Town of Barnesville
Town Meeting Minutes –June 19, 2017
- Meeting called to order at 7:31pm
- 16 people present
- May 2017 meeting minuteswere presented
- May2017 financials were presented
Jim Brown gave an update on the town traffic issue. A test strip will be placed in town to collect the data. One strip will be placed down by the MARC train station and be down for 2-3 months. One option to help with the town speed problem is to hire an off-duty police officer. Jim has met with police officer that owns a privately owned certified company called StreetHawk. The shifts would be 3 hour shifts at $60 per hour. The suggested locations for the off-duty police would be St. Mary’s parking lot and the Town Hall. A report would be given to the town every 30 days. Streethawk could start right away.
The committee’s recommendation would be to not to do the striping throughout the town because of the cost.
Mayor Callear stated that the town has included $20,000 in the budget for the traffic/safety.
Jim Brown said we have could do a blast email to let the town residents know the schedule for the traffic enforcing. A suggestion was made to start off slow cause of schools being out then increase it when school is back in.
No report.
Alternative Energy
No report.
Board of Appeals
No report.
Permits & Applications
Nothing new on the pool permit from John Strong. While Sediment Control is a county issue, the Town of Barnesville hired a contractor (John Strong from Nobis) to review and follow up on the National Resources Investment/Forest Stand Delineation as required under the Town’s Forest Conservation Plan.
Capital Improvements
Commissioner Morris gave an update on the sidewalks. The homeowners have received letters from the town and State. There will be a public hearing regarding the sidewalks – the date to be determined. On June 27th, the Commissioners will have another meeting with the arborist. The trees are in the state right of way. Ms. Rast is concerned why the trees have to come down off of her property for the sidewalk. There is money in the town budget to put new trees on her property since three would have to be taken. down. Ms. Rasts wants to know how the decision is made to take down the trees and put the sidewalk on her property.
Mayor Callear says that there is no plan set for the sidewalks going to the post office.
Meg Menke asked where the hearing will be – it will be a county run hearing. The commissioners are trying to get the hearing here in town. Meg Menke said that the commissioners have the chance to take a stand on where they want to see the sidewalks.
Planning and Zoning
No report.
Town Hall
We are still working with the plumber to get the water issues resolved – the water smell and water pressure. The water has been tested and we are waiting on the results.
Unfinished Business
There are two open positions on the Planning Committee that need to be filled and one open position for the Board of Appeals.
New Business
The Commissioners gave an update on how they worked on the budget and came up with the proposed budget. Changes for the 2017-2018 Budget:
Town Hall expenses decreased to $7000
Town social events deceased to $5000
Large part is the traffic calming increased to 20K
Internet/website decreased to 4700
Commissioner Morris gave an update on the revenue and how she will be working on investment and what will gain the most interest. Moving money out of the regular bank account to invest better. The audit cost has gone up. The town our size doesn’t need an audit every year. We could go every 4 years. The town will have an audit this year, but then the commissioners will decide what to do after this year.
The Commissioners approved the 2017-2018 Budget.
Mayor Callear thanked Commissioner Larisch and Commissioner Morris for their work on the budget.
There will be a Town Social Committee. The committee will do the town dinner and holiday party. If you would like to be on the committee, please talk with Commissioner Larisch.
Open Discussion
Meg Menke asked if there is a chance it could be revenue sharing with the hired company. Jim will ask the company if they do that.
A suggestion was made to have aprivate Facebook page just for the Town of Barnesville residences.
Ruhls house has been cleaned up. There is a permit in the window of the house.
Adjourned at 8:50 pm