Joiner Brook.
· Working with the CCRPC and the Highway Foreman, identify and prioritize culverts based on impact on erosion and water quality, not just condition of the culvert.
· Look at combining a variety of resources to improve stormwater management of Bolton’s roads and driveways:
o Better Back Roads
§ A technician can assess stormwater issues for both private and public land for free
§ Cost sharing/grants
o Ecosystem Restoration Fund (which does NOT deal with culverts or bridges).
· Work with Rebecca Pfeiffer from the State on flood resiliency.
· Karen suggested that since Bolton is so close to the county line we should contact the Central Vermont RPC.
· Contact the Friends of the Winooski River re: an educational program about driveway development and the advantages to both watersheds and the home owners (e.g., reduced maintenance costs).
Agenda Item #3 ~ Minutes February 9, 2015 Meeting
Rodney Pingree made a motion to accept the minutes of February 9, 2015. Steve Barner seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0).
Agenda Item #4 ~ Organizational Meeting
The Planning Commission adopted Roberts Rules of Order (abridged) as its rules of procedure. Meeting dates will be the second Monday of the month. Steve Barner nominated Linda Baker to be chair; Rodney Pingree seconded; Linda was elected 4 to 1. Steve Barner nominated Carol Devlin as secretary; Rodney Pingree seconded; Carol was elected 5 to 0.
Agenda Item #5 ~ Survey for Town Meeting – Report
Carol Devlin went through the results from the 2015 Town Meeting Survey. See the Bolton website or the Planning Commission binder in the Town Office for the detailed results. To summarize:
43 surveys were completed:
1. 32 Yes for looking into sharing services. The PC said this should be included in the Plan.
2. 12 Yes & 17 No for contracting with law enforcement to enforce speed limits.
3. 24 No for continuing to support increasing conserved land in Bolton.
4. 26 Yes for modifying zoning in West Bolton.
5. 17 Yes and 13 No in support of taller buildings.
6. Strong support for alternative energy. 31 Yes for on municipal property; 28 yes for on private properties and 25 Yes for on farm fields. No’s consistent at 4 or 6. 13 Yes and 23 No to alternative energy on ridgelines.
7. 33 Yes for increasing energy efficiency in town buildings and developing alternative sources of heat and/or power.
8. 21 Yes and 20 No for park and ride. 3 daily; 9 weekly; 8 monthly for use.
9. 31 interested in participating in neighborhood discussion.
Questions 1, 3, 4, and 6 had the most interest for those considering participation in neighborhood discussions.
The Planning Commission will use the survey results in planning for future community outreach and informational efforts, including (if the CCRPC Unified Work Plan is approved) the strategy session on community engagement.
The Bolton Golf Course and the restaurant at Bolton Valley were suggested as possible locations for neighborhood meetings.
The Planning Commission was very pleased with the number of responses received.
Agenda Item #6 ~ Remaining PC Funds
Carol Devlin reported that the CCRPC has agreed to work with the Town to prebill part of the work for FY16 if the PC’s application is approved. Sharon Murray will contact Pam Brangan regarding what remains to be done on the maps and potential costs.
Agenda Item #7 ~ CCRPC – FY 2016 Unified Planning Work Program
Carol Devlin reported that the CCRPC has informed her that, although they couldn’t say definitively yet because the final decision won’t be made until May, it was highly likely that the CCRPC would approve the application.
Agenda Item #8 ~ Town Plan
This item was deferred until the April meeting. Since it has been deferred a couple of times, the Utilities Section of the Town Plan will be one of the first things on next month’s agenda.
Agenda Item #9 ~ Other communications/mail
· The Town of Underhill sent a Public Hearing Notice, the PC Report for the proposed Town Plan and a digital copy of the Town Plan. The public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18 at 6:30.
· Stowe sent a draft of their Town Plan.
· The NFIB sent a postcard requesting help to repeal Act 48.
Agenda Item #10 ~ Any Other Business
The Planning Commission’s scheduled several meetings: April 13, May 11, June 8, and July 13. The July 13, 2015 meeting will be from 6-9 p.m. The Planning Commission decided not to have a meeting in August.
Agenda Item #11 ~ Adjournment
Steve Barner moved that the meeting be adjourned. Jim Bralich seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 to 0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Carol Devlin
Clerk, Planning Commission
These minutes are unofficial until accepted.
These minutes were read and accepted by a quorum of the Planning Commission on:
____April 13, 2015______
For the Planning Commission