Mrs. Elkins 1st Nine Weeks
Extra Credit History Project
Georgia’s Region Brochure
You will create a brochure about one physical region of Georgia. You may pick from the 5 regions we have studied in class. You need to make your brochure interesting and eye-catching, as though you were creating a travel brochure convincing people to come to that specific region ofGeorgia!
Your brochure will be tri-fold (folded twice to make 3 panels). You mayuse any type of paper you wish, and you may also use a publishing program on a computer. You work MUST be neat, accurate, and complete!
ALL PARAGRAPHS MUST BE IN 8TH GRADE LANGUAGE – PLAGIARISM IS A FORM OF CHEATING AND WILL RECEIVE NO CREDIT. Do not copy and paste from the Internet or copy word-for-word from the textbook!
See back for rubric and checklist!
DUE DATE: MondaySeptember 2nd
- Must include a title, a map of Georgia, highlighting your region
- The MAP must be labeled, neat and colorful, showing 4 cities in your region. 3 physical features and 2 additional “must see” attractions
PANELS 2-5: For each of the other panels you will focus on specific aspects of your region and topics related to the geography of that region. Each of these panels must have a titleand illustrations. See the rubric on the back for more details about the requirements.
**feel free to come up with creative titles and not use these** this is just a suggested guide!
PANEL 2: Things to Do! (Amusement attractions, restaurants, etc….)
PANEL 3: Historical Georgia (at least 2 ways your region is historical)
PANEL 4: Physical Features (rivers, mountains, etc. must include 3)
PANEL 5: Climate of the Region
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
PANEL 1: COVER PAGE (15 points):
- Title and Heading (3)
- Map ofGeorgia that highlightsyour region of Georgia.(3)
- 4 Cities in your region (4)
- 3 physical features (3)
- 2 additional “must see” attractions (2)
- Neat and colorful(5)
PANEL 2: THINGS TO DO (15 points):
- Creative Title (3)
- Illustration(s) (2)
- 3 Attractions or Things to do(6)
- 2 Restaurants for dining (4)
- Neat and Colorful (5)
- Creative Title (3)
- Illustration(s) (2)
- 3 ways this region is historically significant to the state (explained) (6)
- A map depicting these locations (4)
- Neat and colorful (5)
- Creative Title (3)
- Illustration (s) (2)
- A variety of 5 physical features (10)
- Neat and colorful (5)
PANEL 5: CLIMATE (15 points):
- Creative Title (3)
- Illustration(s) (2)
- Tell the traveler what 5 items to pack for them to wear, explaining why the climate makes each item necessary. (10)
- Neat and Colorful (5)
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______