Total no. of Botanic Gardens recorded in Poland- 25.
Approx. no. of living plant accessions recorded in these botanic gardens: 60,000 to 70,000.
Approx. no. of taxa in these collections: 10,000 to 15,000 (c.8,000 to 10,000 spp.).
Estimated % of pre-CBD collections: 80% to 90%.
Founded: 1977
Garden Name: Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roslin
Address: Ogrod Botaniczny, ul. Jezdziecka 5, 85-687 BYDGOSZCZ.
Status: Educational Establishment
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 10,000
Ex situ Collections:
Grasses: food, decorative and for special purposes. Agricultural, horticultural, medicinal and decorative plants. Greenhouse plants. Maintains a seed bank with long-term storage capacity, containing 21,700 accessions representing 21 species (1994 figures).
No. of taxa: 2,400
Rare & Endangered plants: Approximately 10 threatened native species.
Special Conservation Collections: 25 species preserved in Poland.
Founded: 1980
Garden Name: Botanic Garden of Forest Park of Culture and Recreation
Address: Aleje 1 maja 173 - 175, 85 - 674 BYDGOSZCZ.
Status: State
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
Native plants.
No. of taxa: 470
Rare & Endangered plants: Yes, local plants.
Location: GDANSK
Founded: 1947
Garden Name: Instytut Technologii i Analizy Leku
Address: Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku, Ogrod Roslin Leczniczych, ul. K. Marks 107, 80-146 GDANSK-WRZESZCZ.
Status: Educational Establishment
Herbarium: No.
Ex situ Collections:
No information available.
No. of taxa: 600
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: GLINNA
Founded: 1930
Garden Name: Arboretum Glinna
Address: Forest Inspectorate Gryfino, Forest District of Glinna, Szczecin Voivodeship.
Status: University
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
Liquidambar, Parrotiopsis, Idesia, Diospyros, Calocedrus, Cedrus, Torreya, Cryptomeria, Cephalotaxus, Cunninghamia, Abies. Some specimen trees.
No. of taxa: 180
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: GOLUCHOW
Founded: 1870
Garden Name: Wyzsza Skola Rolnicza w Poznaniu
Address: Arboretum Goluchow, Poczta GOLUCHOW, Powiat Pleszew.
Status: State
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: Unknown
Ex situ Collections:
Forest trees and ornamentals.
No. of taxa: 2,000
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: KORNIK
Founded: 1925
Garden Name: Kórnik Arboretum
Address: Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Parkowa 5, 63-120 KORNIK.
Status: State
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 55,000
Ex situ Collections:
Syringa, Malus, Forsythia, Acer, Tilia, Populus, Betula., Magnolia, Deutzia, Carpinus, Lonicera, Coniferae,
No. of taxa: 3,200
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: KRAKOW
Founded: 1783
Garden Name: Ogrod Botaniczny Universytetu Jagellonskiego
Address: ul. Kopernika 27, 31-501 KRAKOW.
Status: University
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 275,700
Ex situ Collections:
Cycadaceae, Orchidaceae, Cactaceae, Platycerium, Acer, Betula.
No. of taxa: 5,000
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Special Conservation Collections: Threatened species from local flora, about 50 species.
Location: KRAKOW
Founded: 1951
Garden Name: Division of Medicinal Plants
Address: Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 176 Radzikowskiego Str, 31-342 KRAKOW.
Status: State
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 50
Ex situ Collections:
Medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: 300
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: LODZ
Founded: 1946
Garden Name: Ogród Botaniczny
Address: ul. Krzemieniecka nr 36/38, 94-303 LODZ 28.
Status: State
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
Polish plants, technical and medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: Unknown
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: LODZ
Founded: Unknown
Garden Name: Hortus Plantarum Medicarum
Address: Department of Pharmacognosy Medical Academy, 90-145 LODZ Muszynskiego.
Status: University
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
Medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: Unknown
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: LUBLIN
Founded: 1963
Garden Name: Ogrod Botaniczny Marie Curie Uniwerstytetu
Address: Sklodovskiej, ul. Slawinkowska 3, 20-810 LUBLIN.
Status: University
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 343,800
Ex situ Collections:
Tulipa, Rosa, native flora.
No. of taxa: 4,500
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: LUBLIN
Founded: 1960
Garden Name: Hortus Pharmacognosticus
Address: Academiae Medicinalis, ul. Pstrowskiego 12, 20007 LUBLIN.
Status: State
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: Unknown
Ex situ Collections:
Umbelliferous medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: Unknown
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Founded: 1984
Garden Name: Roman Plaskota
Address: Botanical Gardens, PL-95-200 PABIANICE, ul. Wyspianskiego 1 m 5.
Status: Unknown
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 30
Ex situ Collections:
Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Primulaceae.
No. of taxa: 950
Rare & Endangered plants: Lilium
Special Conservation Collections: Conservation of wild lilies
Location: POZNAN
Founded: 1947
Garden Name: Hortus Botanicus Instituti Plantarum Medicinalium
Address: ul. Libelta 27, 61-707 POZNAN.
