Town Council Minutes
Public Hearing & Regular Town Council Meeting
August 11, 2013
Council Members (C/M) present: C/M B. Moss, V/M Paige, C/M Jones, C/M S. Moss, and C/M Walker
C/M absent: C/M K. Moss, Mayor Toney
Others present: Peggy Johnson, Clerk; Carolyn Davis; Jordan Miles, Farmville Herald; Donnie Bryan, Buckingham County Supervisor
The meeting was held at the Dillwyn Town Hall located at 1030 Main Street, Dillwyn, VA, on August 11, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. The invocation was given by C/M Jones and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by V/M Paige.
Vice Mayor greeted the visitors.
The Vice Mayor opened the meeting and declared there was a quorum in attendance.
The Vice Mayor asked the council if there were any changes or corrections to the July 2013 minutes. Motion made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M B. Moss to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
V/M Paige opened the public hearing on the budget for FY 14. She advised that they had looked at the donations to Straight Street and the Arts Council, concerned about the activity of these two groups. C/M S. Moss addressed the Arts Council, stating that they were still functioning by providing/teaching art classes. C/M Jones addressed the Straight Street advising that had an upcoming project for school supplies. There were no other comments and V/M Paige closed the public hearing.
Motion was made by C/M B. Moss and seconded by C/M Walker to adopt the budget as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
Transportation Enhancement:
The Clerk advised that Phase 4 plans waiting on VDOT to be able to advertise for bids. There are additional costs due to new requirements from VDOT: sealed survey, site inspector, and tester. Lyn Hill was the initial site inspector, but he is full time with the county now. The Clerk will need to verify if he can still do this or not. Motion was made by C/M B/ Moss and seconded by C/M Walker to accept the agreement/amendment from LPDA, Inc. for Phase 4 ext. and Phase 5. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
Revitalization Project:
Round 1: The Clerk advised that this is completed and asked for approval to pay Triple L Construction for the sign on building for Buckingham Branch (BBRR), 1043 Main Street. Motion was made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M Jones to approve the payment to Triple L in the amount of $563.00. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
Round 2: The Clerk advised that Annie, Fraizer Associates is working on the bid
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documents. Ranson Brothers was allowed to be removed from the project. This was approved by DHCD. The committee asked him to donate or lease the property to the town for a pocket park. The properties from L.P. Gilliam could be covered with the movement of the Loan Pool funds. Letters to the business owners to identify any employees that they have hired since March 1, 2009 to help document that 10 positions have been fulfilled.
Parking: The Clerk advised that Tripp Maxey is looking at the replacement cost of the building on the lot behind the library. The Clerk explained the issues of the properties from L. P. Gilliam. The Clerk has also checked with Superior Walls about the replacement costs. A suggestion was made to contact Brandon Savage about the building replacement.
Friday night events: C/M S. Moss was expecting someone to come tonight with some ideas.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 6:00 p.m.
Street Maintenance Committee:
- Street lights:
- Yards, etc.: yard clipping—no ordinance on record. The ordinance committee does need to look at the ordinance about the cutting of the yards.
C/M Jones stated that she has received another call about the Booker property. She did speak to Mr. Booker when he was cutting the grass. She also stated that Mrs. Welts property still needs repair. The Clerk advised that Mrs. Welts has contacted her and she is having someone look at fixing the inside of the house. C/M Jones also mentioned the Logan property.
- Town clean up: The Clerk advised that her keys were not returned by the last user.
- V/M Paige received a call about riding bicycles on the sidewalk. The Clerk advised that there is no ordinance prohibiting this. Suggestion to erect a sign stating ‘No bicycle riding on sidewalks’. The ordinance committee to look at an ordinance about this.
Tourism Committee: C/ M S. Moss advised that there is nothing in the works at this moment.
Cemetery Committee: The Clerk advised that Faye Shumaker sent another email advising that Justin has done the job to her liking.
C/M S. Moss presented the plaques for the two benches in honor of Sammy Ranson and Edward LeSueur. The Clerk is to see if Mr. Maxey can attach the plaques. The families will be asked to attend the next meeting to present the plaques/benches. C/M S. Moss presented the bill (due half of the cost).
Disposal entrance: C/M Walker advised that her husband did not present a bill, as he was glad to help. C/M B. Moss advised that someone told him that both sides had post to prevent entry now. Motion was made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M Jones to pay Mr. Walker $75.00 to secure the entrance to the disposal. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
Handicap access: The Clerk advised the Tripp Maxey is working on estimates to be ready by next meeting.
Painting of steps and doors: The Clerk advised that she is waiting on the community service worker. Paint has been paid for and picked up.
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Housing Rehab: The Clerk advised that she had a conversation with Keith Sherill, DHCD, and he was going to get us some more information.
New heating and air for town hall: bids from Mills Heating & Air and Putney Mechanical for the wall units. Heating pump from Mills—waiting on Putney’s bid. Motion was made by C/M B. Moss and seconded by C/M Jones to schedule a called meeting once the bid from Putney is received. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
BPOL-Variety Stores: motion made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M Walker to refund a portion of the 2013 Business License due to their closure on June 10, 2013. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
FEMA: The Clerk explained that the name of the town was initially wrong on the acceptance letter, this is a replacement letter. The review of this plan needs to be reviewed by 2017.
Anita Eanes: an approved zoning request for a ramp to help her access to/from her home.
Roy Martin is planning to submit a zoning request for building three units along Cherry Lane.
V/M Paige reviewed the meetings/conferences and who will attend. She will not be able to attend the VML Mayors conference.
C/M Jones made a suggestion to send Mayor Toney and Karen something to tell them we miss them. Motion was made by C/M B. Moss and seconded by C/M Jones to send Mayor Toney an edible fruit arrangement and Karen a dish garden. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
Donnie Bryan advised that the county assessment is 98% competed. Data entry to be completed by September 20th, and letters to be mailed by Oct. 4th.
Carolyn Davis advised that the storm recently flooded the streets: Hancock, Camden, and Main. Damage was done to properties due to the rain and flooding. She talked to some VDOT employees that were working on Main street about the damage and the grass that needed to be cut. The dirt supporting the railway tracks –some was washed away. Most of the property along Camden belongs to James O’Bryant. The Clerk to call VDOT, starting with the local office and then the district if needed. Donnie Bryan offered to help if she did not get any action. Carolyn Davis advised to call again to complain.
VDOT district: Chris Winstead 434-856-8173; local Kevin Wright 856-8063
Virginia Rural Center, Aug. 1, 12 noon, Charley’s—the Clerk attended and provided information to the council.
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- 2013 Housing Rehab & IPR interchange workshop, Aug. 27-29, Blacksburg. the Clerk to attend
- COVITS 2013, Sept. 9-10. Richmond. Motion was made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M Walker for C/M Jones to go. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes, C/M B. Moss, C/M S. Moss, C/M Walker, and C/M Jones. Nays: none
- VML Annual conference, Oct. 13-15, Arlington County. V/M Paige cannot attend.
The Vice Mayor asked for a sign of standing to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Minutes scribed by,
Peggy N. Johnson
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