Achieving Success
A development programme for Band 56 staff in London
The programme aims to give participants a powerful learning experience that provides some of the foundational learning that they will need to transition into more senior positions.
Learning Outcomes
- Increased self confidence
- Awareness of self and how others perceive them
- Understanding of NHS cultural and political landscape
- Developed networking
- Understanding & operating effectively within organisational dynamics
- Greater strategic awareness
- Becoming better learners – learning how to learn
- Embodied practitioners who can make a real difference to their organisations
- Practical skills strategies to achieve the required outcomes
- The enhanced ability to embody the success that they wish to become
The programme is structured into 2 modules. Between the two modules there is some very tightly structured work that participants need to engage in. This is approximately 16 hours self –directed work. This self-directed work is an essential component of the programme and participants cannot attend the second module if they are unable to do so. This self –directed work is expected to continue after the 5-day programme
Approach will include:
- Reflective practice
- Experiential sessions
- Taught sessions
- Practice sessions
- Self-presentation sessions
Achieving Success. Module One: Programme Outline
Achieving Success
A development programme for Band 56 staff in London
Module One: Draft Programme Outline
Day 109.00: / Day 2
09.00: / Day 3
09.00: Arrival and refreshments
09.30: Start - Intros and connecting
The purpose of the programme (and how it is going to achieve it)
Overview of key concepts PowerPoint presentation / Forming "achievement partnerships"
Choosing a partner and identifying what the things are that you want to work on together, what support you’d like from them, etc. Establishing long term support agreement
Reframed understanding of the Blocks and Enablers to BME success.
Understanding & identifying the skills needed to progress & make a change / Strategies for Success.
Becoming an inquirer into your own success.
This session draws upon the following disciplines:
- The learning cycle of KOLB & others
- Reflective practitioner practice
- Action inquiry
11.00 Break / 11.00 Break
Connecting for change: Stories of success. Reviewing the experiences, strategies & learning of BME in the NHS
Working in Reality
Understanding the structures, challenges, politics, opportunities & relationships of the present organisational context / Beliefs and behaviours for success.
Reframing blocking thoughts into enabling ones.
Small group work on identifying and reframing disempowering thoughts. / Skills development workshop.
Protecting self: being able to take and give feedback.
Being able to
Lunch 13.00 / Lunch 13.00 / Lunch 13.00
Connecting for change:
Stories of success. Reviewing the experiences, strategies & learning of BME people in the NHS and beyond
Sharing aspirations / ‘The Masters Tools’ cannot dismantle the masters’ house workshop. A workshop designed to assist people in understanding different, transformational ‘frames’ for understanding & action. / Brief for Action Phase: Action research, becoming a Reflective Practitioner.
The 5 key areas of focus for transformational personal and organisational change
Break 15.15 / Break 15.15 / Break 15.15
Bi-Cultural Competence:
Appreciative & Transformational Approaches to change / The dialectic of Systems, Self and Power
Practical understanding of the ways in which systems work at conscious & unconscious levels & how best to intervene in them. / 16.30: Close
19.00 - 20.00: Dinner / 19.00 - 20.00: Dinner
Small group work: The things I need support in: identifying and making requests for support / Reframing activity in small groups
Achieving Success
A development programme for Band 5 & 6 staff in London
Module Two: Draft Programme Outline
Day 1 / Day 209.00: Arrival and refreshments
09.30: Start - Intros and re-connecting
Stories of success, exploration, discovery and transformation / Preparing for success at interviews
This session includes mock interviews and utilises video. There will also be some specialist input from within the organisation. “what we see when we see most BME applicants”.
11.00 Break / 11.00 Break
Stories of success, exploration, discovery and transformation continued / Successful influencing in organisations This session draws upon disciplines like NLP, TA, Coaching and the Charles’ bi-cultural model.
Lunch 13.00 / Lunch 13.00
Learning audit: What has been the learning from the ‘Action Phase’?
What do you now need to focus on if you are going to get a more senior position within the next 12 months? / Successful influencing in organisations This session draws upon disciplines like NLP, TA, Coaching and the Charles’ bi-cultural model. Brief for continuing work with key partners in order to achieve success after the programme formally ends.
Break 15.15 / Break 15.15
Preparing for success at assessment centres – psychometric testing and group work practice,
There will also be some specialist input drawing upon the experience of BME people at assessment centres & the body of thinking that is emerging around it. / Learning review – consolidating development areas & establishing plans for the future.
19.00: Dinner / 16.15: Close
Receiving feedback and prep for day 2
Achieving Success. Module One: Programme Outline