Tornadoes Swim Team
•Fundraising-Helpstokeepmonthlyduesreasonable,andallteammembersbenefit.Allteamfundraisersareimportant,buttwoaremandatory–Swim-a-thon,andone other fundraiser during the year (to be named later).
•MandatoryBiannualParentMeetings(SeptandApril)-Atleastoneparentofeachswimteamfamilyisexpectedtoattend. A $50 fee is billed for any family that does not attend each meeting.
•ChangesinMembershipStatus-Parentsmustgive30-day advance written noticeiftheirswimmer(s)willtakealeaveofabsenceorresignfromtheteamviaanemailtotheHeadCoachandTreasurer. Leaveofabsencemaybeaslongas3months. If a swimmer is on leave for more than 3 months, a $35 re-joining fee is charged.
•At least 30-days advance written notice by the 15th of the month is required if swimmer(s) will be taking a leave of absence (hold) or discontinuing membership by emailing the Head Coach and Treasurer. Any notice received before the 15th will qualify for the following month to be prorated by ½, any notice after the 15th will require the entire month’s dues to be paid (not considered advance notice). Swimmers may take one leave of absence for up to 3 months during a 12-month period, however, all mandatory fundraising and parent club obligations must be fulfilled during this period. Leaves of absence that exceed 3 months require a new membership joining fee.
Annualjoiningfee / $150Rejoining fee / $35
MonthlyorQuarterlypayments(Jan-Mar,Apr- June,July-Sept, Oct-Dec)
We alsooffer a reducedfee forfamilies that have 3competitiveswimmers onthe team(3rd, 4th, 5thswimmersare each $45per month). / Swim Group: / Monthly: / Quarterly: / Equipment:
F1 / $65 / $180 / Fins,kickboard,water bottle
F2 / $90 / $255 / Fins,kickboard,snorkel, water bottle, hand paddles
F3 / $100 / $285 / Fins,kickboard,snorkel,waterbottle, hand paddles
F4 / $105 / $300 / Fins,kickboard,snorkel,waterbottle, hand paddles
F5 / $115 / $330 / Fins,kickboard,snorkel,waterbottle, hand paddles
•Whenbilledinadvancemeetfeesaretobepaidinfullpriortothemeet,otherwiseswimmerswillbeheldoutofnext meet.
•PleasewritecheckspayabletotheTornadoesSwimTeammailedtoP.O.Box61607,Vancouver,WA98666 or dropped off in the mail box at the YMCA.
•YMCAmembershipisrequiredforswimmer(s);the rateis$10permonthperswimmerbilledbyClark County Family YMCA.Rateisonlyvalidforcurrentteamswimmer(s).AllYMCApoliciesapplytoswimmer(s)andfamily.
•Theteamparticipates,onaverage,in2swimmeetsper month.Meetsarenotmandatory.
•Theteamdoes not have anautomaticsign-uppolicy.Allswimmerswill need to declare for meets they want to participate in. Please use the comments section of the swim meet declaration to notifytheifyourswimmerwillbeonlyable participateoncertaindaysofthemeet,priortotheannouncedmeetsign-updeadline.
•Absencesatmeetsduetoextenuatingcircumstances(e.g.funerals,lastminuteillnesses,etc)willbeconsideredexcusedabsencesonlyiftheswimmer’sfamilycontactstheCoachviacellphonepriortothestartofthemeet. Meet fees will still need to be paid regardless of the reason for absence. No-show, no-call swimmers will be billed a $10 fee.
•Forthemostuptodateinformation,pleasechecktheteam’swebsiteat about being a member on the Tornadoes Swim Team.
TornadoesSwimTeamCoachingStaffandBoard of Directors