Questions by Valencia C (Zoran, Sayed, et al.) and Berkeley (Juliana Froggatt, Jeff Hoppes, Larissa Kelly, Paul Lujan, Ray Luo, and Seth Teitler) with some from Jason Thweatt, Eric Douglass, Roger Craig, & your genial QM

1.Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engel, and Adolph Fischer were executed for their alleged role. Louis Lingg committed suicide before his execution. Samuel Fielden and Michael Schwab had their sentences commuted to life in prison by Illinois governor Richard Ogelsby, and Fielden, Schwab, and Oscar Neebe were later pardoned by Ogelsby’s successor, John Altgeld – an act of conscience that ended Altgeld’s political career. The event occurred in the wake of a May 1866 protest over the deaths of four strikers at the McCormick Harvester plant. For 10 points, name the Chicago riot where a bomb thrown at policemen from a nearby building killed eleven people.

Answer:Haymarket Square riot

2.The rationalized value of it, is used in quantum-mechanical calculations by dividing it by 2 pi. It was discovered by a professor of physics at university of Berlin for which he received his 1918 Nobel. FTP name this constant with the units of Joules seconds, used to formulate the intensity of light of various frequencies emitted by a hot solid at different temperature.

Answer:Planck’s constant

3.The son of Capys and a descendant of the Trojan royal family, he was king of Dardania and legend has it that he founded Padua. Known for his six remarkable horses, which he acquired by secretly mating his mares with Laomedon’s stallions, he is more famous for having a tryst with Aphrodite after she appeared to him while he was tending sheep at Mount Ida. He made the mistake of bragging about this affair and was blinded by Zeus. Most famous for being carried out of the ruins of Troy by his son, FTP identify this father of Aeneas.

Answer: Anchises

4.Nellie Fox instructed this man to flap his arm while at bat as a timing mechanism. He played minor league ball in the Houston Colt ’45s organization before winning Rookie of the Year in 1965 with the renamed Astros. He had a record 7 straight All-Star games with a hit, played 92 consecutive games without an error, and finished his career in 1982 with the most home runs ever by a second baseman. Known to today’s youth for being an awful color analyst on ESPN, FTP identify this Cincinnati Reds great.

Answer: Joe Morgan

5.This composer’s first major attempt at composition came with “Das Klagende Lied” which he entered in a competition as an opera. During his life he held numerous conducting jobs, in European cities including Ljubljana in 1881. Later in his life his wife Alma had an affair with her future husband Walter Gropius. His small house on the Wörthersee is where he composed his symphonies 2 through 8. His tenth symphony was unfinished. FTP name this Austrian romantic composer of the “Das lied von der Erde”.

Answer:Gustav Mahler

6.One faction of this movement, the Ultraquists, itself divided into a New and Old sub factions, with the Old faction remaining loyal to the Catholic Church through the Compactata and the New faction joining the Lutherans under the Comfessio Bohemia. This movement’s other main faction, the Taborites, followed radical leaders such as John Zizka and Procopius the Great. The first significant attack against the authority of the Catholic Church, FTP identify this Bohemian and Moravian religious reform movement.

Answer: Hussites

7.Assembled from a double helical chain of globular proteins, it maintains the internal structure of microvilli and is responsible for cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopodic cellular extensions. Networks are formed by binding proteins like spectrin and ankyrin that interact with G actin units from multiple strands. The component of the cytoskeleton with the smallest diameter, FTP, name this strand of protein actin that changes cell shape and drives muscle action.

Answer: microfilament (accept before actin is mentioned: actin filament)

8.This author’s story collection Youth and the Bright Medusa included the much-anthologized “Paul’s Case,” which – like Lucy Gayheart and The Song of the Lark – reflected the struggle of a talented writer to escape stifling small-town convention. On the other hand, she bemoaned the passing of that small-town life and the frontier spirit in A Lost Lady and the Pulitzer-winning One of Ours. FTP name the author of Death Comes for the Archbishop and My Antonia.

Answer:Willa Cather

9.Imprisoned in the USSR in 1940 & 1941, he was wanted by the British for terrorist activities. He was responsible for the 1947 bombing of the King David Hotel and heavily involved in illegal arms shipments into Israel until the new nation’s Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, authorized gunfire to sink the smuggling ship Altalena. All this would surprise most modern observers, who know him as a Nobel Peace Prize winner and not as the former head of the militant Irgun. FTP name this late Prime Minister of Israel, who shared the 1978 Nobel with Anwar Sadat.

Answer:Menachem Begin

10.The first European to cross the forbidden waste was Diego de Almagro, in 1537. From then until the middle of the 19th century it was largely ignored, but with the discovery of the use of sodium nitrate as a fertilizer and later with the invention of smokeless powder using nitroglycerin, the desert had a mining boom. This led to the War of the Pacific, which left all of it in Chilean hands. FTP, name this desert in South America, the driest in the world.

