Topics For Unit 2 Test

·  Levels of Organization

o  Cell differentiation and cell specialization

o  Stem cells

o  The nonliving and living levels of organization

·  Homeostasis

o  Negative and positive feedback

o  Different ways the body works to maintain homeostasis (ex. Vasodilation)

o  How each body system works to maintain homeostasis

·  Nervous System

o  Function of nervous and endocrine system

o  How they both communicate. Differences and similarities between them

o  Central and peripheral nervous system

o  Different parts of the neuron

o  How action potential and neurotransmitters work

o  The nervous system circuit: receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons in central nervous system, motor neurons, and effectors

o  Reflex arc

o  Reactions to stimuli and the different types of receptors (photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, etc)

·  Respiratory System

o  Main functions of the respiratory system

o  The pathway of the air into the body

o  Different parts of the respiratory system and the pathway of gases

o  Diffusion of gases! How does it work?

·  Circulatory System

o  Main functions of the circulatory system

o  Different parts of the circulatory system and what they do

o  Different parts of the heart and what they do

o  Types of blood vessels and what they do

o  Deoxygenated and oxygenated parts

o  The sinoatrial and atrioventricular node

o  The blood flow through the heart

o  The blood flow from body to heart to lungs to heart to body

o  Two main circuits

o  Different sizes of chambers and vessels

o  Blood types and how they work

·  Digestive System

o  Macromolecules, macronutrients, and micronutrients

o  Function of each macromolecule or nutrient

o  Differences between the different food groups (for example: unsaturated vs saturated)

o  How to read nutrition labels

o  Main functions of the digestive system

o  The pathway of the food and the accessory organs that help digest food. Know the actual digestion path and how the accessory organs assist in it.

o  Different parts of the digestive system

o  Different types of enzymes and what they break down

o  The different types of disruptions in homeostasis for digestion system

Nervous system: label the following: sensory neurons, effectors, stimuli, spinal cord, motor neurons, interneurons, receptors, reaction. Then describe what is happening in this diagram using all the words mentioned, plus add brain, peripheral nervous system, and central nervous system. Underline all the words you used in your paragraph.

Respiratory system: Label all the following numbers: 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 10, 11, and 6

Circulatory System: Label all the following except for #11. Color the parts of the heart BLUE that are deoxygenated and color the parts of the heart RED that are oxygenated. Think carefully before you color!

Write name of the structures that explains how blood flows through the heart. Start as oxygen-depleted blood that is about to enter the heart from the structure labeled 7 and 14.










Digestion System: Label the following parts of the digestive system.

Trace the path of how the food travels starting with mouth to anus. Include the 3 accessory organs and how they help break down the food into nutrients.