Status: State
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 2,000
Ex situ Collections:
Medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: 2,000
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Special Conservation Collections: medicinal plants.
Location: POZNAN
Founded: 1925
Garden Name: Botanic Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University
Address: ul. Dabrowskiego 165, 60-594 POZNAN.
Status: University
Herbarium: Yes (two)Total Approx. no. of herbarium specimens: 395,000
Ex situ Collections:
Trees and shrubs, perennials, Cactaceae, Crassulaceae, rock plants.
No. of taxa: 8,000
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: POZNAN
Founded: 1924
Garden Name: Katedra i Zaklad Roslin Leczniczych
Address: Akademia Medyczna, Ul. Mazowiecka 33, 60-623 POZNAN.
Status: University
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 700
Ex situ Collections:
No information available
No. of taxa: 79
Rare & Endangered plants: 10 species.
Founded: 1933
Garden Name: Arboretum Przelewice
Address: 74-210 PRZELEWICE, Szczecin.
Status: State
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
Picea, Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Abies, Thuja, Taxus, Acer, Malus, Magnolia, Betula, Cotoneaster.
No. of taxa: 808
Rare & Endangered plants: Abies pinsapo, A.delavayi, A. iowiana, Picea smithiana, Pinus ayacahuite, P. tabulae, Microbiota decussata.
Location: ROGOW
Founded: 1925
Garden Name: Arboretum Lesny Zaklad Doswiadczalny SGGW-AR
Address: Experimental Forests, Warsaw Agricultural University, 96-135 ROGOW.
Status: University
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: Unknown
Ex situ Collections:
Conifers, Acer, forest experimental areas with foreign tree species.
No. of taxa: 1,800
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: TORUN
Founded: Unknown
Garden Name: Uniwersytet Mikoloja Kopernika
Address: Instytut Biology, Ogrod Botaniczny, ul. Sienkiewicza 30-32, TORUN.
Status: University
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
No information available.
No. of taxa: Unknown
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: WARSAW
Founded: 1818
Garden Name: Warsaw University Botanic Garden
Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 WARSZAWA.
Status: University
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 450,000
Ex situ Collections:
Polish lowland flora, alpines, taxonomy collection, plant biology collection, medicinal plants, Polish woody cultivars. Maintains a seed bank with long-term storage capacity, containing 2,000 accessions representing 15 species (1994 figures).
No. of taxa: 6,000
Rare & Endangered plants: Yes, ostrich fern, Siberian iris, columbine.
Location: WARSAW
Founded: 1974
Garden Name: Ogród Botaniczny
Address: Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Powsin, ul. Prawdziwka 2, 02-937 WARSAW 34
Status: State
Herbarium: No
Ex situ Collections:
Secale, Lupinus, dwarf conifers, Hemerocallis, Iris, medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: 7,000
Rare & Endangered plants: Endemic species of Poland.
Special Conservation Collections: Endangered species of wild flora.
Location: WROCLAW
Founded: 1811
Garden Name: Ogród Botaniczny
Address: Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, ul. Sienkiewicza 23, 50-335 WROCLAW.
Status: University
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: Unknown
Ex situ Collections:
Aquatics, succulents, orchids, bromeliads, Iris, alpines, outdoor ornamentals, Rhododendron.
No. of taxa: 7,100
Rare & Endangered plants: Yes.
Special Conservation Collections: Native protected plants, collection of Cactaceae, some Cycadaceae etc.
Location: WROCLAW
Founded: 1947
Garden Name: Hortus Plantarum Medicinarum
Address: Academiae Medicae Vratislaviae, ul. Kochanowskiego 12, 51-601 WROCLAW.
Status: State
Herbarium: No.
Ex situ Collections:
Medicinal plants.
No. of taxa: 1,794
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: WROCLAW
Founded: 1880
Garden Name: Arboretum Wojslawice
Address: Muzeum Przyrodnicze, ul Sienkiewicza 23, 50-335 WROCLAW.
Status: University
Herbarium: No.
Ex situ Collections:
No. of taxa: Unknown
Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown
Location: ZAKOPANE
Founded: 1953
Garden Name: Raciborski Mountain Botanical Garden
Address: ul. Zborowskiego 1, 34-500 ZAKOPANE.
Status: State
Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 10,080
Ex situ Collections:
Saxifraga and Gentiana, fern collection, seed collection ca. 1,000 species.
No. of taxa: 610
Rare & Endangered plants: The garden has representatives of 65 species under protection (e.g. Crocus scepusiensis, Lilium martagon, Cypripedium calceolus) comprising 29% of all protected plant species in Poland. 25 endangered species exist in the garden (Pulsatilla slavica, Cochlearia tatrae, Saxifraga hirculus).
Special Conservation Collections: Rare and threatened mountain plant species. Peatbog plants (Drosera rotundifolia, Ledum palustre).