Answer:Atacama Desert

11.His Tour thro’ the Whole Island of Great Britain, published in 1724, displayed an appreciation for the “busy and diligent” areas of textile trade while scorning the Lake District as “all barren and wild, of no use or advantage.” His poetic account of the true-born Englishman pronounced that title figure “in speech an irony, in fact a fiction.” FTP, name this author of A Journal of the Plague Year, Moll Flanders, and Robinson Crusoe.

Answer:Daniel Defoe

12.The van't Hoff equation for osmotic pressure reduces to this expression when the solvent is taken to be a vacuum. Fugacity is a temperature-dependent fudge factor used to make real systems obey this relation. Deviations due to long-range attractive forces and short-range repulsive forces are accounted for in the van der Waals equation of state. FTP, name this relation which states that pV equals nRT.

Answer: ideal gas law or equation or relation (accept: pV=nRT or pV=NkT before the end of the question)

13.His subject matter comes primarily from Chadd's Ford in the Brandywine Valley and the areas near Cushing, Maine. Known for works such as "Nicholas" and "The Trodden Weed," he received the Presidential Freedom Award in 1963, the first painter to be so honored. FTP, name this watercolor artist, best known for "Christina's World."

Answer:Andrew Wyeth

14.After being arrested, its namesake leader claimed immunity from prosecution as the rightful governor of his state, which wasn’t a baseless claim considering that he received 14,000 votes, twice as many as the charter government’s candidate Samuel King. However, the charter government received support from President Tyler and, in Luther v. Borden, the Supreme Court refused to hear its leader’s case. Doomed after a failed assault on the Providence Armory, FTP identify this 1841 revolt against the undemocratic political system of Rhode Island.

Answer: Dorr’s Rebellion

15. High school all-American Neely Crenshaw was probably the best quarterback ever to play for the legendary Messina Spartans. Fifteen years have gone by since those glory days, and Neely has come home to Messina to bury Coach Eddie Rake, the man who molded the Spartans into an unbeatable football dynasty. Now, as Coach Rake’s “boys” sit in the stadium waiting for the dimming field lights to signal his passing, they replay the old games, relive the old glories, and try to decide once and for all whether they love Eddie Rake – or hate him. FTP, name this book by John Grisham.


16.It is visible to the naked eye and has an angular area larger than that of the full moon. The central parts are extremely bright, and some stars can be embedded in the nebulosity. Because of the nebula’s large size, light from stars cannot illuminate all of the associated interstellar gas and dust. Thus, parts of it appear blacker than the surrounding sky. FTP, name this bright, diffused nebula in the southern constellation Sagittarius, cataloged as M8 or NGC 6526.

Answer:Lagoon Nebula

17.The first public performance of “God Save the Queen” – actually, at the time “King” -- was made to commemorate Admiral Edward Vernon’s success in this war. One of the key actions in this war was the attack by six ships on the silver exporting town of Porto Bello. It all started when The British Prime Minister, Robert Walpole, reluctantly declared war on October 23, 1739, to Spain. FTP name this war named after an “accessory” of the British captain of the ship Rebecca.

Answer:War of Jenkins’ Ear

18.It is divided into four sections, the last of which is the Videvdat, a detailed code of ritual purification. Apocryphal legend holds that its full text was destroyed by Alexander the Great when he conquered Persia. The oldest part is the Gathas, a collection hymns believed to be written by the big Z himself. FTP name this holy book of Zoroastrianism.

Answer:Avesta or Zend Avesta

19.Born in Basildon, he initially studied law, but illness forced him to work on his father’s farm. Part of a group that founded the Norfolk system, his greatest invention was inspired by an organ he had once dissembled. In his 1733 book, The Horse-Hoeing Husbandry, he advocated the use of manures, pulverizing the soil, and thorough tilling during the growing period. FTP, name this English agriculturist, the inventor of the seed drill.

Answer:Jethro Tull

20.An unlikely defender, Joseph Goebbels, helped blunt the harsh criticism this author received for his strong and explicitly stated pacifist beliefs. His early life was characterized with confusion and uncertanty, from which two divorces resulted, after which he settled with his third wife Ninin Dolbin in 1931. His first works like “Beneath the Wheel” exhibit neoromantic style; however, that would end with his realistic novel Rosshalde. Psychological treatment with a follower of Jung, would influence this author’s second stage works like Demian. FTP who is this Swiss author of Siddhartha and Steppenwolf?

Answer:Hermann Hesse

21.He was born in a small village called Tauresina (Taor) in Illyricum (near Skopje). Some of the writings assinged to him are “An edict on Origen’s Heterodoxies”, and “An edict on the Three Chapters”, probably from 551 AD. “Secret History” by Procopius was written about various scandals in his court. His decisions vere often seen as scandalous, an example of which is his passing of a law that would allow one to marry intersocially. FTP name this emperor who had Belisarius as his main war comander, and Theodora as his wife.

