TORs for the Teacher Training and SMC Training – CFICDP Project
Terms of Reference (TOR)
For Training of Teachers and SMC/PTC Consultancy on
(with special emphasis on Corporal Punishment, Child Friendly School Space relating to the relevant child protection laws, bills and treaties in project region and country
Location: Union council Haran and Batera, District Pallas, Khyber Pakhtounkhwa, Pakistan
Duration of the training: 3 working days in November 2017
Implementing Organization: Pak Mission Society
Target group:Government Primary School Teachers (Male and Female)
SMC/PTC members
Pak Mission Societyhas been implementing one-year education project for 20 government primary schools located in the selected union councils of Harran, Batera, of District Pallas, Khyber Pakhtounkhwa, Pakistan. The basic aim of the project is to ensure that targeted communities, especially children, enjoy positive learning environments in rehabilitated schools along with good health, being resilient to local hazards and are empowered to take a lead in the development process for livelihood restoration.
Part of the change in the educational reforms in the project requires that government primary school teachers and members of the school management committees equally participate with PMS to bring improvement in the school environment concerning the lives of the children. We believe in putting adequate resources and investment in training the teachers to bring positive changes in the lives of the children would be worth investing for the long run.
PMS developed project to motivate the community and train local teachers in child friendly teaching methods and transform schools where children can learn and adopt DRR techniques. The project is also contributing in community infrastructure and livelihood strengthening. The education arm of this project aims to improve access and quality of primary education in selected government primary schools in Pallas district of KPK province. The project will work with government primary school teachers in government primary schools to improve their skills and capacity in child-centered teaching techniques and the Joyful Learning approach through trainings, mentoring visits, and peer group work. PMS intend to organize a 3-day training for teachers and SMC/PTC in the covering the Joyful Learning approach and child-centered teaching methods with the involvement of other stakeholders.
Overview of the Consultancy:
PMS is looking for a consultant to deliver teachers’ training sessions on the Joyful Learning approach for the teachers and SMC/PTC members of 20 selected primary schools in the area of intervention. The consultant will review and combine the training resources, material pertinent to the relevant laws, best practices, keeping in view cultural norms and traditions to bring positive impact in the lives of the children through building the capacities of the teachers and SMC/PTC members. The consultant is expected to use an interactive, engaging training style based on the principles of adult education. To successfully complete this assignment, it is essential for the consultant to be fluent in his/her ability to readandwrite Pashto.
Training Methodology:
The training should be interactive and participatory based on adult learning principles. There should be a mix of lectures, exercises, group work, practical examples and practice in a controlled environment. The language for workshop materials and facilitation is desired to be Pashto.
Consultancy Objectives:
- To prepare for the teacher training and materials on Joyful Learning, and by coordinating with PMS staff in advance of the training regarding presentation style and training methodologies.
- To deliver a 3-day training on Joyful Learning for primary school teachers
- To submit a detailed narrative report on the training with his/her recommendations after completion of the training.
Specific Activities/Tasks to Be Carried Out:
- The PMS team will provide a detailed orientation of the consultancy assignment and expectations for training style and methodology.
- The consultant will be expected to share the resources and meet (in-person or Skype) with the project teamone week in advanceof the training to finalize the training resources and review the training plan.
- The consultant will be expected to incorporate PMS staff feedback to the draft training materials.
- The consultant will carry out the training per established training plan while using the defined resources.
- The consultant will spend one day post-training with staff from PMS and its partner to walk them through the facilitation guide developed and to provide guidance on replicating the training with other teachers.
- The consultant will have 5 days to prepare training materials, 3 days to facilitate the training and 1 day to provide training guidance to project staff.
- Training agenda outlining sessions and activities to be used
- Facilitation guide for trainers (including training agenda outlining sessions and activities within them as well as tips for trainers on how to lead each session)
- Packet of materials for teachers with information from the training for their reference and future use (e.g. summary of techniques, list and brief description of activities presented)
- Short (1-2 pages) monitoring tool such as a classroom observation checklist/form that PMS staff can use post-training to monitor and mentor teachers in the use of techniques addressed in the training
- Final report submitted to the PMS project team, including results from evaluation of teachers’ familiarity with the content pre- and post-training, consultant’s assessment of the success and relevance to the teachers of each training module, consultant’s assessment of teachers’ participation and potential to implement techniques taught, and feedback from participants at the end of the training (disaggregated by teacher and project staff)
Training Report Format:
Font type and size: Arial, 11
Spacing: 1.5
- Abbreviation (1 page)
- Acknowledgement (not more than 1 page)
- Executive Summary (not more than 1 page)
- Introduction of the project (half page paragraph)
- Introduction of the training (not more than 1 page)
- Training Methodology and approach(not more than 1 page)
- Day wise content coverage of the topics to be discussed
- Session objective
- Session details
- Scope of the training (not more than 1 page)
- Conclusion (not more than 1 page)
- Analysis of the pre and post feedback (Evaluation)
- Recommendations for future (1-2 page)
- Certificate distribution (responsibility of the trainer to print) with PMS and KNH logo
- Annexures
- List of participants (attendance sheet)
- Handout for participants
- Pre and post training assessment form
- Pictures of the training
- Training Schedule
- List of IEC material to be used during the training
Consultancy Specifications:
- The consultant must work from Besham during the period of the training.
- All materials developed during this consultancy will remain the property of PMS Pakistan. The consultant shall not reproduce these materials or documents in any way for distribution, press release, publicity or use as a publicly distributed material.
Application Process:
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted to submit all documents listed below:
- Detailed CV
- A cover letter highlighting:
- Relevant experience facilitating workshops of these contents/nature
- Relevant experience facilitating interactive workshops with adults
- Note on why they are the best candidate for this consultancy
- Proposed daily fee (Quotation should be inclusive of all applicable taxes)
- References from at least 2 recent teacher trainings
- Certificate of Bachelor ’s degree in Education (B.Ed.)
- Technical and financial proposals must be dispatched separately in the sealed envelopes highlighting the title of the consultancy assignment as “Training of Teachers and SMC”.
- The proposals must be addressed to the Admin and Logistics Manager.
- Any person who tries to influence the procurement process will automatically be disqualified from the selection process.
- The consultant will be compensated with a lump sum amount upon completing the teacher training and submitting all deliverables identified.
- The consultant will be responsible for his/her travel to Besham and his/her daily expenses like meals, accommodation and travel to the PMS Office in Besham. During the period of the training, food, travel from the PMS Office in Besham to the training location will be provided by PMS.
The total budget ranges for this assignment is from 200,000 to 250,000 PKR. The applicant must not exceed budget range. The tax will be deducted from the total consultancy cost as applicable by the government of Pakistan. The final payment would be made after satisfactorily completion of the training through cross cheque only. No advance payment shall be made. All the logistics cost would be the sole responsibility of the consultant. PMS would only provide travel from Besham (up and down) to target areas of the project and back to Besham.
Ethical and Child Protection Considerations
The consultant is expected to ensure ethical and child protection related consideration and compliance standards of PMS during the course of the assignment/consultancy.
Informed Consent and Voluntary Participation
- Recruitment of participants will be done only after describing the study procedures and obtaining informed consent. Participation will be voluntary and that non-participation would have no negative consequences in terms of access to programs or services.
- Confidentiality of participants will be maintained. This includes non-disclosure of participants' identity and the use of a non-identifying coding system to track and link study data.
- A debrief session at the end of the fieldwork will be held to provide initial feedback on findings and recommendations. This debrief will be used to guide the development of the final report.
Protection of children
- Children may never be affected negatively as a result of this assignment and their safety and protection is our primary responsibility.
- Child protection compliance standards of the PMS and must sign as well.
Application process:
The deadline for submitting both technical and financial proposal is November 20, 2017 at 10:00 AM sharp. All the sealed envelopes(financial and technical proposal) delayed than the deadline would be rejected. The applications can also be handed over on the office address. The name of consultant or firm should be mentioned on the envelope with clearly highlighted as “CFICDP Teacher and SMC Training 2017”. The address on which the proposals must be dispatched is mentioned below:
House No. 346, Street#33, Sector G-14/4, Islamabad. The proposals both sealed technical and financial must be dispatched separately highlighting the name of the applicant. The proposals must be addressed to the procurement manager of PMS. No other means for sending proposals would be entertained other than courier/postage or by hand at the office address.
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