Answer:Justinian I

22.Discovered in late 1950’s in cosmic ray experiments, it is a hadron created through strong interactions but decay slowly. To explain its properties, a new quantum number was introduced. FTP name this particle which is namesake of the quantum number which is conserved in particle decay which involve strong interaction & electromagnetic interaction but not those involve the weak interaction.

Answer:Strange particle

23.This composer received his early musical training with the local musician Provesti. Later on, he held the post of assistant conductor for the Busseto Philharmonic. It was in this town where he created his first works “Luisa Miller”, and his first opera “Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio”. The “Manzoni Requiem” is an exception from this composer’s favorite, the opera. Some of his more famous operas are “Les Vepres Siciliennes”, and “Don Carlos” FTP, name this composer of such masterpieces like, “Otello”, and “Aida”

Answer:Giuseppe Verdi

24.After its victory at the battle of Eurymedon, members such as Naxos and Thasos unsuccessfully attempted to leave it. After its treasury was transported from its namesake island to the Acropolis, it had in effect become an Athenian empire and it was destroyed by Phillip II’s victory at the battle of Chaeronea. FTP identify this group of Greek city-states originally formed as a defensive alliance against Persia.

Answer: Delian League


Questions by Valencia C (Zoran, Sayed, et al.) and Berkeley (Juliana Froggatt, Jeff Hoppes, Larissa Kelly, Paul Lujan, Ray Luo, and Seth Teitler) with some from Jason Thweatt, Eric Douglass, Roger Craig, & your genial QM

1.Answer the following about a particular author FTPE:

While better known for novels, this man also wrote the poetry collections The Marble Faun and A Green Bough.

Answer:William Faulkner

This is the name of Faulkner’s mythical county in Mississippi.

Answer:Yoknapatawpha [be lenient on pronunciation]

This book centers on Thomas Sutpen as he tries to gain acceptance by southern aristocracy via a slave-driven empire.

Answer:Absalom, Absalom!

2.Name these moduli used to find different deformation for ten points each

A. Ratio of the pressure on a body to its fractional decrease in volume.

Answer:Bulk modulus

B. The tangential force per unit area divided by the angular deformation in radians.

Answer:Shear Modulus (accept rigidity)

C. Ratio of stress to strain

Answer:Young’s modulus

3.Given a condensed version of a decision involving schools, name the Supreme Court Case for ten points each

“Separate but equal” isn’t equal, so stop segregation with all deliberate speed.

Answer: Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

School prayer, even non-compulsory and fairly non-denominational, promotes religion and is thus unconstitutional

Answer: Engel v. Vitale

Principals are editors in Chiefs of High School News

Answer: Hazelwood v Des Moines School District

4.F5PE or 30 for all 5, given the following countries, name the capitals with something in common:

a) The Bahamas


a) Chad


c) Cyprus

Answer:Nicosia [accept Lefkosia]

d) Mauritania


e) Tonga


5.Name this romantic composers from their works FTPE.

a.Harold in Italy, Symphony Fantastique

Answer:Hector Berlioz

b.Capriccio Espagnol, The Tale of Tzar Saltan

Answer:Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov

c.Symphony Spring, Symphony Renish

Answer:Robert Schumann

6.Name these post WW II German chancellors FTPE, none of whom is Helmut Kohl or Gerhard Schröder.

a. He was the first chancellor to lead Germany after the “War”, he held this post untill 1963.

Answer:Konrad Adenauer

b. This Social Democrat won the 1971 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to improve relations with East Germany & the USSR.

Answer:Willy Brandt

c.Again this Social Democrat, succeded Willy Brandt, to be the last chancellor before the great Helmut Kohl.

Answer:Helmut Schmidt

7.For five points each and bonus 5 for all correct, given a sentence, tell if it describes DNA, RNA, both or neither.

[5] It contains uracil.


[5] Is present in HIV.


[5] It contains sulfur.


[5] Is present in ribosomes.


[5] Contains phosphorous.


8.On a 10-5 basis, name the music groups who sing these songs.

a) 10 pts.: “Tourniquet”, “Going Under”

5 pts.: “My Immortal”, “Bring Me to Life”

Answer: Evanescence

b) 10 pts.: “Hey Mama”

5 pts.: “Shut Up”, “Where Is the Love”

Answer: The Black Eyed Peas

c) 10 pts.: “Feeling This,” “I Miss You”

5 pts.: “All the Small Things”

Answer: Blink 182

9.Answer these questions about Othello FTPE.

A. The play opens in this city, which has engaged Othello to fight the Turks.


B. Desdemona’s doom is sealed when her maid Emilia steals this object and gives it to Iago.

Answer: her handkerchief (or napkin)

C. Iago accuses Desdemona of sleeping with this man, Othello’s lieutenant.

Answer:Michael Cassio

10.He is named by the pharaoh's daughter for she drew him out of the water. The son of a descendant of Levi, he was concealed for three months before being put in a basket among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. FTSNOP.

A. (5) Name this Biblical figure saved from the Egyptians.

Answer: Moses